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The Fruit of The Spirit Gal. 5:22-23 Gal. 5:22-23

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1 The Fruit of The Spirit Gal. 5:22-23 Gal. 5:22-23

2 The Fruit of The Spirit Gal. 5:22-23
Introduction The fruit of the Spirit is produced by allowing the Holy Spirit to control our loves through His Word Eph. 6:17

3 Introduction A life patterned after the life of Christ is the fruit which the Spirit produces if we submit our will to God’s will. This we can do by a sincere study of The Word and putting what we learn into practice

4 The Fruit of The Spirit Gal. 5:22-23
1. LOVE This is a willed love-a love that does not depend upon the worthiness of the object This seeks the highest good for that which is loved

5 1. LOVE It’s greatest demonstration Rom. 5:8 Jn. 13:34-35 Jn. 14:15

6 2. Joy The joy and delight we have in Christ J-Jesus First
O-Others second Y-Yourself last

7 2. Joy Phil 4:4 Acts 8:39 1 Jn. 1:4

8 3. Peace The absence of strife and division
A calm disposition we posses from being right with God and with our fellowman as far as possible

9 3. Peace Mt. 5:9 Rom. 12:18 Not peace at any price! Jude 3 1 Pet. 3:15

10 4. Longsuffering One long of temper
To suffer long-to persevere patiently One slow to anger and slow to take vengeance against an enemy

11 4. Longsuffering Like God is toward us Ex. 34:6-7 2 Pet. 3:9, 15
Rom. 2:4

12 5. Gentleness (ASV-Kindness)
A kind person—one kind in disposition—deeply considerate of the feelings of others—not mean, rude, harsh Kindness is active—always returning what is best

13 5. Gentleness (ASV-Kindness)
Rom. 12:20 Mt. 7:12 This does not keep us from taking a strong stand for the Truth

14 6. Goodness Uprightness Moral excellence Opposite of evil and iniquity
The act of doing good things for others

15 6. Goodness Acts 10:38 Rom. 15:14 Gal. 6:10 Titus 2:14

16 7. Faith (ASV-Faithfulness)
Unquestioning belief in God The quality of being faithful, loyal---includes dependability and reliability Gal. 5:6 1 Cor. 4:2

17 7. Faith (ASV-Faithfulness)
This applies to our responsibility to be pure in heart and life It includes our being loyal to defend the Truth even against stiff opposition

18 8. Meekness Strength under control
Like a wild animal that has been tamed Not a weak person but one who has his strength under control mildness

19 8. Meekness An attitude free of bitterness and intolerance Nu. 12:3
Mt. 11:29 Mt. 5:5 Gal. 6:1

20 9. Temperance (ASV has Self-Control)
To hold oneself in—proper control of words, thoughts, motives, habits, deeds The opposite of letting go We must not discard all inhibitions

21 9. Temperance (ASV has Self-Control)
Lk. 9:23 1 Cor. 9:27 Prov. 16:32

22 Conclusion Paul emphasized the beauty and worth of these 9 traits by stating that there is no law against them The Scriptures teach us to continually add these things to our lives

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