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Presentation on theme: "IMMIGRATION POLICY."— Presentation transcript:


2 THE NUMBERS GAME(S) Flows Stocks Proportions Costs and benefits
Rates of assimilation Key issue: Diversity or melting pot?

3 Undocumented Immigrants in the United States

4 Mexican-Origin Population in United States, 1900-2003
Mx-born (9.9)

5 Geographical Concentration of Mexican Migrants

6 Remittances to Mexico, 1990-2003

7 Border Patrol Agents

8 Effects of Border Enforcement
1. Shifting routes (toward Arizona) 2. Increased use of coyotes (smugglers) 3. Reduced “circularity” (more permanent stays) 4. More women and families 5. Increased loss of life (> 500 per year)


10 Migration and the Global Economic Crisis (2008+)
Context: joblessness everywhere New entries down (not due to border enforcement, since 95% of migrants without papers get through) Return migration growing (despite concern in Mexico about major increase) Net migration from Mexico ~ zero

11 OBAMA AND THE CIR Path to citizenship: Apply for green card in 10 years, citizenship 3 years after that; pay $1,000 fine plus back taxes; stay employed and learn English (faster track for Dream Act youth) Border patrol: DHS to receive $3 billion for improved border security, including use of surveillance drones and 3,500 additional agents, plus $1.5 billion for fencing. Within 5 years DHS must achieve 100 % surveillance of border and apprehend 90% of illegal crossers in “high-risk” (densely populated) areas Skilled workers: visas for skilled engineers and computer programmers to increase from 65,000 per year to 110,00, with an eventual cap as high as 180,000 Guest workers: new program of 20,000 for low-skilled workers, rising to 75,000 by 2019; limitation on farm workers Family visas: tighter restrictions on family unification; point system based on family ties and work skills by 2015

12 What Would You Do?


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