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Six Characteristics of Living Things

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1 Six Characteristics of Living Things

2 1. All living things have cells.
A cell is the basic unit of structure and function in an organism. Unicellular -- single-celled organisms; ex. bacteria Multicellular -- many cells; ex. you!

3 2. All living things are made up of chemicals
Most abundant chemical: water carbohydrates -- cell’s energy source proteins and lipids -- building materials of the cell DNA and RNA -- genetic material

4 3. All living things use energy.
They use energy to make food, break down food, build and repair cells. Autotrophs -- make their own food; ex. plants Heterotrophs -- cannot make their own food

5 4. All living things grow and develop.
Growth --> get larger Develop --> change that occurs to produce a more complex organism

6 5. All living things respond to their surroundings.
Stimulus -- a change in an organism’s surroundings that causes the organism to react; ex. change in temp., light, sound, etc. Response -- an action or change in behavior; ex. Jump when your sister/ brother says “boo!”

7 6. All living things reproduce.
To produce offspring that are similar to the parents.

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