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1422 Pre- Diabetes and Undiagnosed HTN Measures

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Presentation on theme: "1422 Pre- Diabetes and Undiagnosed HTN Measures"— Presentation transcript:

1 1422 Pre- Diabetes and Undiagnosed HTN Measures

2 What is DRVS? Data Reporting and Visualization System (DRVS) is a reporting platform that collects data from each CHC nightly and uploads it into a reporting system. It is EMR agnostic.

3 Pre-Diabetes and Undiagnosed HTN Measures
Identify undiagnosed HTN and at- risk for DM population Measures support but don’t replace decision making Will need workflows and business decisions: Decision making Patient follow-up Linkage to care Getting started Break list into smaller groups Pilot workflows

4 Undiagnosed Hypertension

5 Undiagnosed Hypertension Definition
Undiagnosed HTN Endorser: CDC Percentage of patients age who do not have a hypertension diagnosis but had at least one Stage 2 HTN Blood Pressure reading or at least two Stage 1 HTN Blood Pressure readings in the last year. Numerator: Patients who had at least one Stage 2 Blood Pressure reading or at least two Stage 1 Blood Pressure readings in the last year. Two Stage 1 HTN BP’s at least 1 week apart (BP at last visit and one other visit during the year) Systolic >=140  and  < 160 mm Hg OR Diastoic >=90 and < 100 mm Hg            OR One Stage 2 HTN BP at any visit Systolic >=160 mm Hg  OR Diastolic >= 100 mm Hg Denominator: All patients age who do not have a hypertension diagnosis (including pregnant and CKD patients) and had a medical visits in the last 12 months. Medical Visit in the last 12 months Age 18-85 No active diagnosis of hypertension  Measures built as part of CDC funded Million Hearts project Note age range

6 Undiagnosed Hypertension

7 Undiagnosed Hypertension
Current results by provider, team or health center– 3% - 29%

8 Undiagnosed Hypertension
Patient level detail with data for decision making and outreach: Inactive Patient flag Exceptions (pregnancy, ESRD) Demographic, language and contact information Dates of last encounter, next appointment Dates with noted high Blood Pressures Show from xls sample Use list to support decision making and outreach according to center workflows

9 Undiagnosed HTN Detail
Example of patient detail – can be exported to Excel for analysis Demo Data 11/17/2018

10 Pre-Diabetes / High Risk for Diabetes

11 Pre-Diabetes / High Risk for Diabetes
Percentage of patients years of age who meet the clinical criteria for Pre-Diabetes. Denominator: All patients seen for at least one primary care visit in the measurement period (previous 12 month) who do not have a diagnosis of diabetes. Age 18-75 Without a diagnosis of diabetes (ICD-9: 249.* *; ICD-10: E08, E10, E11, E13) Qualifying primary care visit in the past 12 months Numerator: Patient meets the clinical criteria for Pre-Diabetes based on pre-diabetes diagnosis, hemoglobin A1c or fasting glucose test. Includes one of the following: Active diagnosis of Pre-Diabetes (ICD-9: , , , 277.7; ICD-10: R73.01, R73.02, R73.09, E88.81) OR Fasting Glucose result ≥ 100 and ≤ 125 mg/dl OR HbA1c ≥ 5.7 and ≤ 6.4% a Negative Retinal or dilated eye exam result in the past 24 months Exclusions: Pregnancy End Stage Renal Disease (ESRD) Measure built part of 1422 Grant (PWTF) Emerging standard Age Range

12 Pre-Diabetes / High Risk for Diabetes
Centers already coding for Pre-Diabetes appear much higher Centers need to confirm Fasting Glucose test mappings if using as diagnostic Current results comparison by provider, team or health center  – 9% - 42%

13 Pre-Diabetes / High Risk for Diabetes
Patient level detail with data for decision making and outreach: Inactive Patient flag Exceptions (pregnancy, ESRD) Demographic, contact and language information Dates of last encounter, next appointment Diagnosis of Pre-Diabetes Dates and results of A1c, Fasting Glucose labs Work from Sample file

14 Pre Diabetes Detail Demo Data
Example of patient detail – can be exported to Excel for analysis Demo Data 11/17/2018

15 Scorecard Report Asthma Scorecard Sample – Centers can have custom scorecards created to highlight priority areas – can add targets to all scorecard measures to goals and progress. 11/17/2018

16 Visit Planning Report Combines Registry & Preventative Care Alerts, by Provider, ordered by appointment, in one report. 1:25 PM l Friday, September 11, Visit Reason: Well Child Visit Gomez, Jose DOB: 11/23/ Gender: M Phone: PCP: Cranston, Bill MRN: Age: Risk Level: Moderate Language: Spanish Diagnoses_______________________ Alert ______________ _ Message_________ Most Recent Date _ __Most Recent Result Asthma Nutritional Counseling Missing Physical Activity Counseling Missing Risk Factors______________________ BMI Percentile Overdue 8/15/ OBS Asthma Severity Overdue 8/15/2014 3:45 PM l Friday, September 11, Visit Reason: Headaches Perkins, Sonja DOB: 3/18/ Gender: F Phone: PCP: Gunther, Eric MRN: Age: Risk Level: High Language: English Diagnoses_______________________ Alert ______________ _ Message_________ Most Recent Date _ __Most Recent Result DM, HTN, DEP, COPD Mammogram Missing Pap Smear Missing Risk Factors______________________ A1c Overdue 8/15/ SAD, SMIP BP Result out of Range 8/15/ /95 Eye Exam Missing Flu Missing Tobacco Status Missing LDL Overdue 5/15/ Demo Data

17 Change is hard Importance of senior leadership and other stakeholder support Work flow mapping QI structure PDSA cycles Who has responsibility for new processes? Project versus work - sustainable change mentality Small, measurable steps CHWs, non-english speakers, complexity of instructions, HIE

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