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CSE 332 Overview and Structure

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1 CSE 332 Overview and Structure
CSE 332 emphasizes studio-based active learning Introductory lecture material followed by hands-on exercises More time in guided exploration than in passive absorption Key insight: different people learn in different ways Our goal is to make many resources available to you Your goal should be to engage those resources actively Professor’s (and teaching assistant’s) role Emphasis on guidance, coaching, discussion Student’s role Emphasis on exploration, peer interaction, teamwork

2 C++ Language and Paradigms
The course focuses a lot on C++ But also on general programming issues it raises C++ is a multi-paradigm language Procedural programming with functions Object-oriented programming with classes Generic programming with templates, typedefs The course structure lets us explore these in parallel Comparison to C Adds higher-level features, keeps lower-level ones Comparison to Java Many similar ideas, but often with different nuances Gives a less abstract view of the underlying platform

3 How C++ Has Evolved C is a popular language for developing low-level systems software and applications E.g., operating systems like Linux However, it’s difficult to support type safe software reuse without inheritance, etc. E.g., for middleware frameworks like ACE Stroustrup designed C++ with classes/objects But kept procedural parts very similar to C Later, templates (generics) were added With which Stepanov, et al. developed the STL The C++11 and C++14 standards unified all this E.g., adding lambdas, type inference, move semantics

4 Approach We’ll Take in CSE 332
A key goal is to expand & refine your mental models For C++ mainly, but also for programming in general Notice and try out new ideas, share them, discuss them Challenge your understanding in as may ways as you can If you don’t remember every detail at first, that’s ok We’ll revisit concepts and techniques from different angles Try to refresh your memory early and often Apply what you learn, early and often, towards mastery We’ll work together to build understanding in stages First as a consumer of an approach (can you use it?) Then understanding it thoroughly (when can you use it?) Then as a contributor to the approach (can you expand it?)

5 Approach We’ll Take, Continued
We’ll talk about how/why the tools you’ll use work E.g., how new/delete operators are used by smart pointers Give insight into special cases when new tools are needed Throughout the course, the point is to learn by doing Mini-lectures and readings are intended as preparation Studio exercises build understanding and expertise Lab assignments ask you to apply what you’ve learned 10 years from now, the languages you use may differ I’ve worked in C++, C, Pascal, Java, and x86 assembly But your mastery of procedural/OO/generic ideas will help And, you’ll have a pretty solid grounding in C++ until then

6 Topic Areas Covered This Semester
C++ program basics Variables, types, control statements, development environments C++ functions Parameters, call stack, exceptions C++ memory Addressing, layout, management C++ classes Encapsulation, abstraction, inheritance polymorphism C++ generics Overloading, templates, interface polymorphism , associated types C++ STL Iterators, algorithms, containers, functors

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