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Innovative products and markets for sustainable growth

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Presentation on theme: "Innovative products and markets for sustainable growth"— Presentation transcript:

1 Innovative products and markets for sustainable growth
Dr. agr. Elke Knappe Leibniz-Institute for Regional Geography, Leipzig Session 2: Innovative products and markets for sustainable growth Deckblatt Moving to a low carbon economy

2 Pros and Cons of different sources
potential efficiency Environ-mental effects Regional effects water high High/ middle low Wind sun wood biogas

3 The Aim: low carbon economy
Renewable energy sources: Water, sun, wind Wood, plants, organic residues, waste


5 Biomass as a local resource and part of regional economic cycles

6 Rural areas: Renewable energy sources
Structural changes Diversification Competition Regional economy cycles Low income Higher income Less attractiveness Innovation Shrinking villages Employment

7 Wood Tradional use New: Short –time-plantations (1 Millon ha field set aside) Problems: Competition Many owners with very small plots

8 Biogas Innovative, good profit Many different products
Problem: use of heat New: Biomethan

9 Conclusions Importance of renewable energy sources seems clear but:
Lack of information in rural areas Support systems not homogeneous Weak international cooperation Role of innovation Knowledge transfer

10 Network RegioSustain First results: Planning of a new power plant (wood pellets) in the „Little triangle“

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