Persian Empire Bellwork

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1 Persian Empire Bellwork
What was a major accomplishment of Cyrus the Great? Created empire, tolerant rule, human rights, Expanded Emprie What was a major accomplishment of Darius the Great? Royal road, postal system, tax collection, Satrap, Built Perepolis, Expanded empire, toleration

2 Objective WWBAT: Discuss aspects of Persian Economy and the major beliefs of Zoroastrianism

3 Interactive Notebook Setup
9/29/2016 Persian Society and Persian War This will be one page

4 Revolt Persian Economy Zoroastrianism Battle of Marathon Battle of Thermopylae Battle of Salamis &Palataea

5 Persian Economy Agriculture was the economic foundation
Main crops: Barley and wheat Long-distance trade benefits from Persian road-building Goods from India especially valued Political stability promoted growth of trade

6 Persian Economy Each region provided a variety of finished and raw goods Coined money was standardized throughout the entire empire

7 Technologies Qanat: System of underground canals
Avoided excessive loss to evaporation System began in Persia but spread throughout the world Extensive road-building Persian Royal Road 1,600 miles, some of it paved Courier service

8 Qanat System

9 Wind tower and qanat used for cooling.
Qanat System By 400 BCE Persian engineers had already mastered the technique of storing ice in the middle of summer in the desert in naturally cooled refrigerators called yakhchal (meaning ice pits) which were connected to qanats.. Wind tower and qanat used for cooling.

10 Zoroastrianism Earliest Persian religion resembled that of the Aryans
Zoroastrianism, emerged from teachings of Zarathustra The Gathas was the major text of Zoroastrianism Zoroastrian teachings, transmitted orally, many perished Preserved later in writing, by magi Compilation of the holy scriptures, Zend Avesta, under Sasanid dynasty Zarathustra's own writing survived, known as Gathas

11 Zarathustra [Zoroaster], 6c BCE: Good Thoughts, Good Deed, Good Words
“Tree of Life”

12 Zoroastrianism Zoroastrian teachings
Ahura Mazda as a supreme deity, with six lesser deities Cosmic conflict between Ahura Mazda and Angra Mainyu (Ahriman, Shaitan) Heavenly paradise and hellish realm as reward and punishment The material world as a blessing Moral formula: good words, good thoughts, good deeds

13 Dualistic Battle of Good vs. Evil
Ahura Mazda “Holy Spirit” Ahriman “Destructive Spirit”

14 Zoroastrianism Faravahar, or Guardian Spirit: The depiction of the human soul before birth and after death.

15 Zoroastrianism Popularity of Zoroastrianism
Attracted Persian aristocrats and ruling elites Darius regarded Ahura Mazda as supreme God The faith was most popular in Iran Sizable followings in Mesopotamia, Anatolia, Egypt, and other regions

16 Extent of Zoroastrianism

17 Zoroastrianism Zoroastrian community suffered during Alexander's invasion Zoroastrianism was the official religion during Sasanid rule Other faiths: Buddhism, Christianity, and Manichaeism Influence of Zoroastrians Influence on Jewish religion: belief in future reward and punishment Influence on Christianity: concepts of heaven and hell Later influenced Islam; one of Muhammad’s protected faiths

18 Zend-Avesta (The “Book of Law”)
The “Sacred Fire”  the force to fight evil.

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