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Hip and Pelvis Anatomy Sports Medicine I.

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Presentation on theme: "Hip and Pelvis Anatomy Sports Medicine I."— Presentation transcript:

1 Hip and Pelvis Anatomy Sports Medicine I

2 Gluteus Maximus Extension and adduction of hip

3 Gluteus Medius Gluteus Minimus
Abduction Internal rotation of hip

4 Tensor Fascia Latae Flexion Internal rotation of hip

5 Sartorius Flexion Rotation of hip

6 Pectineus Adduction and flexion of hip

7 Adductor Longus Adductor Brevis Adductor Magnus
Adduction and flexion of hip

8 Gracilis Adduction of hip and flexion of knee

9 Piriformis External rotator

10 Quadriceps Rectus Femoris: extension of knee; flexion of hip
Vastus Medialis: extension of knee Vastus Lateralis: extension of knee Vastus Intermedius: extension of knee

11 Hamstrings Biceps Femoris: flexion of knee; external rotation of leg
Semimembranosus: flexion of knee; internal rotation of leg Semitendinosus: flexion of knee; internal rotation of leg

12 Hip Range of Motion Adduction Abduction Flexion Extension
Internal rotation External rotation

13 Torso Range of Motion Flexion Extension Lateral flexion Rotation

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