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CISC440 --- Final Review ---Miao Tang.

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Presentation on theme: "CISC440 --- Final Review ---Miao Tang."— Presentation transcript:

1 CISC Final Review ---Miao Tang

2 Time, location, notes Monday May 24 7:00PM-9:00PM KRB205
You can bring a A4 size note with you, both sides.

3 Any difference between midterm and final?
Much more emphasized on the materials covered after midterm (>80%) 4 questions in total: 20 pts for the each of first 2 questions 30 pts for the each of the last 2 questions

4 Ray Tracing You need to know the whole process
No implementation code questions But details about every step Intersection? Shadow? Complexity? Order of operations?

5 BSP Tree What is the BSP tree? What is it used for?
How to split? (draw it, number it) How to build the tree? Traversal after the tree is built?

6 Texture mapping What are the usual techniques? Topics:
Why we need them? Compare between them. Topics: Linear interpolation(problem and solution) Minification Magnification Mimaps Summed area table Environment map

7 GPU programming Basic concepts (pipeline, 4 types of qualifiers)
Fragment shader vs. Vertex shader Small

8 Shading Flat vs. Gouraud vs. Phong I am looking for details:
Normal? Color? Vertex? Interpolation? Compare them Big formular: Clear about every coefficient What if I change some of the coefficents

9 Combining question GPU programming on some technique(like texture mapping, shading) Texture mapping within ray tracing BSP tree applications

10 Only for Grads Including all the topics for undergrads Plus:
About 30% of the questions are mathematical deduction Mathematical analysis on given picture or effects Environment mapping

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