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Sports Medicine Cryotherapy.

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1 Sports Medicine Cryotherapy

2 Discussion Scenario An athlete comes to the training room with shin splints. She asks for ice, and wants to know which method is best for her condition: ice massage, ice pack or cold whirlpool. Which method would you recommend? Why? Be ready to share your answer with the class.

3 Objectives Review the physiological effects of cold
Explain the indications and contraindications of using cold Discuss the advantages and disadvantages of cold modalities

4 Terminology _____________________: using a source of cold for treatment

5 Physiological Effects of Cold
Decreased ______________________ Decreased metabolism Decreased tissue extensibility Increased joint stiffness

6 Indications for Cryotherapy

7 Contraindications for Cryotherapy
___________________________________ Open wounds Cardiovascular problems Respiratory problems Diabetes or peripheral vascular disease Infection

8 Cold Whirlpool What it is:
Container filled with ice & water at _____ to _______ Cooling occurs with water movement Where it’s used: Treating an injured extremity Advantages: Effective cooling in ____________________ Can treat _________ areas Disadvantages: Can’t be transported Requires prep time Constant supervision

9 Ice Massage What it is: Water frozen in a cup; the top of the cup is peeled away and the exposed ice is rubbed over the area Where it’s used: Over _______________ treatment areas (tendon, bursa, muscle belly, etc.) Advantages: Short treatment time (_____________ minutes) Cheap (cup + water) Athlete can _____________________ Disadvantages: Only effective on small areas Can be messy

10 Ice Bag What it is: Crushed ice tied in a plastic bag Where it’s used:
Any body part, especially after acute injuries Advantages: Molds to the body part/treat large areas Cheap (plastic bag) after investment of ice machine Transportable Disadvantages: Requires longer treatment times (__________ minutes)

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