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Beowulf Vocabulary.

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Presentation on theme: "Beowulf Vocabulary."— Presentation transcript:

1 Beowulf Vocabulary

2 Resolute Firm determination; bold.

3 Vehemently A forceful energy; powerful

4 Infallible Incapable of error.

5 Furled To wrap around something

6 Lavish Marked by excess; extravagant.

7 Assail To attack violently.

8 Extolled To praise highly; glorify.

9 Epic A long narrative poem that recounts the deeds of a legendary hero.

10 Mead Fermented beverage like beer.

11 Reparation Making amends; paying for damages.

12 Solace To soothe.

13 Prow The projecting part (front) of a ship.

14 Shroud A burial garment.

15 Vex To bring distress; to irritate.

16 Reprisal Regaining of something; to pay back

17 Scabbard The sheath for a sword.

18 Hilt The handle of a sword.

19 Scop Charles Dickens An old English bard or poet.

20 Archetype A perfect example; prototype

21 Kenning In Anglo-Saxon poetry, a metaphorical phrase or compound
Word used to name a person, place, thing or even indirectly.

22 Alliteration The repetition of consonant sounds in words that are
close to one another.

23 Pagan A follower of a polytheistic religion; multiple gods.

24 Celts A group of tall blonde warriors who settled in Britain around the 4th c A.D.

25 Caesura A pause or break within a line of poetry; a midline caesura is a characteristic of Anglo-Saxon poetry; it divides the 4 beat line in half.

26 Anglo-Saxon Germanic tribes that conquered Britain around the 5th c A.D. and were the ruling class until the Norman Conquest in 1066.

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