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Theme this term: Existence This week: Faith.

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Presentation on theme: "Theme this term: Existence This week: Faith."— Presentation transcript:

1 Theme this term: Existence This week: Faith

2 In the name of the Father,
The Sign of the Cross In the name of the Father, and of the Son, and of the Holy Spirit. Amen

3 A reading from the Gospel of Mark
“Jesus said: ‘Everything is possible for one who has faith’ At once the father of the boy cried out, 'I have faith. Help my lack of faith!’" - Mark 9:24

4 God is great. He is mysterious.
He is beyond comprehension and anything we say about God never fully expresses or explains the totality of who He is. Yet, at the same time, God desires for us to know Him and He reveals Himself to us – in the created world and within our own being. But who could ever believe this? How could anyone ever know that there really is a God? The answer to this is FAITH.

5 Every day we exercise faith, perhaps without realising it.
We have faith that the sun will rise, that the light will turn on when we press the switch, that the chair we are sat on won’t collapse. Spend a moment of quiet now thinking about some of the things you already put faith in. Is God one of those things?

6 We pray together: Dear Lord, help me - every single morning - to find faith in the midst of my busy life. Give me the desire and ability to see You, hear You, talk to You, and give thanks to You. And as I do, I pray that I will draw nearer and nearer to You, and that my faith will grow as I understand in new, deeper ways that You are everything I ever hoped You would be. And so much more. Amen.

7 In the name of the Father,
The Sign of the Cross In the name of the Father, and of the Son, and of the Holy Spirit. Amen

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