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Active Learning What? How? Why? Thank everyone for coming today

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Presentation on theme: "Active Learning What? How? Why? Thank everyone for coming today"— Presentation transcript:

1 Active Learning What? How? Why? Thank everyone for coming today
Not everything that you see today will be right for every teaching context (I’m “teaching” a class of 24 today), but we’d love to meet with you to talk about how you could modify what you see here for larger classes, for your specific content needs, classroom management issues, etc. All of today’s activities will all involve students talking to each other: but that’s not necessarily ALWAYS what “active learning” involves. Important to vary your strategies: don’t use the same thing every day. Please contact us to set up individual consultations or troubleshoot / brainstorm via . Mention the active learning “cook book” TK

2 Think | Pair | Share 3-Step Interview Vocabulary Sort Jigsaw Reading

3 Remember him? What was the major point that Eric Mazur makes in this clip? What were 2-3 major takeaways from watching this video for you? How do you define “active learning?” Image description: a screenshot of Eric Mazur discussing peer instruction.

4 3-Step Interview

5 3-Step Interview By yourself, answer the questions on your own card (you don’t need to write anything: just think). Don’t discuss your answers (yet!) Image description: a cartoon man thinking

6 3-Step Interview People with A cards, find people with B cards.
People with B cards, find people with A cards. “A’s” should interview “B’s” for 5 minutes. Image description: two cartoon figures talking to each other

7 B’s: interview A’s for 5 minutes.
3-Step Interview B’s: interview A’s for 5 minutes. Image description: two cartoon figures talking to each other

8 3-Step Interview A’s: Introduce your B partners to your table. Then, report back on what you learned during your interview with the B’s. Only A’s should be reporting right now on what B’s said. Image description: a group of cartoon people talking to each other.

9 3-Step Interview B’s: Introduce your A partners to your table. Then, report back on what you learned during your interview with the A’s. Only B’s should be reporting right now on what A’s said. Image description: a group of cartoon people talking to each other.

10 3-Step Interview Considerations:
A way to use blogging / Comment Press comments / journals without “formal” evaluation Pair with notecard attendance or “muddiest point / clearest point” Whole group feedback should be short and sweet! Monitor, and set time limits.

11 Structured Vocabulary Sort

12 I definitely know these (and can think of example).
I have no clue! I might know these... I definitely know these (and can think of example).

13 Word List: No clue! Maybe... Definitely! A “promising” syllabus
Flipped classroom Peer instruction Peer instruction “Curse of knowledge” Sage on the stage Transfer of information v. ‘sense-making’ Flipped classroom Formative v. summative assessment A “promising” syllabus

14 Word List: No clue! Maybe... Definitely! Peer instruction
“Curse of knowledge” Sage on the stage Transfer of information v. ‘sense-making’ Flipped classroom Formative v. summative assessment A “promising” syllabus

15 Structured Vocabulary Sort Considerations:
The right student typically convinces the wrong student of the right answer. Monitoring can be very helpful during this exercise. Monitoring is possible in a big class! Whole group feedback can be a bit more extensive.

16 Jigsaw Reading / Activity

17 Jigsaw Reading Most of you have an active learning tip that is DIFFERENT than everyone else’s at your table. Some of you have the same tip. Memorize your own tip, but don’t show it to anyone. Turn over your sheet and test yourself.

18 Choose a card from the middle of the table
Read the student problem out loud to your group. Does your tip help to solve the problem? (you can peek!) If it does, explain your tip to the group and how it might help. Image description: Someone choosing a card from a deck.

19 Additional Resources

20 Activity ideas (activity cookbook TK!) 2. Annotated bibliography 3. One-on-one consultations and 4. Presentation slides for THIS workshop

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