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BELLWORK: 10/26 Read pages 28-29 about strategies/tactics in the Algerian War and answer the following: List two goals of the FLN. What strategies did.

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Presentation on theme: "BELLWORK: 10/26 Read pages 28-29 about strategies/tactics in the Algerian War and answer the following: List two goals of the FLN. What strategies did."— Presentation transcript:

1 BELLWORK: 10/26 Read pages about strategies/tactics in the Algerian War and answer the following: List two goals of the FLN. What strategies did the FLN use to accomplish these goals? List two goals of the French in Algeria. What strategies did the French use to accomplish these goals? THINKER: In your opinion, who do you think had a greater advantage at the outbreak of war – the FLN or France? Why? Explain!

2 Advantages/ Strengths Disadvantage/ Weaknesses
The FLN The French Advantages/ Strengths Disadvantage/ Weaknesses Goals Strategies

3 Strategies/Goals Guerrilla Warfare Torture War of retaliation
Foreign Aide

4 FLN National Liberation Front
Socialist Nationalist political party in Algeria (started in Cairo) Merged with several smaller groups & radicalized post-WWII The FLN's armed wing was the Armée de Libération nationale (ALN). Relied heavily on civilian support Why did they adopt guerrilla tactics?

5 FLN & Guerrilla Warfare
By 1957, FLN evolved into a disciplined fighting force of 40,000 Applied hit-and-run tactics Originally aimed at military/police targets Eventually became a terror campaign against anyone deemed to support French authority Pieds-Noirs farms, factories, businesses, transport, communication Heavily populated French urban areas Moderate Muslims (7,000/2yrs) Harkis

6 FLN & GuerRilla Warfare
Used assortment of hunting rifles and discarded French, German, and American WWII weapons Specialized in ambushes and night raids and avoiding direct contact with superior French firepower Targeted army patrols, military encampments, police posts, and colonial farms, mines, and factories, as well as transportation and communications facilities. Kidnapping was commonplace, as were the ritual murder and mutilation of civilians. France responded with a counter-terror campaign More than half of FLN troops were organized and stationed in Moroccan and Tunisian sanctuaries

7 How did the FLN organize themselves?

8 Women’s roles in the FLN


10 French Support Colons or Pieds-Noirs Harkis
Organisation de l'armée secrète – OAS What were the OAS used for?

11 HOMEWORK: DUE MONDAY! Study for your map quiz!

12 BELLWORK: 10/31 Summarize the concept of collective responsibility. How did this impact war strategy? How were helicopters used as part of French war strategy? Why did the FLN move their guerrilla attacks to the cities? To what extent was this change in strategy successful? THINKER: How did the FLN gain international support? What international aide was offered to them? Why would foreign countries support the FLN when their brutal methods/tactics were public knowledge?

13 Fighting Tactics: Collective Responsibility
Guerrilla Warfare Torture War of retaliation Foreign Aide Civilian Targets

14 Use of Torture Resulted in acts of kidnapping, murder, rape, torture & violence against all How did the French respond? Henri Alleg's book detailed the various torture methods, among which the famous gégène, an electricity generator initially used for telephone purposes Sleep deprivation & food deprivation (blatant violation of the Geneva Conventions) The French military also buried men alive & did mass executions Decapitations and throat slitting Policy of “collective responsibility”

15 Use of Torture "The interrogations are done in accordance with the provisional guide of the intelligence agent (Guide provisoire de l'officier de renseignement, OR), chapter IV: first, the officer questions the prisoner in the "traditional" manner, hitting him with fist and kicking him. Then follows torture: hanging..., water torture..., electricity..., burning (using cigarettes, etc.)... Cases of prisoners who were driven insane were frequent... Between interrogation sessions, the suspects are imprisoned without food in cells, some of which were small enough to impede lying down. We must point out that some of them were very young teenagers and others old men of 75, 80 years or more”

16 How were helicopters used as part of French war strategy?

17 Review: Why did the FLN move their guerrilla attacks to the cities
Review: Why did the FLN move their guerrilla attacks to the cities? To what extent was this change in strategy successful?

18 Role of the Media

19 THINKER: How did the FLN gain international support
THINKER: How did the FLN gain international support? What international aide was offered to them? Why would foreign countries support the FLN when their brutal methods/tactics were public knowledge?

20 International Support
Why was it vital for the FLN to receive international support? How did the media play a role in this? To increase international and domestic French attention to their struggle, the FLN decided to bring the conflict to the cities The Battle of Algiers (September 30, 1956) began when three women, simultaneously placed bombs at three sites French Army was instructed to use whatever methods necessary to restore order The publicity given to the brutal methods created doubt in France about its role in Algeria. What was originally "pacification" or a "public order operation" had turned into a colonial war accompanied by torture. FLN achieved their goal! They received media attention for their cause and international aide. French Soldier killing fleeing Algerian while journalists were present

21 Advantages/ Strengths Disadvantage/ Weaknesses
The FLN The French Advantages/ Strengths Disadvantage/ Weaknesses Goals Strategies

22 Political Effects for France

23 Charles De Gaulle How did the conflict in Algeria change once de Gaulle was appointed as the new leader of France? How did pieds-noirs respond to this?

24 OAS What was the OAS? What were they used for in Algeria?
Were they successful? Why or why not?

25 Barricades Week


27 Operations review With a partner, you will review over the major operations of the Algerian War. As you discuss, complete the back side of the pink worksheet.

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