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Sunday School Directors: Enlisting and Developing Bible Study Leaders

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1 Sunday School Directors: Enlisting and Developing Bible Study Leaders

2 “I enlisted my problems”
“Most of the problems I have in Sunday School can be traced back to enlistment. In other words…” “I enlisted my problems” Allan Taylor Groups Specialist, LifeWay

3 Enlist Group Leaders Properly
Enlist to a cause Enlist to a specific responsibility Enlist to specific expectations

4 Enlist Properly “The way you enlist a leader says a lot about the importance of the ministry you want them to lead.” Bob Mayfield Sunday School specialist, BGCO

5 Enlist Properly What do the following ways of enlistment communicate to a leader? Enlisted in the hallway before Sunday School; A plea from the pulpit during worship; Sign-up form in the church foyer; Personal enlistment over lunch or in the leader’s home?

6 Enlist Properly What kind of understanding would a potential leader have of the importance of the ministry if they are enlisted in the following ways? Enlisted in the hallway before Sunday School; A plea from the pulpit during worship; Sign-up form in the church foyer; Personal enlistment over lunch or in the leader’s home?

7 Enlist to Expectations
Make a list of what you expect from your leaders, and enlist to those expectations. Be specific and thorough But be brief Probably no more than 12 specific expectations

8 Enlist to Expectations
Examples: Be on time Prepare your lesson Attend training Organize your group Teach approved literature “Follow the pastor” Set goals Develop soulwinners

9 Where to Find Leaders Ask current Sunday School leaders for names of group members who might be potential leaders No one knows church members like the pastor! Discipleship groups People who help at Vacation Bible School Disciple Now volunteers Former Sunday School leaders Group members who attend leadership training events

10 Developing Leaders Rule of Thumb New leaders need more assistance. Experienced leaders need more coaching.

11 Developing Leaders Discuss some ideas of how to assist and equip new leaders… Discuss some ideas of how to coach and equip experienced leaders…

12 Developing Leaders Leadership training is a MUST Research by Georgia Baptists reveals that the #1 most common practice of its growing churches is that they provide ongoing leadership training.

13 Developing Leaders Provide ongoing training Schedule regular leadership training Use social platforms Make training worth the leader’s time

14 Developing Leaders Provide ongoing training
Plan leadership opportunities one year in advance Place leadership training on the church’s calendar Do NOT cancel a leadership training event Quarterly training (3-4 times/year) is a minimum Quality trumps Quantity

15 Developing Leaders Schedule regular leadership training
Quarterly minimum Many churches have success by offering lunch & training immediately following a Sunday morning service Variety in training is essential Always connect training to the church’s vision Take attendance!!

16 Developing Leaders Use social platforms
Send text messages to encourage and keep leaders informed Texting is simple A text message usually receives an immediate read Use a group messaging app on your phone to text all leaders at once (EX: GroupText or GroupMe)

17 Developing Leaders Use social platforms
Blogs, such as or An online equipping platform such as the Baptist General Convention of Oklahoma’s

18 Over 200 training videos for leaders of all age groups
Leaders receive “badges” as rewards Only online certification of Sunday School leaders 21st century version of the old Church Study Course

19 Explore the Bible Doctrine overview of each EtB lesson
Led by Dr. Scott Pace or Dr. Bobby Kelly of OBU 15 minutes of practical biblical doctrine taught specifically for that week’s lesson

20 “My Church” feature Keep up with leaders’ progress
Use “My Church” to discover badges earned and reward leaders Ask leaders to earn specific badges

21 Subscribe Start Earning Badges!
Go to Use your mobile phone to Subscribe and Start Earning Badges!

22 Leadership Enlistment and Equipping…
Is an ongoing effort all year, not a seasonal effort Takes foresight and diligence Must involve close working relationship between the pastor and Sunday School director Pays big dividends in the future

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