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S. Benson, 3/13.

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Presentation on theme: "S. Benson, 3/13."— Presentation transcript:

1 S. Benson, 3/13

2 Jessie Moreau, 7/12 S. Benson, 3/13

3 Matching - Famous Women
-2-Choice -Vocabulary S. Benson, 3/13

4 No, Low, Mid, High Tech Continuum
no-tech low-tech mid-tech high-tech  AAC  is not only high-tech expensive communication devices.  There are a wide variety of AAC devices available today but the concept of AAC also includes no-tech and low-tech options. The AAC continuum ranges from no-tech options such as sign language, low-tech options such as picture symbol sets and single message buttons, mid-tech options such as recorded speech devices and high-tech computer-based communication devices.  The next few slides will highlight some examples of each.

5 Switch Scanning SIMULATION
Types of AAC access Icon Choice Alternate Access Point Eye gaze Switch Scanning Direct Select – Isolated Finger Tactile Supports Switch Scanning SIMULATION S. Benson, 3/13

6 Tech/Talk 8 with Tactile Supports
Types of AAC devices Step-by Step Talkables Cheap Talk 8 Tech/Talk 8 with Tactile Supports GoTalk Express 32 iPod Touch w/Proloquo2Go Vantage Lite TuffTalker Allora EyeMax S. Benson, 3/13

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