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A Network-Centric Approach to Embedded Software for Tiny Devices

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1 A Network-Centric Approach to Embedded Software for Tiny Devices
David Culler Computer Science Division U.C. Berkeley Intel Research Berkeley

2 A new EMSOFT paradigm is emerging
Complete embedded systems going microscopic Processing Storage Sensing Actuation Communication LNA mixer PLL baseband filters I SD Q SD 10/10/2001 TinyOS EmSoft

3 A new EMSOFT paradigm is emerging
Complete embedded systems going microscopic Embedded software is blown across the physical space Circulatory Net Habitat Monitoring condition-based maintenance Disaster Management 10/10/2001 TinyOS EmSoft

4 A new EMSOFT paradigm is emerging
Complete embedded systems going microscopic Embedded software is blown across the physical space So we are looking at dense, distributed systems of systems tightly coupled to the physical world control loops at many levels networking is central many new constraints 10/10/2001 TinyOS EmSoft

5 Critical issues Highly constrained devices
power, storage, bandwidth, energy, visibility primitive I/O hierarchy Observation and action inherently distributed many small nodes coordinate and cooperate on overall task The structure of the SYSTEM changes Devices ARE the infrastructure ad hoc, self-organized network of sensors Highly dynamic passive vigilance most of the time concurrency-intensive bursts highly correlated behavior variation in connectivity over time failure is common 10/10/2001 TinyOS EmSoft

6 Outline Emerging wireless embedded systems
Platform for exploring this space TinyOS framework Network-centric EmSoft experiences 10/10/2001 TinyOS EmSoft

7 Networked Sensor/Act Node
1” x 1.5” motherboard ATMEL 4Mhz, 8bit MCU, 512 bytes RAM, 8KB pgm flash 900Mhz Radio (RF Monolithics) m range ATMEL network pgming assist Radio Signal strength control and sensing I2C EPROM (logging) Base-station ready stackable expansion connector all ports, i2c, pwr, clock… Several sensor boards basic protoboard tiny weather station (temp,light,hum,press) vibrations (2d acc, temp, LIGHT) accelerometers magnetometers Integrated “quarter size” node 10/10/2001 TinyOS EmSoft

8 Basic Power Breakdown…
Active Idle Sleep CPU 5 mA 2 mA 5 μA Radio 7 mA (TX) 4.5 mA (RX) EE-Prom 3 mA LED’s 4 mA Photo Diode 200 μA Temperature Panasonic CR mAh But what does this mean? Lithium Battery runs for 35 hours at peak load and years at minimum load! three orders of magnitude difference! A one byte transmission uses the same energy as approx cycles of computation. Idleness is not enough, sleep! The ratio between Active and Idle is interesting…. This has bearing on the decision to include multiple controllers in the I/O hierarchy. It is better to have a single CPU 80% active that two CPU’s 10/10/2001 TinyOS EmSoft

9 Experimenting at Scale
10/10/2001 TinyOS EmSoft

10 Example TinyOS study UAV drops 10 nodes along road,
hot-water pipe insulation for package Nodes self-configure into linear network Synchronize (to 1/32 s) Calibrate magnetometers Each detects passing vehicle Share filtered sensor data with 5 neighbors Each calculates estimated direction & velocity Share results As plane passes by, joins network upload as much of missing dataset as possible from each node when in range 7.5 KB of code! While servicing the radio in SW every 50 us! 10/10/2001 TinyOS EmSoft

11 A Operating System for Tiny Devices?
Would love to have theoretically-sound tools to go from req. to implementation, but... Traditional approaches command processing loop (wait request, act, respond) monolithic event processing bring full thread/socket posix regime to platform Alternative provide framework for concurrency and modularity never poll, never block interleaving flows, events, energy management => allow appropriate abstractions to emerge 10/10/2001 TinyOS EmSoft

