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Next Level Innovations Alexandria and Arlington Districts

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1 Next Level Innovations Alexandria and Arlington Districts
Ministry Focus Event Bring with us: 3 tripods, 3 post-it easel pads, red, green, blue and black markers, copies of the final questions, copies of Carey Nieuwhof’s article on letting ministries die Next Level Innovations Alexandria and Arlington Districts

2 Next Level Innovations
Is a three year process and investment in your church Your church (your pastor and your leadership) were chosen by your DS Introduce Team members who are guiding the process – make sure to indicate district or conference connection Wait to explain what a ministry focus event is – there is a slide about it and the goals Have NLI Teams self-identify

3 Next Level Innovations
Your pastor has been in monthly clergy peer learning group Associates and Executive Directors have also been trained Your NLI team has worked alongside your pastor and staff to begin implementing smaller changes based on monthly training. Introduce Team members who are guiding the process – make sure to indicate district or conference connection Wait to explain what a ministry focus event is – there is a slide about it and the goals Have NLI Teams self-identify

4 Next Level Innovations
Ministry Focus Event is part of the process Upcoming steps – self study and Innovation Weekend After the weekend your pastor and church leadership will be working with your mentor to implement innovations to take your church to its next level of vitality Introduce Team members who are guiding the process – make sure to indicate district or conference connection Wait to explain what a ministry focus event is – there is a slide about it and the goals

5 Our Mission Matthew 28:18-20 Then Jesus came to them and said, “All authority in heaven and on earth has been given to me. Therefore go and make disciples of all nations, baptizing them in the name of the Father and of the Son and of the Holy Spirit, and teaching them to obey everything I have commanded you. And surely I am with you always, to the very end of the age.” United Methodist Church Mission To make disciples of Jesus Christ for the transformation of the world

6 Tonight’s Goal Create a greater understanding of how our church’s ministries and programs support our mission of making disciples of Jesus Christ

7 Why do we do this? Many of our churches have more ministry and mission than they have people to do them. Many churches have ministry and events that too few people are willing to help accomplish We tend to add ministries, but never let some come to an end. The Attractional Model of connecting to our communities no longer works We are two to three generations removed from the ‘church as we know it’; the next generations don’t know us or care about our kind of community This is duplicated at the end as part of follow up questions

8 Introduce Yourself Please share your name
How many years ago did you start to attend this church? How did you initially become connected to this local church? (briefly share) Collect responses on flip chart paper – look for patterns – ask participants to pick out common themes Be sure to have 0-2year, 3-5, etc.

9 Observations How many stories that were shared of finding this church did you already know? How do the people of this church seem to find this church? Are there common entry points? Are there different entry points between those who came years ago and those who came in the last 5 years? Collect responses on flip chart paper – look for patterns – ask participants to pick out common themes Be sure to have 0-2year, 3-5, etc.

10 Our Ministries and Programs
How do people become part of this church? How are they discipled by this church? How does this church help you become more like Christ? How do you live out your ministry with this church? On three separate pieces of flip chart paper list church programs. Categorize according to whether the program is connecting (with neighbors), discipling (growing mature disciples) or caring (missions or people inside the church). Consider noting with marker color or stickers whether a program as an interior or exterior focus So – Writer #1 – Discipleship and Connecting (over 50% or someone joined church) Writer #2 – Caring- interior is red, exterior is green -

11 Observe What do you notice about the lists? Which one is the longest?
Are care ministries focused on people inside the church? Outside? Balanced between the two? Page of 10 Prescriptions

12 Observe Do people come to the church from all the connection ministries, or just some? Are there enough opportunities to be discipled well as you look at the lists? What percentage of the church participates in discipling ministries? Page of 10 Prescriptions

13 Questions to Consider Are the connect ministries fruitful in building actual connections with your neighbors? Are some ministries more or less fruitful? Are the ministries of the church that disciple equally fruitful? Are some more, some less? As time allows explore these or at least leave them for leaders and church members to discuss at a future meeting.

14 Questions to Consider Are the caring ministries equally helpful to people inside and outside the church? Have you taken a prayer walk through your local mission field? Have you listened to people in your local mission field, or are you making assumptions about their needs? As time allows explore these or at least leave them for leaders and church members to discuss at a future meeting.

15 Questions to Consider What do the community and people of your mission field have to offer to the church? How would you characterize your mission engagement? (hands on, donors, local, global, focused, wide-spread, etc.) Share a time when you were engaged in hands-on mission in your targeted mission field on behalf of the church. As time allows explore these or at least leave them for leaders and church members to discuss at a future meeting.

16 So why did we do this? Many of our churches have more ministry and mission than they have people to do them. Many churches have ministry and events that too few people are willing to help accomplish We tend to add ministries, but never let some come to an end. The Attractional Model of connecting to our communities no longer works We are two to three generations removed from the ‘church as we know it’; the next generations don’t know us or care about our kind of community As time allows explore these or at least leave them for leaders and church members to discuss at a future meeting.

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