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Chapter 10 Eyewitness Testimony Talbot Kellogg Community College

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Presentation on theme: "Chapter 10 Eyewitness Testimony Talbot Kellogg Community College"— Presentation transcript:

1 Chapter 10 Eyewitness Testimony Talbot Kellogg Community College
Criminal Psychology Chapter 10 Eyewitness Testimony Talbot Kellogg Community College

2 The Importance of Eyewitnesses
What makes it important? What makes a good witness? Race Gender Age Availability to testify Ability to testify Witnesses’ assertion of good memory

3 Problems in Eyewitness Testimony (Visual Memory)
Memory Consolidation Priming Constructive Processing Misinformation Effect Redintegration

4 The role of the Psychologist
Applied Researcher/ Expert witness System variables – Estimator variables – Trainer/ Educator to the Criminal Justice System Police Consultant

5 Problematic Procedures
5 Problems.

6 Questioning Witnesses (Information Generation)
Problems The Goals of Law-enforcement.

7 How to Improve Memory

8 Use of Lineups/ Photo arrays
Suspect identification Identity Parade Photo Spread Benefits of Identity Parade Benefits of the Photo Spread

9 Common Errors

10 Proper Procedural Rules
Double - _________ Witnesses should be told that it is possible that the true perpetrator may ___________ and that the officer ___________ who the suspect might be. The suspect should not ______________. A clear statement should be taken from the ___________ at the time of the identification. Provide views of different suspects __________rather than _____________.

11 Expert Witness – What is reliable enough to testify about?
Box 10-4

12 Steps in the evaluative process
FBI’s Facial Identification Catalogue Identikit Holistic Process –

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