The Possibilities of PrEP: Introduction

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Presentation on theme: "The Possibilities of PrEP: Introduction"— Presentation transcript:

1 The Possibilities of PrEP: Introduction


3 Preexposure Prophylaxis: Definition and Development

4 PrEP Efficacy Trials Containing Oral TDF

5 Effectiveness and Adherence in Trials of Oral and Topical Tenofovir-based Prevention

6 International PrEP Guidelines

7 International PrEP Guidelines (cont)

8 21 Countries Implementing Oral PrEP With TDF/FTC

9 Some Barriers to PrEP Implementation[a]

10 Implementation of PrEP

11 Populations Suitable for PrEP and Access to Treatment

12 PrEP as a Component of Various Prevention Initiatives

13 NHS England PrEP Implementation Trial

14 Adherence as a Crucial Component to PrEP

15 Concluding Remarks

16 Overview of Current Data on PrEP

17 Studies of PrEP: PROUD

18 Studies of PrEP: PROUD Results

19 Studies of PrEP: PROUD Inclusion Criteria and STI Rates

20 Studies of PrEP: PROUD Adherence

21 Studies of PrEP: IPERGAY Regimen

22 Studies of PrEP: IPERGAY Results

23 Studies of PrEP: IPERGAY Substudy in Infrequent Intercourse

24 PrEP Studies in Women

25 Future and Ongoing Trials, and Lessons to Date

26 Future Directions for PrEP Research

27 International AIDS Burden

28 PrEP and Adherence: A Meta-Analysis

29 TDF vs TAF

30 PrEP in Rectal vs Vaginal HIV Exposure

31 PrEP: Vaginal Topical Gel

32 Vaginal Ring PrEP: Results From ASPIRE

33 Injectable Cabotegravir: HPTN 083 Trial

34 Other PrEP Compounds: NNRTI and CCR5

35 Biodegradable Subcutaneous Implants

36 Concluding Remarks

37 Future Directions for PrEP Research

38 International AIDS Burden

39 PrEP and Adherence: A Meta-Analysis

40 TDF vs TAF

41 PrEP in Rectal vs Vaginal HIV Exposure

42 PrEP: Vaginal Topical Gel

43 Vaginal Ring PrEP: Results From ASPIRE

44 Injectable Cabotegravir: HPTN 083 Trial

45 Other PrEP Compounds: NNRTI and CCR5

46 Biodegradable Subcutaneous Implants

47 Concluding Remarks

48 The Possibilities of PrEP: Concluding Remarks

49 PrEP: Concluding Remarks

50 Abbreviations

51 Abbreviations (cont)

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