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Vocabulary #4 10th Grade.

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1 Vocabulary #4 10th Grade

2 Vocabulary List #4 1. Cessation (noun) 2. Commence (verb) 3. Deter (verb) 4. Hamper (verb) 5. Obstruction (noun) 6. Preclude (verb) 7. Procrastinate (verb) 8. Scuttle (verb) 9. Subside (verb) 10. Thwart (verb)

3 Vocabulary Definitions and Sentences
1. Cessation (n): a halt; a coming to an end The cessation of the loud drilling from outside enabled John to continue his flute lesson. 2. Commence (v): to begin The race commenced as the referee lowered his flag. 3. Deter (v): to discourage from acting The iciness of the roads deterred us from driving.

4 Vocabulary Definitions and Sentences
4. Hamper (v): to limit the progress of; to prevent from moving freely Chuck’s tight shoes hampered him on the dance floor. 5. Obstruction (n): something that blocks or gets in the way The car accident created an obstruction, blocking traffic on the freeway. 6. Preclude (v): to make impossible The fact that he was an employee of Best Buy precluded him from entering the sweepstakes. 7. Procrastinate (v): to put off doing Mandy was supposed to be studying for her test, but she procrastinated so she failed.

5 Vocabulary Definitions and Sentences
8. Scuttle (v): to run with short, hurried steps The students scuttled across the hall and entered the classroom just before the bell rang. 9. Subside (v): to become less active; to sink to a lower level After the flood, it took days for the waters to subside. 10. Thwart (v): to prevent from happening; block John caught the flu, so that thwarted our plans for vacation next week. 

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