The heavens declare the glory of God

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1 The heavens declare the glory of God
THE Star SERIES God’s Message in the Stars The heavens declare the glory of God






7 ACT ONE THE REDEEMER PROMISED 1. VIRGO: The Woman with the Seed (1) COMA The Desire of the Nations (2) CENTAURUS The Dual Natured Centaur (3) BOOTES The Exalted Shepherd and Harvester 2. LIBRA: The Scales and the Required Price Paid (1) CRUX The Cross to be Endured (2) LUPUS The Slain Victim (3) CORONA The Crown Purchased 3. SCORPIO: The Conflict (1) SERPENS The Serpent Struggles w/ the Seed of the Women (2) OPHIUCHUS The Mighty One Handles the Serpent (3) HERCULES The Mighty Man Humbled Yet Victorious 4. SAGITTARIUS: The Archer with a Drawn Bow (1) LYRA The Harp or Lyre of Gladness (2) ARA The Fire of Judgment (3) DRACO The Dragon Cast Down

8 ACT TWO THE REDEEMER’S PEOPLE 1. CAPRICORNUS: The Sea Goat, Life Out of Death (1) SAGATTA The Arrow of God (2) AQUILA The Falling Eagle (3) DELPHINUS Springing Up In Resurrection From Death 2. AQUARIUS: The Water of Life Poured Out on the Redeemed (1) PISCIS Drink In Heavenly Food (2) PEGASUS The Winged Horse and the Return of the Redeemer (3) CYGNUS The Swan and the Return of the Redeemer 3. PISCES: Deliverance Out of Bondage (1) THE BAND Upheld and Governed by the Lamb (2) ANDROMEDA The Intended Bride Bound and Afflicted (3) CEPHEUS The Crowned King 4. ARIES : The Lamb (1) CASSIOPEIA The Bride Released and Made Ready (2) CEUTUS The Great Sea Monster Bound (3) PERSEUS The Mighty Deliverer

9 ACT THREE THE REDEMPTION COMPLETED 1. TARUS: The Bull, the Invincible Ruler Comes (1) ORION The Prince of Glory Triumphs (2) ERIDANUS The River of Fire and Judgment (3) AURIGA The All Ruling Shepherd 2. GEMINI : The Twins, and Coming of the Prince and Savior (1) LEPUS The Enemy Trodden Underfoot (2) CANIS Major The Prince Coming in Glory (3) CANIS MINOR The Coming Redeemer 3. CANCER: The Possession Secured (1) URSA MINOR The Sheepfold (2) URSA MAJOR The Assembled Flock (3) ARGO The Ship in Harbor, Travelers Safely Home 4. LEO: The Lion, the King Triumphant (1) HYDRA The Serpent Destroyed (2) CRATER The Wrath of God Poured Out (3) CORVUS The Raven, the Carcass Devoured

10 ACT 1 ACT 2 Christ delivers man from the penalty of sin.
Christ delivers man from the power of sin.

11 ACT 2 ACT 3 Christ delivers man from the penalty of sin.
Christ delivers man from the presence of sin.





16 Genesis 3: And I [God] will put enmity between you [Satan] and the woman [Eve], and between your seed [unregenerate man] and her seed [Jesus Christ]; He [Christ] shall bruise [crush] you [Satan] on the head [Lake of Fire] , and you [Satan] shall bruise him on the heel [the cross]."

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