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Vocabulary/Prefixes Lesson 17

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Presentation on theme: "Vocabulary/Prefixes Lesson 17"— Presentation transcript:

1 Vocabulary/Prefixes Lesson 17
The Size of Things

2 Mega - means large or great

3 Hemi - means half

4 Semi- means half

5 Poly- means many

6 Multi - means many

7 semitransparent partially allowing light to pass through

8 polytheistic the belief in more than one religion or god

9 multitude a great number of people or things; a crowd

10 multifaceted having many facets, as in precious stones; having many talents

11 megalith a large prehistoric stone monument

12 hemisphere half of the world or globe

13 megalopolis very large city or urban area

14 multinational having interests in many foreign countries; many nations

15 polychromatic Having many colors

16 semimonthly something happening twice a month

17 Stonehenge

18 Easter Island

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