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IRG Reborn.

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Presentation on theme: "IRG Reborn."— Presentation transcript:

1 IRG Reborn

2 Interference Based on operational data from satellite operators, downtime caused by interference has reduced. Time to resolve (Interference) has been greatly reduced by experience, new processes, new tools and training. The end-users rely on satellite operators to deal with interferences. Most of the satellite operators already have extensive measures in place. Interference has not been solved, but it is now not such a huge concern.

3 Why Interference Reduction Group?
With budgets being reduced and interferences being better mitigated, IRG as it stands will potentially become less relevant in the coming years. However, as a group we still have a role to play encouraging innovation as well as keeping interferences under control. There are no other platforms quite like IRG, enabling discussion and experience sharing between the engineers In order to remain relevant, we need to broaden our focus.

4 What is IRG? Innovation driver Technology Incubator/Lobbyiest Forum
Engineering Satellite Troubleshooting support

5 IRG Next Step New space (Space 4.0?) is upon us, we need to be ahead of the game. We are already dealing with those topics. Widen the scope to deal with those topics across all areas of satellite technology, not just interference. Focus on the positive aspects of innovation, technology, engineering, rather than negative aspect of interference. Maintain scope to continue to handle interference, but as one of the many topics, not core focus.

6 Success Stories IRG has enabled operators to share information and experiences much more easily IRG has fostered innovation IRG has achieved industry standards Thanks to IRG: Some interference instances can be avoided Time to resolution is much quicker than ever before Tools have been created or improved

7 Given that success, imagine what could be achieved for other areas of the satellite industry!


9 Mission Statement for Satcoms Innovation Group
Promote innovation in the satellite communication industry to improve operational efficiency and reduce impact, saving time and money.

10 Satcoms Innovation Group
Promoting innovation in satellite communications to: Reduce risk of service impacting events Improve operational efficiency Improve quality of service Promote industry cooperation at engineering level to: Discuss challenges Find solutions, including new tools Improve processes Lobby regulators and groups on behalf of the industry

11 Topics Interference – this remains an important part of the remit
Quality of Service/SLA Efficiency Innovation Importance of satellite industry in everyday life

12 To be driven through: Forum for engineers from operators, solution providers, and users Driving innovation (supporting and promoting innovation projects) Lobbying industry groups and regulators Sharing experiences through meetings, website, and other forums Marketing and PR for the group, members, and the industry

13 SIG will do everything that IRG does plus more

14 Why Join? Operator Manufacturer / Solution Provider User
Network with other operators Network with customers Network with satellite providers Find ways to improve efficiency Learn first hand the challenges faced by customers Learn how to reduce errors and maximize efficiency for your satellite equipment Find ways to reduce errors Bring solutions to market to solve those challenges Network with other satellite users Bring your challenges to others for resolution Have your solutions marketed through SIG channels Learn about new solutions Save Money Make Money

15 Launching SIG August September October November Prepare new website
Closed member discussions during IBC (member’s meeting or individually) Official unveiling at workshop Webinar Prepare marketing collateral and slides Media briefings under embargo at IBC Press release Articles – around technology and innovation Prepare press release to share with press at IBC Newsletter to all members Blog posts – about rebrand New website live

16 Re-branding

17 Logos and Colours Although very different we wanted to preserve a little of the IRG past. Colour-wise we have opted for orange, grey, and blue, because based on psychological responses they represent: Orange: invigoration, fun, liveliness, energy Grey: impartiality, compromise, maturity, composure Blue: knowledge, tranquility, security, trust

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