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By Georgia.

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1 By Georgia

2 The great barrier reef is one of the most popular reef systems in the world, it is so big that it can be seen by astronauts in space. It is so popular that it gets more than 22 million visitors a year. The Great Barrier Reef has lots of species of animals.

3 Location and features The Great Barrier Reef is located in Australia in Queensland. The feachers are coral, lots of species of fish, scuba diving, different species of other sea creatures, lots of different plants and much more other things.

4 ANIMALS AND PLANTS There are lots of sea creatures apart from just fish. There is also coral and seaweed and much more other things. Over 1500 species of fish live in the great barrier reef including star fish, there are even sea urchins and lots of turtles. The oldest coral in the great barrier reef is about 1,000 years old. The coral grows 1 centimeter every year in height. There are 1400 types of coral. there are 14 species of sea snakes, 133 species of sharks and rays, and there are more than 3000 species of shells in the in the great barrier reef.

5 The Angel fish The angel fish can live up to 15 years. There are two types of angelfish, fresh water and Marine. The angelfish is a very intelligent fish because if you have them as a pet, they can recognise their owner. Some people call the angelfish the silver angel. The fresh water angelfish is a triangle shape, this is because it helps them hide from predators. The angelfish has a very long dorsal fin and long anal fins. fresh water angelfish love to feed on insects, brim, shrimp and bloodworms. Most angelfish have red eyes. The angelfish is very thin and slippery so it can slip through plants so it can escape from being attacked. Their stripes are there to help them hide, not one angelfish has the same pattern. They are about six inches wide and about ten to twelve inches tall.

6 RED ALGAE One Of the most beautiful plants on the sea shore is red algae. Red algae looks like a plant, but actually belongs to a group of living things called The Protist. The colour of this algae is normally is red, brown or dark green, but in very bright sunlight it turns into a yellow colour. Red algae was used for food and medicines. This algae is also known as sea vegetables. Red algae has to go through about 7 stages to be fully developed.

7 NATURAL DISASTERS There are getting more and more threats to the great barrier reef.The great barrier reef is getting polluted by people on tours. Some people are trying to save the great barrier reef from being destroyed. The coral in the great barrier reef is dying away. There are lots of ways that people have been polluting the great barrier reef. Sea urchins have been feeding on the coral. All the pollution is killing all the life in the sea. Sea urchins feed on the coral on the great barrier reef which makes there be less and less coral. There are groups of people that try to save the great barrier reef and have been trying to kill the sea urchins by giving them an injunction so that they can stop feeding on the coral.

8 CLIMATE AND WEATHER The weather in the great barrier is mostly mild and sunny, this weather is mostly the same all year. The dry season or also known as Winter in the great barrier reef starts from May and ends in October offering lots of sunshine and fresh breezes. The wet season or also known as summer begins in November and ends in April the temperature in the great barrier reef is about 23 degrees cel. a


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