12 Tiny OS Concepts Scheduler + Graph of Components Component:
constrained two-level scheduling model: threads + events Component: Commands, Event Handlers Frame (storage) Tasks (concurrency) Constrained Storage Model frame per component, shared stack, no heap Very lean multithreading Efficient Layering msg_rec(type, data) msg_send_done) Commands Events send_msg(addr, type, data) power(mode) init Messaging Component internal thread Internal State Power(mode) TX_packet(buf) init TX_packet_done (success) RX_packet_done (buffer) 10/10/2001 TinyOS EmSoft

13 Application = Graph of Components
Route map router sensor appln application Active Messages packet Radio Packet Serial Packet Temp photo SW Example: ad hoc, multi-hop routing of photo sensor readings UART HW Radio byte byte ADC 3450 B code 226 B data RFM clocks bit Graph of cooperating state machines on shared stack 10/10/2001 TinyOS EmSoft

14 TOS Execution Model commands request action events notify occurrence
ack/nack at every boundary call cmd or post task events notify occurrence HW intrpt at lowest level may signal events call cmds post tasks Tasks provide logical concurrency preempted by events Migration of HW/SW boundary application comp data processing message-event driven active message RFM Radio byte Radio Packet bit byte packet event-driven packet-pump crc event-driven byte-pump encode/decode event-driven bit-pump 10/10/2001 TinyOS EmSoft

15 TinyOS Execution Contexts
Tasks events commands Interrupts Hardware 10/10/2001 TinyOS EmSoft

16 Dynamics of Events and Threads
bit event => end of byte => end of packet => end of msg send thread posted to start send next message bit event filtered at byte layer radio takes clock events to detect recv 10/10/2001 TinyOS EmSoft

17 Quantitative Analysis...
Power down when task queue empty Components Packet reception work breakdown Percent CPU Utilization Energy (nj/Bit) AM 0.05% 0.20% 0.33 Packet 1.12% 0.51% 7.58 Radio handler 26.87% 12.16% 182.38 Radio decode thread 5.48% 2.48% 37.2 RFM 66.48% 30.08% 451.17 Radio Reception - 1350 Idle 54.75% Total 100.00% 10/10/2001 TinyOS EmSoft

18 Maintaining Scheduling Agility
Need logical concurrency at many levels of the graph While meeting hard timing constraints sample the radio in every bit window Retain event-driven structure throughout application Tasks extend processing outside event window All operations are non-blocking lock-free scheduling queue 10/10/2001 TinyOS EmSoft

19 Typical split-phase pattern
char TOS_EVENT(SENS_OUTPUT_CLOCK_EVENT)(){ return TOS_CALL_COMMAND(SENS_GET_DATA)(); } char TOS_EVENT(SENS_DATA_READY)(int data){ VAR(buffer)[VAR(index)++] = data; if (full()) TOS_POST_TASK(FILTER_DATA); return 1;} clock event handler initiates data collection sensor signals data ready event data event handler posts task to process data 10/10/2001 TinyOS EmSoft

20 Tiny Event-Driven Active Messages
TOS_FRAME_BEGIN(INT_TO_RFM_frame) { char pending; TOS_Msg msg; } TOS_FRAME_END(INT_TO_RFM_frame); ... s=TOS_COMMAND(SEND_MSG)(TOS_MSG_BCAST,AM_MSG(INT_READING),&VAR(msg))) char TOS_EVENT(MSG_SEND_DONE)(TOS_MsgPtr sentBuffer){ ...} TOS_MsgPtr TOS_MSG_EVENT(INT_READING)(TOS_MsgPtr val){ return val;} source buffer handler destinations 10/10/2001 TinyOS EmSoft

21 Conservative Component Coupling
Each component has bounded state and concurrency Each command interface has explicit handshake each component must deal with rejections Message layer may reject send request if full or busy Requestor cannot busy wait send_done event broadcast to all potential senders send_buffer pointer used to disambiguate can elect to retry or drop 10/10/2001 TinyOS EmSoft

22 Communication Storage Management
Strict ownership protocol at appln components Each component ‘owns’ set of buffers send => comp. ‘gives’ out-buffer till send_done component tracks state receive => system ‘gives’ in-buffer to handler handler must return a free buffer to the system if completely consumed, returns same otherwise, returns another one it ‘owns’ if none available, must give back incoming 10/10/2001 TinyOS EmSoft

