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Energy Expenditure and Fatigue

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1 Energy Expenditure and Fatigue
Chapter 5 Energy Expenditure and Fatigue

2 Measuring Energy Expenditure: Direct Calorimetry
Substrate metabolism efficiency 40% of substrate energy  ATP 60% of substrate energy  heat Heat production increases with energy production Can be measured in a calorimeter Water flows through walls Body temperature increases water temperature

3 Figure 5.1

4 Figure 5.2a

5 Measuring Energy Expenditure: Respiratory Exchange Ratio
O2 usage during metabolism depends on type of fuel being oxidized More carbon atoms in molecule = more O2 needed Glucose (C6H12O6) < palmitic acid (C16H32O2) Respiratory exchange ratio (RER) Ratio between rates of CO2 production, O2 usage RER = VCO2/VO2

6 Measuring Energy Expenditure: Respiratory Exchange Ratio
RER for 1 molecule glucose = 1.0 6 O2 + C6H12O6  6 CO2 + 6 H2O + 32 ATP RER = VCO2/VO2 = 6 CO2/6 O2 = 1.0 RER for 1 molecule palmitic acid = 0.70 23 O2 + C16H32O2  16 CO H2O ATP RER = VCO2/VO2 = 16 CO2/23 O2 = 0.70 Predicts substrate use, kilocalories/O2 efficiency

7 Table 5.1

8 Energy Expenditure at Rest and During Exercise
Metabolic rate: rate of energy use by body Based on whole-body O2 consumption and corresponding caloric equivalent At rest, RER ~0.80, VO2 ~0.3 L/min At rest, metabolic rate ~2,000 kcal/day

9 Figure 5.3

10 Figure 5.4

11 Energy Expenditure During Maximal Aerobic Exercise
VO2max expressed in L/min Easy standard units Suitable for non-weight-bearing activities VO2max normalized for body weight ml O2  kg-1  min-1 More accurate comparison for different body sizes Untrained young men: 44 to 50 versus untrained young women: 38 to 42 Sex difference due to women’s lower FFM and hemoglobin

12 Anaerobic Energy Expenditure: Postexercise O2 Consumption
O2 demand > O2 consumed in early exercise Body incurs O2 deficit O2 required − O2 consumed Occurs when anaerobic pathways used for ATP production O2 consumed > O2 demand in early recovery Excess postexercise O2 consumption (EPOC) Replenishes ATP/PCr stores, converts lactate to glycogen, replenishes hemo/myoglobin, clears CO2

13 Figure 5.5

14 Anaerobic Energy Expenditure: Lactate Threshold
Lactate threshold: point at which blood lactate accumulation  markedly Lactate production rate > lactate clearance rate Interaction of aerobic and anaerobic systems Good indicator of potential for endurance exercise Usually expressed as percentage of VO2max

15 Figure 5.6

16 Anaerobic Energy Expenditure: Lactate Threshold
Lactate accumulation  fatigue Ability to exercise hard without accumulating lactate beneficial to athletic performance Higher lactate threshold = higher sustained exercise intensity = better endurance performance For two athletes with same VO2max, higher lactate threshold predicts better performance

17 Measuring Anaerobic Capacity
No clear, V̇O2max-like method for measuring anaerobic capacity Imperfect but accepted methods Maximal accumulated O2 deficit Wingate anaerobic test Critical power test

18 Energy Expenditure During Exercise: Economy of Effort
As athletes become more skilled, use less energy for given pace Independent of VO2max Body learns energy economy with practice Multifactorial phenomenon Economy  with distance of race Practice  better economy of movement (form) Varies with type of exercise (running vs. swimming)

19 Figure 5.7

20 Energy Expenditure: Successful Endurance Athletes
1. High VO2max 2. High lactate threshold (as % VO2max) 3. High economy of effort 4. High percentage of type I muscle fibers

21 Fatigue and Its Causes Fatigue: two definitions Reversible by rest
Decrements in muscular performance with continued effort, accompanied by sensations of tiredness Inability to maintain required power output to continue muscular work at given intensity Reversible by rest

