Director Descriptions

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1 Director Descriptions

2 President Sergeant – At – Arms (appointed)
Maintain order during general meetings. Provide all Chapter equipment for official rituals and ceremonies. Maintain, review, and revise Bylaws and make available when needed. Supervise elections or appoint someone to supervise if running for a position.

3 VP of Service Scouting (co-director option)
Girl Scout Director: Reach out to Girl Scouts of Madison to work together on service events involving scouting. Boy Scout Director: Reach out to the Boy Scouts of Madison to work together on service events involving scouting. Work together to plan a Merit Badge Academy – forming a committee is an option Helpful to have been a girl or boy scout but it is not required.

4 VP of service cont. Youth Services
Form a committee for the Children’s Museum and then organize volunteer training for the members so that they can instruct other brothers that would like to volunteer at the museum. Volunteer opportunities are usually on the weekends. Work with the Neighborhood House to promote their mentoring program and any other service events they need help with. Plan Fun and Fit Field Day – forming a committee is an option Any other youth-related organizations in the city or on campus that the director sees fit for the chapter to work with.

5 VP of Service cont. Special Events
Plan a large scale service event for brothers. A lot of room for creativity. Spring semester - start planning and getting ready for the Black Tie Event in the winter. Assist the Service VP as necessary.

6 VP of Fellowship Fellowship Director (co-director option for the spring) One person would focus mainly on formal (in the Spring) – forming a committee is an option. A second person would focus on creating one or two large scale fellowship events for brothers. A lot of room for creativity. Past events have included the Dells, Chicago, Brewer’s game, etc. Assist the Fellowship VP as necessary.

7 VP of Fellowship cont. Retreat Director
Organize retreat for brothers and pledges to attend. Plan activities to do at the retreat.

8 VP of Membership Secretary
Attend all general meetings (Monday nights) and exec board meetings (Sunday nights) in order to record meeting minutes and record attendance.

9 VP of Membership cont. Rush & Retention (co-director option)
Rush director will focus primarily on planning and coordinating Rush week – coming up with a theme, organizing recruitment (flyers, chalking, Facebook events, etc.), attending the student org fair, and planning social events for potential pledges to attend and socialize with brothers. Retention director will focus primarily on coming up with ideas to increase retention of new and old brothers – implementing something fun during meetings, giving brothers a birthday shout out and/or small gifts, etc. A lot of room for creativity. Facilitate the Q&A session for potential pledges.

10 VP of Finance Fundraising
Plan and coordinate events focused on raising money for the chapter or philanthropy. Past events have been working with restaurants, creating bake sales, etc.

11 VP of Finance cont. Apparel
Design and coordinate the sale of apparel items for the chapter. Items are not limited to just clothing - can also be hats, mugs, key chains, scarves, etc.

12 VP of Communications Historian
Promote and preserve the chapter’s customs and traditions. Take pictures at fraternity events and collect pictures from other brothers Spring semester – put together a slide show for formal Create an end of the semester gift for seniors

13 VP of Communications cont.
Alumni Maintaining contact with our alumni Maintaining an alumni list as seniors graduate Help recruitment for large scale events Work with finance director to acquire donations

14 VP of communication cont.
Chapter Outreach Communicate and keep in contact with other APO chapters, specifically the ones located in WI Set up a service or fellowship event with one of the other schools

15 VP of Leadership Conference
Recruit brothers and pledges to attend conference Organize all activities and logistics involved with conferences (travel, hotel reservations, payments, etc.) Work with the finance director to write up a travel grant

16 VP of Pledge Education Pledge Relations (co-director option)
Plan and organize a fun and exciting big and little reveal. Encourage big/little interaction throughout the semester with planned events or activities. Plan at least one big/little event. Keep track of what families brothers are put into. Plan and organize activities, events, competitions, etc. for families to do throughout the semester. Plan at least one family event.

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