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Digital Media.

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Presentation on theme: "Digital Media."— Presentation transcript:

1 Digital Media

2 Ideas for Recording Class book Display Individual books
Skills passport Employability folder Photos

3 Session 1 – Introduction

4 What is the message?
What is this clip all about? What does it mean to you? Do you have a dream?

5 What’s the link?

6 If so, you have experienced the Digital Media Industry!
Have you ever used a website? Have you ever looked on social media? Have you ever played on a computer game? If so, you have experienced the Digital Media Industry! The Digital Media industry is a huge industry that is growing as we speak. We live in the digital age. Digital media has a range of jobs within it. The multibillion pound Digital industry has a wide range of sectors within it including. Social Media Management- this can include advertising on social media, blogging and vlogging for a company. Games developer- there are millions of games and apps out there that all have to be created and developed by people. It is peoples jobs to come up with ideas and create games! ICT security developer- this area is really important. ICT security is about keeping anything to do with ICT safe. Website designer- in our digital age websites are a great was of communicating, website designers design and create websites for many big companies. Graphic developer- create digital concepts for a computer software, it is a creative part of the industry with a wide range of opportunities. Project Manager – this is a job when people are in charge of developing and implementing ICT systems. We’re going to look at different areas of the digital media industry and it’s strong focus on customers. We will also look at what skills you might need to work in this industry.

7 Discussion: Do you know anyone who works in this industry?

8 ME This slide could be printed off and used as a baseline. Use one colour for what they already know and another colour or post it notes at the end of the sessions to add what they now know. Can use either the mind map or KWL grid.

9 What I know? What I want to know? What I have learnt?

10 Session 2 – Employability Skills

11 Question for the class - What does EMPLOYABLE mean to you?
Are there any personal skills which are needed for any job? These are called EMPLOYABILITY SKILLS

12 Exploring employability skills physically
Complete personal jigsaws or play game in hall trying to match definition with key word

13 What skills did you find out about?
Discussion– are any more important than others? Are all the same needed in the same quantity for any job or do some need more of one aspect than others?

14 Self evaluation Which of these skills do I already have?
Can be evidenced on an employability spider or grid

15 Session 3 - Jobs

16 Teacher slide Graphic Designer Social Media Manager Games Developer
I.C.T. Security Expert Web Site Designer Project Manager A job per table group. Give them one job to focus on and research. Success criteria for each table (What does a day look like for this person? What does this person do? What qualifications do you need? What skills does this person use? What is this person’s average salary?) Feedback to the rest of the class (mini presentation).

17 Exploring Careers in Digital Media

18 Group Task In groups you will be given one digital media based career to explore. When collecting your research you will need to consider the following: What is the person required to do in their job role? What qualifications would you need to have for this job? What skills would be needed for this job? What does a ‘typical day’ look like for a person with this job? What is their average salary?

19 Session 4 - Skills

20 We are going to watch a selection of videos relating to jobs in the Digital Media sector (teacher choose from selection in resource). As you watch the video, look out for when these employability skills are used. Put a tick in the box next to the employability skill each time you see it. When we have watched the video, we will discuss how many times you saw each skill being used and how they were used.

21 Graphic designer Games Designer Website developer Social Media Manager – ARTICLE, not video ICT Security Manager – ARTICLE not video ICT Manager

22 Session 5 – Creative Response

23 Teacher to choose from a selection of activities
Teacher to choose from a selection of activities. This activity should be a creative response to what the children have learnt in previous sessions. Possible Activities: Create a dream uniform/piece of equipment for a job within the industry. Write a diary entry from the point of view of someone in that role. Write a job advert for your role, explaining the employability skills and qualifications needed. Compare and contrast activity – make Top Trumps-style cards for different roles within the industry and then play the game. Draw around a child and then add the skills needed from a selection of TRUE/FALSE statements to the outside of the ‘body’. On the inside add post its with personal skills that might be needed for the role such as a passion, ambition, self motivation. Jargon busting exercises where the children are given a range of terms from the industry sector to match the definitions to. Create a glossary of terms that relate to the industry sector in child speak. Create a 3 or 5 step plan to their career pathway. Practical activity where the children need to consider only 3 or 5 things they need to do in order to get to their chosen career in the industry. Use pre labelled PE mats to jump from step to step but only allow THREE or FIVE jumps. Can they get to their goal? Think classification diagrams. Involve children in considering what needs to go on each map first. Create a ‘day on the life of a You Tuber’. Set up a You Tube channel for children. Research a You Tuber.. Which career pathway did they take? Creative activities could contribute to a careers display/be used as evidence of teaching.

24 Session 6 – Reflection

25 Reflecting on Learning
Reflect back on your first session. Evaluate your KWL grid/mind map– what have you learnt? Give key examples.

26 Self Evaluation Evaluate your own skills by revisiting either of the following: skills spider diagram RAG rate employability skills booklet Do you demonstrate any of the skills you have learnt about already? If so, how have you demonstrated those skills? Give examples.

27 Take it Further Here are some really interesting links exploring the industry in more depth. Use these as discussion topics, ideas for creative writing, homework topics etc. Suggestions included :- Is social media fame really fame? Is it right to employ hackers?

28 Female games designer: (US sorry!)
different roles within Games design (& interviews) (US again sorry, but does include business side!) social media manager: (informal, female, British, fashion) “No one cares about uni” – alternative routes Graphic design pitch to panel: (young, early in career) Day in the life of a Graphic Designer: (speeded up footage, informal) Day in the life: IT security (animation) 11 year old security expert: (American again, but interesting as so young!)

29 Day in the life of an Ethical Hacker (American, but interesting as started hacking as a child and explains different types) Good hackers: Games design: why it’s hard – links to physics and forces: Not a clip, but a useful site:

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