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Organization Development for Economic, Ecological, and Social Outcomes

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1 Organization Development for Economic, Ecological, and Social Outcomes
21 Organization Development for Economic, Ecological, and Social Outcomes

2 Describe organization development (OD) interventions that help organizations balance economic, social, and environmental objectives. Describe sustainable management organizations (SMOs) and how OD can assist in their design and development. Describe global social change organizations and how to adopt OD practices to develop them.

3 Sustainable Management Organizations
Sustainable Management Organizations (SMOs) are designed to achieve sustainable effectiveness. They can perform in three areas—people, planet, and profit—and are agile enough to remain effective over time.

4 Strategies that Support Sustainable Effectiveness
Breadth Multiple countries, markets, technologies or products and services increase the complexity of a firm’s carbon footprint and social impact Aggressiveness In general, SMOs are wary of too much aggressiveness too often and have growth objectives that are reasonable and reasoned Differentiation SMOs understand why customers make purchasing decisions and how the organization’s product and service features align with those choices

5 Objectives that Support Sustainable Effectiveness
Create positive economic outcomes while rejecting the goal of maximizing profit or shareholder returns Create positive ecological outcomes with awareness of carbon footprints and the planet’s ecology Create positive social outcomes that contribute to human and cultural well-being with a clear perspective on social values and issues

6 Components of Organization Identity
Values- in-Use Organization Culture Identity Brand, Image, and Reputation Feedback Stories Promises

7 Agile Organization Design for SMOs
Work Systems Core and exploitive Creative and exploratory Management Processes Flexible decision-making, processes that leverage information from external sources Transparency; information is moved throughout the organization wherever it is needed Human Resource Systems Multiple types of employment arrangements, individuality of employees, and development of skills Alignment of financial and non-financial reward systems the support the triple-bottom-line and change

8 SMO Application Stages
Identifying and Redefining Organization Identity Repurposing the Board of Directors Building Capabilities Sequencing the Changes Work systems redesign Clarifying the Strategy Building an agile design

9 Global Social Change Organizations
Global Social Change Organizations (GSCOs) are not-for-profit and nongovernmental entities that are created at the grassroots level to help communities and societies address complex and important problems such as unemployment, race relations, homelessness, hunger, disease, water quality, and political instability.

10 Characteristics of GSCOs
Commitment to creating environmentally and socially sustainable world futures Innovative social-organizational structures that enable cooperation across previously polarized or constrained boundaries Values of empowerment and people-centered forms of action Linked globally and locally in structure, membership or partnership Multiorganizational partnerships to form new hybrids of business, government and volunteerism

11 GSCOs Application Stages
Building the Local Organization Values to create vision Recognizing conflict Problem of success Creating Horizontal Linkages Networks of local organizations with similar views and objective Developing Vertical Linkages Upward communication and influence to governmental and policy-level decision-making processes

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