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Prince’s Trust Achieve Programme.

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1 Prince’s Trust Achieve Programme

2 What is The Prince’s Trust?
The Prince’s Trust supports years old Our Programmes give young people the practical and financial support they need to stabilise their lives. We help develop key skills, confidence & motivation, enabling young people to move into work, education or training. The Prince’s Trust provide personal development opportunities to those with few or no qualifications, helping them to build their skills, confidence and motivation and move onto employment. To combat school related challenges such as truancy, exclusions and poor performance, The Prince’s Trust run Achieve clubs in over 500 schools and centres across the UK. The Achieve programme is one of 7 programmes run nationally.


4 What are The Prince’s Trust Achieve Clubs?
The Prince's Trust Achieve club is a personal development programme for young people aged 13 – 19. The Achieve programme helps young people with many different needs, helping them get back on track with education and develop the skills and confidence they need to reach a positive future. Achieve Clubs provide opportunities to work as a group on a range of different projects and achieve a qualification. The Prince’s Trust Achieve clubs provide young people with an informal space and the attention they need to learn skills and confidence as well as to form a sense of ownership over their work and own development. It targets young people who need some extra motivation and a new approach to help them get excited about learning again. Achieve aims to re-engage young people in education by ensuring learning becomes accessible, valid, relevant and attractive.

5 Results Achieve is designed to help young people improve:
Attainment: getting better results, reaching educational goals and working towards a qualification Attendance: getting motivated to attend school regularly Personal and social development: building confidence, teamwork skills and resilience Engagement with school: interacting better with teachers and peers and enjoying education


7 Activity An activity to explain the Achieve Programme in further detail. You will need: the Achieve Bingo script Achieve Bingo cards printed off – one per student Bingo pens (or normal pens) – one per student Prize for the first person to say “Bingo”

8 Profile Forms These enrol you onto the Achieve programme.
Your teacher will help you complete the forms. Please try to complete the form as fully as possible.   Please ask young people to fill in Profile forms Advice on how to fill them in can be found here:

9 Ground Rules It’s a good idea to get the whole group onboard and working to common aims. The ‘Ground Rules’ session plan on the Learning Hub is very helpful at this point

10 What are we going to do? Explain that they will not being doing all these units, but they will be concentrating on the Teamwork and Interpersonal and Self Management Units in order to gain an Award sized Personal Development and Employability Skills Qualification.

11 ADDED VALUE On Achieve, we offer opportunities young people might not
otherwise access, including some of the following: World of Work tours at major companies Sports coaching and competitions Arts enrichment opportunities Science, Technology, Engineering and Maths workshops Different added value opportunities are available in different parts of the UK. Your Achieve Programme Executive can give you information about corporate partners in your area who can provide World of Work tours and Corporate Volunteering workshops as well as opportunities to take part in sport and the arts. In the past, young people have participated in a tennis tournament with other clubs, had film-making workshops, learned about Money Management and Interview Skills from corporate volunteers and created their own apps.

12 Activity It’s good to get to know your group on a different level and for them to start sharing about themselves. You will need: One bag of Jelly babies (or other different coloured sweets) For each colour jelly baby you will need something that you would like to find out about e.g. Red Something that you are looking forward to doing on Achieve Yellow Something that scares you Pink A hobby out of school Green What you would like to do when you leave school Black Something you are proud of These are only suggestions – be as creative as you like. Pass the bag of sweets round the room and ask everyone to take one. Keep on passing until all the sweets have gone. Ask people NOT to eat any yet (they do not have to eat them at all if they do not like them). Then reveal the list above and ask each person to choose which colour they are going to talk about first. Keep going around the room until everyone has spoken about all their sweets (they can eat the sweet if they like when they have revealed the information about it).

13 Activity An activity to further get to know the group and to spark interesting debates. Would you rather? You will need: the Would you rather script some tape e.g. Masking tape or electrical tape


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