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SINFONI observations of massive galaxies from the GMASS sample at z~2

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1 SINFONI observations of massive galaxies from the GMASS sample at z~2
GMASS3D Jaron Kurk - MPIA, Heidelberg A. Cimatti (P.I.), N. Foerster Schreiber, N. Bouche, G. Cresci, R. Genzel, E. Daddi, A. Renzini, L. Pozzetti, G. Zamorani, M. Mignoli, P. Cassata, A. Franceschini, G. Rodighiero, P. Rosati, M. Dickinson 3D2008, Garching Jaron Kurk (MPIA, Heidelberg)

2 Jaron Kurk (MPIA, Heidelberg)
GMASS2D Galaxy Mass Assembly ultra-deep Spectroscopic Survey Ha in H and K band Sample selected with m(4.5mu)<23.0, B<26.5, I<26.5, zphot>1.4, avoid known redshifts. Goals: study galaxies selected on mass, explore redshift desert, high-z LF. Method: SED fitting, up to 30h optical spectroscopy with FORS, total of 145h. Results: ~150 redshifts out of 170 observed, >130 at z>1.4. 3D2008, Garching Jaron Kurk (MPIA, Heidelberg)

3 Jaron Kurk (MPIA, Heidelberg)
The 3D sample 18.2 < K < 20.9 9.6 < log M* < 11.0 Selection on exact redshift, estimate of SFR, ACS/NICMOS morphology. Blue: z=1.5, red: z=2.4. 3D2008, Garching Jaron Kurk (MPIA, Heidelberg)

4 Jaron Kurk (MPIA, Heidelberg)
GMASS1084 K=19.6 z=1.552 3D2008, Garching Jaron Kurk (MPIA, Heidelberg)

5 Jaron Kurk (MPIA, Heidelberg)
GMASS2113 K=20.2 z=1.613 3D2008, Garching Jaron Kurk (MPIA, Heidelberg)

6 Jaron Kurk (MPIA, Heidelberg)
GMASS2363 K=21.0 z=2.448 3D2008, Garching Jaron Kurk (MPIA, Heidelberg)

7 Jaron Kurk (MPIA, Heidelberg)
GMASS2471 K=20.9 z=2.430 3D2008, Garching Jaron Kurk (MPIA, Heidelberg)

8 Jaron Kurk (MPIA, Heidelberg)
Outlook Uniqueness of GMASS SINFONI sample selection in MIR (better measure of mass) deep optical spectroscopy HST optical and (some) NIR coverage deep IRAC and MIPS coverage also includes faint (K>20) targets SINS integration Velocity differences between optical and NIR lines Derive metallicity from (stacked) optical spectra and NIR spectra 3D2008, Garching Jaron Kurk (MPIA, Heidelberg)

9 Jaron Kurk (MPIA, Heidelberg)
3D2008, Garching Jaron Kurk (MPIA, Heidelberg)

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