23 Crossing Layers without buffering
stack consists of series of data pumps each peels off portion of packet and feeds to lower layer task starts event-driven data pump appln comp buffer handoff active message packet-pump Radio Packet byte-pump upper fsm Radio byte lower fsm bit-pump RFM 10/10/2001 TinyOS EmSoft

24 Deadline Avoidance Pipelines transmission – transmits single byte while encoding next byte Trades 1 byte of buffering for easy deadline Separates high level latencies from low level real-time requirements Encoding Task must complete before byte transmission completes Decode must complete before next byte arrives Encode Task Byte 1 Byte 2 Byte 3 Byte 4 Bit transmission start Byte 1 Byte 2 Byte 3 RFM Bits 10/10/2001 TinyOS EmSoft

25 Low-Power Listening Costs about as much to listen as to xmit, even when nothing is received Only way to save power is to turn radio off when there is nothing to hear. Can turn radio on/of in <1 bit 30 ms on every 300 ms Can detect transmission at cost of ~2 bit times Small sub-msg recv sampling Application-level synchronization rendezvous to determine when to sample sleep Xmit: Recv: preamble message b Optimal Preamble = (2/3 Sxb)1/2 10/10/2001 TinyOS EmSoft

26 Feedback within comm. stack
Media access control radio is single shared channel (spatial multiplexing) want to avoid protocol msgs (RTS, CTS) CSMA implemented in software traffic is highly correlated must randomize initial delay, as well as backoff able to deliver 70% of channel bandwidth fairly Byte layer implements listening and backoff If fails to acquire channel signals failure event propagates up the stack application gets send_done failure able to adapt sampling rate, transmission rate, etc. 10/10/2001 TinyOS EmSoft

27 The nodes are the infrastructure
Network discovery and multihop routing are just additional active message handlers every node is also a router Example: Beacon-based Network discovery if (new mcast) then record ‘parent’ retransmit from self else record neighborhood info 10/10/2001 TinyOS EmSoft

28 Network Discovery: Radio Cells
10/10/2001 TinyOS EmSoft

29 Network Discovery 10/10/2001 TinyOS EmSoft

30 Self-organization has complex dynamics
2b 2a 2d 1 2c 10/10/2001 TinyOS EmSoft

31 Multihop Bandwidth Management
Should self-organize into fair, dynamic multihop net Hidden nodes between each pair of “levels” CSMA is not enough P[msg-to-base] drops with each hop Investment in packet increases with distance need to optimize for low-power fairness! RTS/CTS costly (power & BW) Local rate control to approx. fairness Priority to forwarding, adjust own data rate Additive increase, multiplicative decrease Listen for retransmission as ack 10/10/2001 TinyOS EmSoft

32 Example: Multihop Adaptive Transmission Control
B 14 15 18 17 16 Max rate: 4 samples/sec - rate = 4p Channel BW ~20 p/s - cannot expect more than 1/3 thru parent Monitor number of children (n) a(n) ~ 1/n b = ½ p’ = p + a(n) on success (echo) p’ = p * b without rate control, success drops ~½ per hop 10/10/2001 TinyOS EmSoft

33 Rich set of additional challenges
Efficient and robust security primitives Application specific virtual machines Time & space information in every packet Density independent wake-up, aggregation sensor => can use radio in ‘analog’ mode Resilient aggregators Programming support for systems of generalized state machines Programming the unstructured aggregate SPMD, Data Parallel, Query Processing, Tuples Understanding how an extreme system is behaving and what is its envelope adversarial simulation Self-configuring, self-correcting systems 10/10/2001 TinyOS EmSoft

34 Summary Distribute the embedded system over many small devices or Distribute the embedded system over many small devices Integrated them with communication New set of embedded software challenges local scheduling, synthesis, etc. must address resource constraints plus the distributed aspects Operating against energy constraints rather than overload Inherent asynchrony NEST platform due in Jan working 10/5 10/10/2001 TinyOS EmSoft

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