Jessica Tagerman, PharmD

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Presentation on theme: "Jessica Tagerman, PharmD"— Presentation transcript:

1 Jessica Tagerman, PharmD
Baxter Family Feud! Jessica Tagerman, PharmD

2 ii tabs po daily Take 2 tablets by mouth daily

3 i cap po TID prn pain Take 1 capsule by mouth three times a day as needed for pain

4 Take 1 tab po q6h prn pain Take 1 tablet by mouth every 6 hours as needed for pain

5 1 gtt AD TID x 10 days Instill 1 drop in the right ear three times a day for 10 days

6 1 gtt ou q4h x 3d Instill 1 drop into both eyes every 4 hours for 3 days

7 Apply crm top to aa qid prn itchiness
Apply cream topically to the affected area four times a day as needed for itchiness

8 Give 5 mL via ng tube day Give 5 mL via nasogastric tube every day

9 Take 1 tab po qod prn LE swelling
Take 1 tablet by mouth every other day as needed for lower extremity swelling

10 Give 50 mcg IVP q5 min prn agitation
Give 50 mcg via intravenous push every 5 minutes as needed for agitation

11 Use 1 sup pr qd prn constipation
Use 1 suppository per rectum every day as needed for constipation (Unwrap & Insert 1 suppository…)

12 Inhale 2 puffs via MDI bid qam and hs
Inhale 2 puffs via metered dose inhaler twice a day (in the morning and at bedtime)

13 Inject 10 u SQ ac Inject 10 units subcutaneously before meals

14 Give ss tbsp. susp stat Give ½ of a tablespoon of suspension immediately

15 Give 5 ml sol. stat, then 5 mL qd x 4d
Give 6 mL of solution immediately, then give 5 mL every day for the next 4 days

16 Take 5 tabs po daily x 5 days, then 4 tabs po daily x 5 days, then 3 tabs po daily x 5 days, then 2 tabs po daily x 5 days, then 1 tab po daily x 5 days. Take 5 tablets by mouth daily for 5 days, then Take 4 tablets by mouth daily for 5 days, then Take 3 tablets by mouth daily for 5 days, then Take 2 tablets by mouth daily for 5 days, then Take 1 tablet by mouth daily for 5 days

17 2 tabs sl q5min x 3 doses prn Dissolve 2 tablets sublingually (Place 2 tablets under the tongue) every 5 minutes for 3 doses as needed

18 Take 5 tabs po q4-6h prn Take 5 tablets by mouth every 4-6 hours as needed

19 Take 10 mg po BID for BP Take 10 mg by mouth twice a day for blood pressure

20 Inj 25 mg IM q4h prn HA Inject 25 mg intramuscularly every 4 hours as needed for headache

21 T 2 tabs po qam if BP > 60 Take 2 tablets by mouth every morning if blood pressure is greater than 60

22 ss-I tab po daily until BM
Take 1/2 – 1 tablet by mouth daily until bowel movement

23 Inj 16 units sq qam and 20 units sq 30 minutes a evening meal
Inject 15 units subcutaneously every morning and 20 units subcutaneously 30 minutes before evening meal

24 2 puffs q4-6h prn Inhale 2 puffs every 4-6 hours as needed

25 ud Take as directed

26 Take 1 tab po prn headache, mr after 3 hours
Take 1 tablet by mouth as needed for headache, may repeat after 3 hours

27 3 tsp po q4h prn cough Take 3 teaspoonfuls by mouth every 4 hours as needed for cough

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