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How to Be Your Own Best Coach

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1 How to Be Your Own Best Coach
Palo Alto Medical Foundation Health Education Department Written and reviewed by Adolescent Interest Group August 2016

2 Be Your Best Coach Learning how to be your own best coach is a skill you can use throughout your life Being your own best coach will allow you to be the best you can be in many areas of your life your health your schooling/career your relationships

3 Long Term Goals First, create a long term goal Make it a SMART goal
Examples: healthier eating, less screen time, more exercise, etc. Make it a SMART goal S=specific M=measurable A=attainable R=relevant T=time-based

4 Weekly Goals Create small, weekly goals
Small goals are stepping stones to achieving a long term goal Goals should be based on something you can actively do, rather than an outcome Good goal: “I will work out 30 minutes every day this week.” Bad goal: “I will lose two pounds this week.”

5 Keep a List of Challenges
Write down challenges you experience while trying to achieve weekly goals Goal: “I will work out 30 minutes every day this week.” Challenge: “I couldn’t find time to work out 3 days this week.”

6 Keep a List of Strategies
Write down strategies you can use to address your challenges It’s okay if your first few strategies don’t work Challenge: “I couldn’t find time to work out.” Strategy 1: Split the 30 minute workout into 3 sets of 10 minute workouts. Strategy 2: Work out in the morning before the day becomes busy.

7 Keep a List of Successes
Write down when a strategy to solve a challenge was successful Think about why this strategy works for you

8 Progress At the end of each week, decide whether you made progress
Don’t worry if you didn’t perfectly complete your goals Progress is important, not perfection

9 No Progress? Don’t worry if you made no progress on your goals
This likely means the goals need to be reconsidered and rewritten Potential problems with the goals: Vague? Poorly-defined? Unachievable? Not relevant?

10 Tips for Being Your Own Coach
Realize that there is no “right way” or “wrong way” to do something--it just has to work for you Don’t expect to be perfect Be supportive and encouraging to yourself Understand that sometimes you will fall down, but the important thing is that you move on and learn from it

11 Tips for Being Your Own Coach (2)
Set up small, achievable goals to help you reach a larger goal Focus on behavior changes- Behavior changes lead to changes in outcomes Realize that even small behavior changes can make a big difference Aim for a gradual evolution, not a quick fix Realize that YOU are in the driver’s seat

12 Tips for Being Your Own Coach (3)
Assess your readiness for change- if you’re not sure you want to make a change, create a list of the “costs” and benefits of that change. Change your mindset- If you view a goal as a big obstacle, try and think of it as an opportunity to try new things.

13 Tips for Being Your Own Coach (4)
Support yourself with positive thinking. Minimize self-doubt and negative thoughts Believe in yourself Know that you CAN achieve your goals as long as they are reasonable

14 References Lee, Elizabeth MD, Brown, Nancy PhD (2014). PAMF WAY2GO! Report Content. Used with permission. SMART Goals -

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