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ENGM 631 Optimization Transportation Problems.

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1 ENGM 631 Optimization Transportation Problems

2 Prototype Example K-Log Lumber Mill Warehouse

3 Prototype Example 10 8 7 K-Log Lumber Mill Warehouse

4 Prototype Example 6 10 12 8 11 7 K-Log Lumber Mill Warehouse

5 Prototype Example 5 6 10 12 13 8 11 7 7 K-Log Lumber Mill Warehouse

6 Prototype RC DO OC SF AL SP 10 7 8 13 5 6 11 12

7 Prototype Demand Supply RC DO OC SF AL SP 10 7 8 13 5 6 11 12 150 80
120 130 100 120

8 Prototype Demand Supply 1 6 5 4 2 3 10 7 8 13 11 12 150 80 120 130 100

9 Prototype Min Z = Transportation Costs s.t. Total amount shipped from plant i = Capacity at i Demand at each Warehouse is satisfied

10 Prototype Min Z = 10X14 + 7X15 + 8X X24 + 7X25 + 5X X X X36

11 Prototype Min Z = 10X14 + 7X15 + 8X X24 + 7X25 + 5X X X X36 s.t. X14 + X15 + X = 130 X24 + X25 + X26 = 100 X34 + X35 + X36 = 120

12 Prototype Min Z = 10X14 + 7X15 + 8X X24 + 7X25 + 5X X X X36 s.t. X14 + X15 + X = 130 X24 + X25 + X26 = 100 X34 + X35 + X36 = 120 X X X34 = 150 X X X35 = 80 X X X36 = 120

13 Prototype (re-index warehouse)
Min Z = 10X11 + 7X12 + 8X X21 + 7X22 + 5X X X X33 s.t. X11 + X12 + X = 130 X21 + X22 + X23 = 100 X31 + X32 + X32 = 120 X X X31 = 150 X X X32 = 80 X X X33 = 120

14 General Formulation Transportation Problem
Min Z c X s t i m d j n ij = å 1 2 . , Also, requires that supply matches demand.

15 General Format Transportation Problem
Also, requires that supply matches demand.

16 Excel Solver Setup

17 Excel Solver Setup

18 Excel Solver Setup Note Excel Solver does not use a special transportation problem method. It just solves the problem with the usual LP software. For larger problems Excel Solver will be considerably slower than software designed to for transportation problems

19 Transportation Tableau

20 Transportation Tableau
Total Demand = Total Supply

21 Initial Feasible Solution
Northwest Corner requires m+n-1 basic variables Vogel’s Approximation Russel’s Approximation (Not done for class)

