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DEVOTION _________________________________________________ True or False: What’s Mine is Mine DR. ROBERT L. ROSS “Christian stewardship always begins with.

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2 DEVOTION _________________________________________________ True or False: What’s Mine is Mine DR. ROBERT L. ROSS “Christian stewardship always begins with acknowledgement of God’s ownership and His abundant blessings.” In Luke 12:13-21, Jesus tells a story about a man who made such an assertion. The point of the parable is that personal ownership is a fragile and temporary arrangement at best and can be terminated by circumstance or death. In conclusion, Jesus asked: “Then whose shall these things be?” God is the owner of us and all that we have. The apostle Paul reminds us: “The God who made the world and everything in it is the Lord of heaven and earth … and in Him we live and move and exist” (Acts 17:24,28, HCSB). That which we claim comes from the hand of God. He has given us the health and skills to earn an income. “You may say to yourself, ‘My power and my own ability have gained this wealth for me,’ but remember that the Lord your God gives you the power to gain wealth in order to confirm His covenant” (Deuteronomy 8:17-18, HCSB). Christian stewardship always begins with acknowledgement of God’s ownership and abundant blessings. But it also requires accountability—what we do with what He has given us. In managing the resources entrusted to us, will we generously and faithfully give back a portion to advance His kingdom on earth?

3 DEVOTION _________________________________________________ True or False: Tithing, a New Testament Principle DR. ROBERT L. ROSS “Giving in response to the grace of God is always greater than what the Law requires.” The Pharisees were out to get Jesus. They tried to entrap Him with clever questions. They criticized Him for keeping company with sinners and tax collectors. They accused him of violating the Sabbath. They leveled the charge of blasphemy against Him because He claimed to be the Son of God. Yet never did they accuse Him of failing to observe the practice of tithing. Mark and Luke report that Jesus witnessed worshipers putting their offerings into the temple treasury. He noticed a widow who put in two copper coins of insignificant value and declared that her gift was the greatest because she gave all she had. Many times Jesus addressed practices of Old Testament legalism with a new and different perspective. However, there is no record in the New Testament where He ever revoked the Old Testament law that the tithe belongs to the Lord and is holy to Him. Quite the contrary, He commended tithing as a practice to be continued (see Matthew 23:23). The giving pattern of the New Testament church is consistent with the practice of giving a tenth and beyond as one prospers. Giving in response to the grace of God is always greater than what the Law requires.

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