22 Fatigue and Its Causes Complex phenomenon
Type, intensity of exercise Muscle fiber type Training status, diet Four major causes (synergistic?) Inadequate energy delivery/metabolism Accumulation of metabolic by-products Failure of muscle contractile mechanism Altered neural control of muscle contraction

23 Fatigue and Its Causes: Energy Systems—PCr Depletion
PCr depletion coincides with fatigue PCr used for short-term, high-intensity effort PCr depletes more quickly than total ATP Pi accumulation may be potential cause Pacing helps defer PCr depletion

24 Fatigue and Its Causes: Energy Systems—Glycogen Depletion
Glycogen reserves limited and deplete quickly Depletion correlated with fatigue Related to total glycogen depletion Unrelated to rate of glycogen depletion Depletes more quickly with high intensity Depletes more quickly during first few minutes of exercise versus later stages

25 Fatigue and Its Causes: Energy Systems—Glycogen Depletion
Fiber type and recruitment patterns Fibers recruited first or most frequently deplete fastest Type I fibers depleted after moderate endurance exercise Recruitment depends on exercise intensity Type I fibers recruit first (light/moderate intensity) Type IIa fibers recruit next (moderate/high intensity) Type IIx fibers recruit last (maximal intensity)

26 Fatigue and Its Causes: Energy Systems—Glycogen Depletion
Depletion in different muscle groups Activity-specific muscles deplete fastest Recruited earliest and longest for given task Depletion and blood glucose Muscle glycogen insufficient for prolonged exercise Liver glycogen  glucose into blood As muscle glycogen , liver glycogenolysis  Muscle glycogen depletion + hypoglycemia = fatigue

27 Fatigue and Its Causes: Energy Systems—Glycogen Depletion
Certain rate of muscle glycogenolysis required to maintain NADH production in Krebs cycle Electron transport chain activity No glycogen = inhibited substrate oxidation With glycogen depletion, FFA metabolism  But FFA oxidation too slow, may be unable to supply sufficient ATP for given intensity

28 Fatigue and Its Causes: Metabolic By-Products
Pi: From rapid breakdown of PCr, ATP Heat: Retained by body, core temperature  Lactic acid: Product of anaerobic glycolysis H+ Lactic acid  lactate + H+

29 Fatigue and Its Causes: Metabolic By-Products
Heat alters metabolic rate –  Rate of carbohydrate utilization Hastens glycogen depletion High muscle temperature may impair muscle function Time to fatigue changes with ambient temperature 11°C: time to exhaustion longest 31°C: time to exhaustion shortest Muscle precooling prolongs exercise

30 Fatigue and Its Causes: Metabolic By-Products
Lactic acid accumulates during brief, high-intensity exercise If not cleared immediately, converts to lactate + H+ H+ accumulation causes  muscle pH (acidosis) Buffers help muscle pH but not enough Buffers minimize drop in pH (7.1 to 6.5, not to 1.5) Cells therefore survive but don’t function well pH <6.9 inhibits glycolytic enzymes, ATP synthesis pH = 6.4 prevents further glycogen breakdown

31 Fatigue and Its Causes: Lactic Acid Not All Bad
May be beneficial during exercise Accumulation can bring on fatigue But if production = clearance, not fatiguing Serves as source of fuel Directly oxidized by type I fiber mitochondria Shuttled from type II fibers to type I for oxidation Converted to glucose via gluconeogenesis (liver)

32 Fatigue and Its Causes: Neural Transmission
Failure may occur at neuromuscular junction, preventing muscle activation Possible causes –  ACh synthesis and release Altered ACh breakdown in synapse Increase in muscle fiber stimulus threshold Altered muscle resting membrane potential Fatigue may inhibit Ca2+ release from SR

33 Fatigue and Its Causes: Central Nervous System
CNS undoubtedly plays role in fatigue but not fully understood yet Fiber recruitment has conscious aspect Stress of exhaustive exercise may be too much Subconscious or conscious unwillingness to endure more pain Discomfort of fatigue = warning sign Elite athletes learn proper pacing, tolerate fatigue

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