22 Initial Feasible Solution
Northwest Corner

23 Initial Feasible Solution
Northwest Corner

24 Initial Feasible Solution
Total Cost = 10(130) + 13(20) + 7(80) + 11(0) + 12(120) = $3,560

25 Clever Idea Suppose we can find a loop to move units around.

26 Clever Idea Suppose we can find a loop to move units around.

27 Clever Idea Suppose we can find a loop to move units around.

28 Clever Idea Suppose we can find a loop to move units around.

29 Clever Idea Suppose we can find a loop to move units around.

30 Clever Idea For each unit I can move around the loop, I can save
= 3 per unit of flow

31 Clever Idea I can move at most 80 units around this loop

32 Clever Idea I can move at most 80 units around this loop

33 Clever Idea Total Cost = 10(130) + 13(20) + 11(80) + 5(80) + 12(40)
= $3,320 = $3, (80)

34 Finding the Best Loop Basic Cell cij = ui + vj
Nonbasic Cell dij = cij - ui – vj Note: book doesn’t use d’s page 321

35 Transportation Algorithm
Arbitrarily select u2 = 0

36 Transportation Algorithm
13 = 0 + v v1 = 13 7 = 0 + v v2 = 7

37 Transportation Algorithm
10 = u u1 = -3 11 = u u3 = 4

38 Transportation Algorithm
12 = 4 + v v3 = 8

39 Transportation Algorithm
3 d12 = 7 -(-3) - 7 = +3

40 Transportation Algorithm
3 3 d13 = 8 -(-3) - 8 = +3

41 Transportation Algorithm
3 3 3 d23 = = -3

42 Transportation Algorithm
3 3 3 11 d31 = = -11

43 Transportation Algorithm
3 3 3 11 Note: -3 is the same thing we got earlier by finding a loop.

44 Transportation Algorithm
3 3 3 11 Let non-basic cell with largest -dij enter basis.

45 Transportation Algorithm
Find a feasible loop.

46 Transportation Algorithm
Move the maximim unit flow around the loop.

47 Transportation Algorithm
Move the maximim unit flow around the loop. Total Cost = 10(130) + 13(20) + 7(80) + 12(120) = $3,560

48 Transportation Algorithm
Note that ui and vj must now be recomputed from new basis. Arbitrarily select v1 = 0

49 Class Problem Find u1, u2, u3, v2, v3 dij for non-basic cells

50 Class Problem 8 14 Find u1, u2, u3, v2, v3 and dij for non-basic cells

51 Class Problem 14 Find most -dij. Find feasible loop for transfer.

52 Class Problem Find most -dij. Find feasible loop for transfer.

53 Class Problem Total Cost = 10(130) + 7(80) + 5(20) + 6(20) + 12(120)
= $3,280 = 3, (14)

54 Class Problem Arbitrarily select u2 = 0. Find other multiplier values.

55 Class Problem Arbitrarily select u2 = 0. Find other multiplier values.

56 Class Problem Arbitrarily select u2 = 0. Find other multiplier values.

57 Class Problem Arbitrarily select u2 = 0. Find other multiplier values.

58 Class Problem Find all dij values. Select largest –dij to leave basis.
11 8 3 Find all dij values. Select largest –dij to leave basis.

59 Class Problem Find largest -dij. Find feasible loop for transfer.

60 Class Problem Total Cost = 10(50) + 7(80) + 5(100) + 6(100) + 12(20)
= $2,400 = 3, (80)

61 Class Problem Arbitrarily select u1 = 0. Find other multiplier values.

62 Class Problem Arbitrarily select u1 = 0. Find other multiplier values.

63 Class Problem Arbitrarily select u1 = 0. Find other multiplier values.

64 Class Problem Arbitrarily select u1 = 0. Find other multiplier values.

65 Class Problem Arbitrarily select u1 = 0. Find other multiplier values.

66 Class Problem Find all dij values. Select largest –dij to leave basis.
8 Find all dij values. Select largest –dij to leave basis.

67 Class Problem 8 Find largest -dij. Find feasible loop.

68 Class Problem Find largest -dij. Find feasible loop.

69 Class Problem Total Cost = 10(30) + 7(80) + 8(20) + 5(100) + 6(120)
= $2,240 = 2, (20)

70 Class Problem Arbitrarily select u1 = 0.

71 Class Problem Arbitrarily select u1 = 0. Find other multipliers.

72 Class Problem Arbitrarily select u1 = 0. Find other multipliers.

73 Class Problem 6 3 8 8 All dij > Solution is optimal.

74 Class Problem Z = 10(30) + 7(80) + 8(20) + 5(100) + 6(120) = 2,240 6 3

75 Initialization (Vogel’s)

76 Initialization (Vogel’s) Table 8.17 H&L

77 Initialization (Vogel’s) Table 8.17 H&L

78 Initialization (Vogel’s) Table 8.17 H&L

79 Initialization (Vogel’s) Table 8.17 H&L

80 Initialization (Vogel’s) Table 8.17 H&L

81 Initialization (Vogel’s) Table 8.17 H&L

82 Dummy Warehouse Suppose total supply exceeds total demand.

83 Dummy Warehouse Add dummy warehouse with 0 cost.

84 Dummy Supplier Suppose total demand exceeds total supply.

85 Dummy Supplier

86 Final slide Transportation Problem Northwest corner Method
Transportation Tableau Method Vogler’s approximation (Initialization)

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