Federal vs. State Government ( )

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1 Federal vs. State Government (1780-1860)
Mrs. Housenick US History 9/13/12

2 Powers of Federal and State Governments
Watch video. Think about why government separated powers between state and federal government in the way that it did.


4 Pair Share With your table partner, think of an example where the powers of the state and federal government might clash. EX: State allows gay marriage, federal government dislikes

5 Early Growth of Federal Government
After writing of Constitution in 1787, federal government grew in power over states. Supreme Court--increased power of federal government through cases of John Marshall. Established Supreme Court’s right to judicial review--to decide whether laws are constitutional and to strike down those that are not. All of the cases decided by Marshall decreased the power of the states!

6 The Rise of States Rights
Early 1800s--increasing conflict between northern and southern states. 1828--Congress passed a new tariff--tax on any imported product, protects American manufactured goods from foreign competition. Southerners didn’t want to pay because they didn’t benefit from it. Their farm goods weren’t protected by tariff.

7 Nullification Crisis Southern states lead by South Carolina said they had the right to nullify (declare invalid) any federal law they didn’t want to follow. President Jackson almost sent troops to the South to make them pay tariff. Crisis finally ended with compromise tariff, but states righters still frustrated.

8 The Debate Over Slavery
Southern states felt it was their right to have slaves, ignored federal laws trying to stop spread of slavery. Northern states ignored federal laws too Fugitive Slave Law--would have made Northerners return runaway slaves to South. Most Northerners refused. Southern states will use states rights argument when secede from union in 1860.

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