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Connect & Collaborate: Integration, Inclusion and Well being

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Presentation on theme: "Connect & Collaborate: Integration, Inclusion and Well being"— Presentation transcript:

1 Connect & Collaborate: Integration, Inclusion and Well being
Introduce session CIT Team Name round Ice breaker – describe your self in three terms of your identity that describes you best (no need to share – use later) Jackie Erdman Head of Equality and Human Rights

2 Contents Integration of health & social care
Participation, citizenship and inclusion Equality Health inequality What creates good health?

3 Integration of health & social care
The reforms aim to ensure services are well integrated and that people receive the care they need at the right time and in the right setting, with a focus on community-based and preventative care. The reforms are far reaching, creating opportunities to overcome previous barriers to change

4 What do Integrated Joint Boards Look Like?

5 Mainstreaming and Outcome Report for 2016-20
Objectives we would like to achieve across all of our services Outcomes- Where we want to make a difference for particular groups of patients Access to services is covered by the Equality Act 2010 in the provision of goods and services. NHS Health Boards, Councils and Integration Joint Boards are all required to meet the Equality Act requirements. IJBs have not been named in the British Sign Language Act however NHS Health Boards and Councils are

6 Participation, citizenship and inclusion Different reactions to difference…
Source: Homophobia Scale (1973) Dr Dorothy Riddle (adapted)

7 Inclusion of the Deaf Community in NHS Greater Glasgow and Clyde
BSL Drama Training for staff Interpreting service Audiology BSL Champions

8 An example of inclusive working: BSL Champions

9 What is Equality?


11 What are health inequalities?
Unfair differences in health within the population These unfair differences are:- Not random Not inevitable


13 What creates good health?
Firstly we consider the factors that can impact on someone’s health, as it isn’t just about biomedical disease/genetics etc. Where you live, how much money you have, your social supports and the political environment can all shape health

14 Health and social care services and beyond....
Healthcare 25% Environment 15% Genetics 15% Economic and Social 50% Collaborative working and integration is essential to deliver these priorities given that the largest impact on the population’s health is determined by wider social and economic factors.

15 There is no health without mental health
Good mental health for all requires a wide range of effective policy and interventions. Our mental health is affected by a wide range of social, economic, environmental, physical and individual factors. The inequalities experienced by people with mental health problems are unjust. A climate that respects and protects basic civil, political, economic, social and cultural rights is fundamental to the promotion of mental health. Inter-sectoral links are key to improving mental health. Good Mental Health for All, NHS Health Scotland 2016 Mental Health Strategy


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