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The Great Wall of China By Priya Patel.

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1 The Great Wall of China By Priya Patel

2 General Info The Great Wall of China is the longest structure humans made entirely by hand. It was built over 2,000 years ago. The Great Wall of China starts in the eastern part of China and extends all the way to the western part of China. It is 3,900 miles long.

3 Who built it? Emperor Shi Huangdi built a great wall by putting new walls with old ones. It wall called the Qin Wall. The Great Wall started in the Qin dynasty then lasted till the Ming dynasty so the Great Wall of China took 4 dynasties to complete. More than 1 million workers such as peasants, criminals, unemployed electorals, and disgraced nobles built the Great Wall. Over 1 million workers died during the process of the great wall.

4 Why did they build the wall?
The purpose of building the great wall of china is to keep enemies out of their land. To keep themselves safe.

5 How was it built? They mostly used bricks and stone but the wall entered the desert so they had to use packed soil and twigs. During the first two dynasties, the wall was built from rammed earth. By the last dynasty, the wall was constructed from stone and brick.

6 Today’s Great Wall Most of the wall right now was built in the late 1400s. The Great Wall of China is one of the seven wonders of the world. Today the great wall is a tourist attraction unlike its first purpose during its creation.

7 Extra Facts The Great Wall of China was the only man-made structure that could be seen on the moon but now it is just a myth. Emperor Shi Huangdi (259 BC – 210 BC)was the first emperor of China and found the Qin dynasty. The Great Wall of China symbolizes peace, prosperity, and harmony.

8 The Great Wall In this picture it shows that the great wall is very long because you can see till the back where the sky is.

9 The Great Wall of China Tourists come from all over the world to see the Great Wall of China. They appreciate the history that the Great Wall of China has retained for these thousands of years.

10 Everyone should see the great wall OF china at least once in their life time

11 Thank You !

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