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The Anatomy of a Dispute and the physiology of fear

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Presentation on theme: "The Anatomy of a Dispute and the physiology of fear"— Presentation transcript:

1 The Anatomy of a Dispute and the physiology of fear
Bathabile K. S. Mthombeni, j.D.

2 The anatomy of A dispute And the physiology of fear
Strategies and techniques Use by choice when appropriate Require practice Useful when people get ugly about money

3 The anatomy of a dispute
Drawn from work of William Ury and Roger Fisher Getting to Yes Getting Past No Difficult Conversations

4 The anatomy of a dispute
The Orange

5 The Anatomy of a Dispute
P Position I Interest N Need Plus V Values E Emotions

6 The Physiology of fear Why do dogs bite?
Insert snarling dog picture here.

7 Drawn from work of Daniel Goleman: Emotional Intelligence
The Physiology of fear Drawn from work of Daniel Goleman: Emotional Intelligence

8 Why do people get ugly about money? Fear of Death
The physiology of fear Why do people get ugly about money? Fear of Death

9 The physiology of fear What is fear?
The physiological manifestation of a chemical process triggered by a stimulus perceived as likely to cause harm or death

10 The Amygdala: Core of the Limbic System
The physiology of fear The Amygdala: Core of the Limbic System Function To keep us safe Triggers chemical flood of stress hormones Adrenalin, norepinephrine, cortisol Fight, flight, freeze

The Physiology of Fear

12 The Physiology of fear The Amygdala Advantages Disadvantages
Super fast Remembers everything Disadvantages Super Fast Kinda stupid

13 The physiology of fear Amygdala Hijack Recognize the signs
Increased heart rate, dilated pupils, increased respiration, sweaty palms, panic Impossible to reason Amygdala cuts off pre-frontal cortex – seat of reason

14 Empathy: The Antidote to Fear
The Physiology of fear Empathy: The Antidote to Fear

The physiology of fear What is Empathy?

16 The antidote to fear It takes time to recover from an amygdala hijack
Use empathy to talk to the amygdala Remember your PIN+VE! Acknowledge and affirm what the individual is feeling and needing Avoid trying to reason with the individual See if the individual wants to take a break but stay with them

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