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Module 2 Exploring Different Mediums: Remember, everything in this course can be traced to the idea of making a profit.

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Presentation on theme: "Module 2 Exploring Different Mediums: Remember, everything in this course can be traced to the idea of making a profit."— Presentation transcript:

1 Module 2 Exploring Different Mediums: Remember, everything in this course can be traced to the idea of making a profit

2 “Of all the mass media, television is the medium of choice for many Canadians. In terms of audience penetration, television is the most mass of all media forms. It touches our lives more intimately and more seductively than any other. Television is arguably the most powerful medium in the world today and has created “the global village” - Marshal McLuhan, 1980

3 Questions about Paragraph
The opinions present in the paragraph on the prior slide are from media experts in Answer some questions about what was written on the last slide. Consider the following mediums of media and answer the questions on the next slide in your media logs: Television Internet Radio Print (magazines newspaper) Cell-Phone use (non-internet applications)

4 Questions and Paragraph
What medium do you use/are around the most? What medium gives you the greatest enjoyment? How so? What medium triggers the greatest emotional response? Why? Define, in your own words, what you think “the global village” means: What form of media do you think is the most used in today’s world? Why?

5 2010 Statistics Canada – reported daily television watchers decreased from 77% to 73% Average time in a week: 29% of people reported watching 15 hours worth 19% of people reported watching 21+ Hours worth Far more Canadians in 2010 reported higher internet usage than television watching than did those in 1998. Video gaming increased as well from 3% of Canadians reporting that they gamed (1998) to 6% in Gamers averaged an 1 hour and 50 minutes in 1998, which rose to 2 hours and twenty minutes in 2010.

6 Television Watching television is becoming less and less popular with the onslaught of internet usage, accessible program viewing through the internet (Netflix), and increase in video gaming. Canada ranked highest in 1998 for households with cable television and about 20% of all advertisement dollars were spent on TV. therefore, television is still a very lucrative advertisement medium

7 Strengths to TV Advertising
TV wouldn’t just exist as a means of entertainment. That’s not the world we live in. Everything that is on TV is giving us a message, selling us a product or even a way of life. For some, it’s a very effective brainwashing tool and that’s just how advertisers want it. Here are a few strengths of promoting through television: Wide “reach” The most influential, authoritative, powerful, effective, and persuasive of all media forms Key source for news, sports, entertainment, and general knowledge Television promotes through “prime time” Emotionally engaging Cost-efficient advertising

8 Strengths to TV advertisements
Creative advertising possibilities: dynamic, audio and visual, captivating. Moods and images can be created for specific brands Speed – there is no faster way to deliver mass audiences to advertisers “Social currency” TV acts as a catalyst and support for other mediums TV ads are easy to buy, measure, and undertsand

9 Questions: marked on response rubric
Define the following terms based on your opinion and critical thinking (in your media Studies log): Social currency Reach Prime time

10 Brand Image The power of television advertising can be used creatively by advertisers to differentiate themselves from the competition and develop a unique persona that implies credibility, quality, and service. By using the qualities of television (sight, sound, and motion) advertisers can generate a level of trust, emotion, and excitement that cannot be created as well through the use of any other medium. This can help to create a long lasting and memorable brand and corporate image.

11 Consumers’ perception
Canadians enjoy television. The average Canadian adult ages 18+ spends hours per week watching Tv (bbm Canada 2013). According to 2012 bbm analytics survey, television continues to be Canadians most influential form of advertising. The study also confirms that traditional advertising –including television – is seen as the most engaging medium over other major media.

12 Cost Many advertisers have the perception that television commercial production costs prohibit their use of the medium. While commercials can be expensive, smaller advertisers with limited budgets can also undertake successful productions. A big idea, with, focus and clarity of message can make the advertiser a winner in consumers’ minds, despite a very small production budget.

13 retention People learn best through their senses. Television allows the stimulation of more senses than any other medium and thus the message is more likely to be learned, and more importantly, remembered.

14 segue In conclusion, TV is extremely versatile, cost effective, time efficient, and overall just stimulating to the viewer. That’s why it is so popular and why it is so lucrative for advertisers. Over the decades, the technology in TV has changed drastically; however, there has always been an interesting relationship with camerawork and the final product we see in movies or on tv.

15 Television is made up of hundreds and thousands of pictures, called shots, each of which must be carefully planned. The long shot, medium shot, and close-up (and many more: medium-long shot, extreme close-up, etc.) are the basis of editing movies and television shows. Without these shots, the person who edits the movie, tv show, or commercial would have nothing to work with. Editing, in nearly all cases, is the combining of long shots, medium shots, and close-ups to create an effective visual presentation. Camera-subject distance is the basis for visual editing. Watch this! while doing so, imagine the cameras/camera operators as they’re filming. - (I know, I know, another trailer!)

16 Your assignment Each one of you will be required to watch a movie, whichever one you like, even if you have seen it before. When you are done watching it, you will: Write a paragraph plot summary Write a summary of how the camerawork was creative, engaging, bad, interesting, diverse, whatever strikes you about the filming. Tip: think about someone holding the camera in each scene and what they are trying to accomplish versus just taping someone/something.

17 Example camerawork paragraph
The filming of the revenant is extremely engaging and creative. The crew succeeds in capturing the vastness of the setting and how powerful mother nature can be. It does so by mixing in wide-framed pans of the open scenery, like mountains, rivers, and waterfalls, and close-ups in tighter areas like the woods or a camp. Additionally, we get to see some terrific close-ups of characters when they are truly in anguish, like when dicaprio must watch the murder of his son. Just imagine this scene being filmed as a long shot, it would lose much of its human appeal. Lastly, the way that action scenes were filmed was very exciting. While characters are weaving amongst trees being chased and shot at by arrows, the camera-worker is moving in the same way. It makes the viewer feel as if they were really there, which is what we value in a great movie.

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