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2015 Customer Satisfaction Survey - ReMCoDS

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1 2015 Customer Satisfaction Survey - ReMCoDS
April 2016

2 8 ReMCoDS Total Responses
Second Annual ReMCoDS survey for the Co-ordinated Market. 8 Reponses to the ReMCoDS 2015 Survey received, however 2 Responses were incomplete and were excluded from the overall results – a 17% response rate. Survey Period from March 2015 to March 2016. The Response rate for the ReMCoDS survey has not improved despite efforts to improve the response rate. 83% of Responses were from RoI Only Suppliers 16.7%% of Responses were from NI Only suppliers. ReMCoDS

3 Survey Synopsis 83% were generally satisfied with the Co-ordinated Market Operation (Q4) 100% were satisfied with the Co-ordinated Market Un-Planned Outage Management and Communication? (Q16) All respondents rated ReMCoDS role and involvement in recent workshops as Very Good or Good (Q11) 100% of respondents where satisfied with the Co-ordinated Assurance Strategy provided by ReMCoDS for the TUP / Schema Release. (Q12) Two comments for (Q13) The Schema Release 2015 & TUP are the first co-ordinated releases (acknowledged to be delivered) since Harmonisation in We are interested in feedback on the following:- IPT Preparation - Postponement of November 2015 IPT testing caused structural challenges for our organisation IPT Delivery Very good considering the complexity.

4 Survey Synopsis One comment to (Q14) Schema Release Planning and Assurance. – A full suite of Message Population Guidelines for further Schema releases would be useful. These Guidelines could also be packaged for operation and Market Assurance purposes and would help to reduce inputting errors and rejections. 100% of respondents scored:- 1) The service from ReMCoDS (Q6); 2) The quality of information and advice given (Q7) 3) Dealings with ReMCoDS in general (Q10) and 4) Being kept informed of Market Issues (Q9) as either Very Good or Good 83% of respondents answered (Q17) of the 83% - 33% Stating there are additional Items/ Information that could be added to the Outage page in order to optimize further 50% stated there are no additional Items/ Information that could be added.

5 Survey Synopsis 100% of respondents answered (Q22) of the 100% -
67% are aware that there are two Supplier representatives who attend the Co-Ordinated Steering Group 33% are not aware. 100% of Respondents are 100% satisfied with the Co-MMR Process provided by ReMCoDS(Q25) 100% of respondents who use the Co-ordinated specific pages on the RMDS Website (Q26): 50 % - Once a Month 16.7% - Once a week 16.7% - More than once a week 16.7% - Never

6 Q1: What type of Supplier are you?
Answered: 8 Skipped: 0

7 Q2: What Jurisdictional Markets do you operate in?
Answered: 8 Skipped: 0

8 Q3: Is the role of ReMCoDS clear to you?
Answered: 7 Skipped: 1

9 Q4: Are you generally satisfied with the operation of the Co-ordinated Market?
Answered: 7 Skipped: 1

10 Q5:Are there other activities you feel the Co-ordinated Design Service could assist or be involved in? Please feel free to respond in the text box below. Response: Regular workshops/training would be useful relating to; change management processes Retail Market Design Quality Assurance reviews

11 Q6: Please rate the service you get from the following:-
Answered: 6 Skipped: 2

12 Q7: How would you rate the quality of information and advice given by the ReMCoDS team?
Answered: 6 Skipped: 2

13 Q8: How satisfied are you with the Secretariat Function provided by ReMCoDS in terms of:-
Answered: 6 Skipped: 2

14 Q9: How would you rate the ReMCoDS Service in terms of keeping you informed of changes, issues and announcements? Answered: 6 Skipped: 2

15 Q10: How would you rate your dealings with the ReMCoDS team generally?
Answered: 6 Skipped: 2

16 Q11: How would you rate ReMCoDS role and expertise in the following Co-ordinated Market Design initiatives? Answered: 6 Skipped: 2

17 Q12: Where you satisfied with the Co-ordinated Assurance Strategy provided by ReMCoDS for the TUP / Schema Release? Answered: 6 Skipped: 2

18 IPT Delivery: Very good considering the complexity
Q13:The Schema Release 2015 & TUP are the first co-ordinated releases (acknowledged to be delivered) since Harmonisation in We are interested in feedback on the following:- Responses: IPT Preparation: Postponement of November 2015 IPT testing caused structural challenges for our organisation IPT Delivery: Very good considering the complexity

19 Q14:We would value any comments that would assist with further Schema Release Planning and Assurance. Response: A full suite of Message Population Guidelines for further Schema releases would be useful. These Guidelines could also be packaged for operation and Market Assurance purposes and would help to reduce inputting errors and rejections

20 Q15: Are you satisfied with Co-ordinated Market Planned Outage Management and Communication?
Answered: 6 Skipped: 2

21 Q16: Are you satisfied with Co-ordinated Market Un-Planned Outage Management and Communication?
Answered: 6 Skipped: 2

22 Q17: Are there any additional items/ information that could be added to the Outage page in order to optimize further? Answered: 5 Skipped: 3

23 Q18: Give us your rating for the following items related to the ReMCoWG Forum:-
Answered: 6 Skipped: 2

24 Q19: If you do not attend the ReMCoWG Forum Meetings we'd like to understand why. Is it because..
Answered: 6 Skipped: 2

25 Q20: Forum Preparation Answered: 6 Skipped: 2

26 Q21:If No, please detail below how much time you feel is appropriate to make your contribution and views more valuable thus speeding up the decision making process. No Responses

27 Q22: Are you aware that there are two Supplier representatives (one NI & one RoI) who attend the Co-Ordinated Steering Group to represent the Supplier group? Answered: 6 Skipped: 2

28 Q22: Are you aware that there are two Supplier representatives (one NI & one RoI) who attend the Co-Ordinated Steering Group to represent the Supplier group? Response: Would like to find out who the Supplier representatives are and their role in representing the Supplier Group. Would also like to clarify what exactly is the Supplier Group.

29 Q23:Have you any other comments you would like to advise us on with regard to the services provided by ReMCoDS?(Please note that if you provide details that identify you this will remove the ability to keep your previous answers anonymous). Response: The RMDS Website has a comprehensive reference section however it would be very beneficial to market participants and their staff if regular courses and training sessions were scheduled during the year, linked to providing a more in-depth understanding of the workings of the retail market

30 Q24: Please answer the following questions in relation to Market Design
Answered: 6 Skipped: 2

31 Q25: Are you satisfied with the Co-MMR process provided by RemCoDS?
Answered: 6 Skipped: 2

32 Q26: How often do you use the Co-ordinated specific pages on the RMDS Website (
Answered: 6 Skipped: 2

33 Q27: How would you rate the ease of navigation of the Website in terms of finding information easily? Answered: 6 Skipped: 2

34 Q28: How would you rate the Co-ordinated Market content on the Website?
Answered: 6 Skipped: 2

35 Q29: The RMDS website contains a substantial amount of Co-ordinated Market information. How easy do you find it to identify the exact documents and content you were searching for? Answered: 6 Skipped: 2

36 Q30:Have you any further comments on the Co-ordinated Market webpages
Q30:Have you any further comments on the Co-ordinated Market webpages? (Please note that if you provide details that identify you this will remove the ability to keep your previous answers anonymous). No Responses

37 Q31:Do you have any other comments, suggestions or feedback you would like to pass on to the ReMCoDS Team? No Responses

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