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014 - ISAIAH 60 Refrain: Arise, shine out, for your light has come

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1 014 - ISAIAH 60 Refrain: Arise, shine out, for your light has come
The glory of Yahweh is rising on you Though night still covers the earth and darkness the peoples, above you Yahweh now rises above you His glory appears, arise 1. The nations come to your light and kings to your dawning brightness singing the praise of Yahweh bringing gold and incense Lift up your eyes and look around you all are assembling and coming toward you your sons from far away and your daughters being tenderly carried this day

2 014 - ISAIAH 60 2. They bring your sons from far away
and their silver and gold with them For the name of Yahweh your God the Holy One of Israel No more shall violence be heard in your country nor devastation within your frontiers You will call your walls “Salvation” And your gates “Praise” 3. No more will the sun give you day light nor moon light shine on you But Yahweh will be your eternal light God will be your splendor Your sun will set no more nor your moon wane but Yahweh will be your eternal light and your days of mourning will pass from your sight

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