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Sailmaker Themes.

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1 Sailmaker Themes

2 Learning Intentions To understand what themes are present in the play
To use evidence to show how they are explored throughout the play To use close reading skills to analyse a section of the text

3 Theme: Religion and Football
Quarter your page. Write the name of each character in one quarter. Find a piece of evidence for each to show their religious beliefs and attitudes. Suggested pages: 11, 14, 20, 23, 26, 36

4 Theme: Grief and Loss • Loss of the close relationship between father and son. P54/5 (pink book 37-8) • Loss of childhood hopes and dreams. P34 (23-24) • Loss of a mother. P6 (p3) • Loss of a wife P6 (p3) • Loss of friendships P36 (25) • Loss of roots P63 (44) • Loss of trade P16 (10) • Loss of money P45 (31) • Loss of self-worth P62 (43) • Loss of employment P31 (21)

5 Theme: Poverty The theme is created through setting.
What evidence is there that the play takes place in an area of deprivation in Glasgow? Suggested extracts: page 7 page 20 page 28

6 Theme: hopes and dreams
Identify each character’s hope/dream and then find a quotation from the play to support your choice. Character Hopes and dreams Evidence Alec Davie Ian Billy

7 Other Themes Education Escapism Violence
Create a spider diagram for these remaining three themes.

8 Symbolism The yacht (throughout) Colours (throughout)
Furniture (at the end) Tools (at the end) The broken mirror (p33)

9 The Yacht

10 Symbolism The model yacht is mentioned throughout the play. Davie promises he will fit it out with sails; a promise he never fulfils. The yacht comes to symbolise Davie’s failed promises to his son, and to himself: he never does manage to make anything better. The burning of the yacht symbolises the end of Alec’s childhood belief in Davie, and the end of Davie’s hope for the future.

11 Learning Review Is there anything you are unsure about in Sailmaker?

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