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Proverbs 22:6 (NKJV) 6 Train up a child in the way he should go,

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1 Proverbs 22:6 (NKJV) 6 Train up a child in the way he should go,
And when he is old he will not depart from it.


3 Faithfulness As the first Sunday of the month, we want to spend time together with our theme Our theme for 2017 is simply “Faithfulness” This morning we want to cover what is a very important subject

4 Faithfulness Raising godly children in this day is a great challenge, but as always, is one of the most important things we can do As we discuss this, there will be nothing ground breaking that is offered, no new way to do this

5 Faithfulness We must also understand that this formula is not 100% guaranteed for every child Kids become adults and ultimately make their own decisions If we do these things, the potential for faithful children is much higher

6 Faithfulness We will not raise faithful children by accident
We will not raise faithful children by not doing the things we speak of today We will raise faithful children by being active in their upbringing

7 Faithfulness 1. Teach As parents, it is our responsibility to take the lead role in teaching our children We cannot leave our children’s spiritual education solely to someone else Deuteronomy 6:4-9

8 Faithfulness 1. Teach Ephesians 6:1-4
Training (paideia) – tutorage, i.e. education or training (used in II Tim. 3:16 – instruction) Admonition (nouthesia) – teaching, warning, to instruct or lecture (used in I Cor. 10:11)

9 Faithfulness 1. Teach Paul spoke to Timothy about his faith that was seen in his grandmother and mother (II Tim. 1:5) How do you suppose that faith was passed on? II Timothy 3:15

10 Faithfulness 2. Discipline
We live in a world of order, a world where there are rules This began with God and continues on a national, state and local level Our children need to grow up understanding that they must submit

11 Faithfulness 2. Discipline
Discipline is necessary if we wish to teach our children to obey (Eph. 6:1) Hebrews 12:5-11 Chasten (paideuo) – discipline; to punish for the purpose of improved behavior

12 Faithfulness 2. Discipline
Notice how chastening is described in verse 11… Not joyful (for the present), but painful Can it be considered true discipline if it doesn’t hurt in some way? (I Cor. 9:27)

13 Faithfulness 2. Discipline
Our children need to hear the word “no” sometimes A child that grows up not hearing or respecting “no” is a child that will not remain faithful to God They will in turn say “yes” to whatever desires they have (Js. 1:14-15)

14 Faithfulness 3. Set an Example
There are 2 things our children experience with us each day They hear what we say and they see what we do We mentioned already what we say (teaching)

15 Faithfulness 3. Set an Example
What we do might actually be the most important of the 2 If we do not set the proper example before them of what we teach, then they likely will not follow through with what we instruct them to do Matthew 5:13-16

16 Faithfulness 3. Set an Example
Kids are smart and they will pick up on the inconsistencies We do not want to stand before our children as hypocrites Often times our children will learn better when they see instruction lived out

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