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Evolutionary Jeopardy

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Presentation on theme: "Evolutionary Jeopardy"— Presentation transcript:

1 Evolutionary Jeopardy
Scientists Natural Selection Evidence of Evolution Human Evolution Anything is game 100 200 300 400 500

2 Scientists for 100 Where did Darwin draw ideas for his theory of Natural Selection? Galapagos Islands Back

3 Scientists for 200 What theory is Charles Darwin Responsible for?
Natural Selection Back

4 Scientists for 300 Who disproved acquired characteristics could not be passed down to offspring? Weismann Back

5 Scientists for 400 Lamark Who was responsible for the theory that characterizes acquired by organisms can be passed on from generation to generation? Back

6 Scientists for 500 Who had similar finding as Darwin but did not publish his work? Alfred Russel Wallace Back

7 Natural Selection for 100 What is the process of Natural Selection?
Organisms with traits well suited to their environment survive and reproduce more successfully. Back

8 Natural Selection for 200 Is the following natural selection or artificial selection? A Gardner crosses a orange and a tangerine to produce tangelo. Explain Why. Artificial, because man choose the traits. Back

9 Natural Selection for 300 If a slow moving organism is born into an environment where all of its predators run fast, explain how this organism will adapt. Over time (multiple generations) the faster organism will be selected and future generations will become faster. THIS WILL NOT HAPPEN IMMEDIATELY! Back

10 Natural Selection for 400 What happens to a species that does not respond to natural selection? They become extinct. Back

11 Natural Selection for 500 Draw the three different graphs that a population can experience with natural selection. Describe each graph with a real example. Stabilizing Directional Disruptive Back

12 Evidence of Evolution for 100
The human tailbone and wisdom teeth is an example of this evidence for evolution. Vestigial Structures. Back

13 Evidence of Evolution for 200
Why is an example of analogous structures? Wings of a butterfly and wings of a bird. Back

14 Evidence of Evolution for 300
Look at the similarities of fish, chicken, and humans just weeks after fertilization suggests they share a common ancestor is an example of Embryological development Back

15 Evidence of Evolution for 400
Homologous Structures. Suggests a common ancestor. Identify the form of evidence that is in the picture above. What does this suggest about the organisms? Back

16 Evidence of Evolution for 500
A dolphins fin and a sharks fin is an example of which type of adaptive radiation? Explain. Convergent Evolution, because they come from different ancestors (mammals / fish) but still evolved fins. Back

17 Human Evolution for 100 What common characteristics do all primates posses? Opposable Thumb Back

18 Human Evolution for 200 What bone is responsible for bipedialism?
Pelvis Back

19 Human Evolution for 300 How was Lucy related to humans?
Similar skeletal structure Was bipedal! Back

20 Human Evolution for 400 Describe the difference in bone structure between a chimpanzee and a human. Chimps have a longer pelvis Longer arms Smaller skull Divergent big toe Back

21 Human Evolution for 500 Gave scientists a glimpse into our hominid past, especially with bipedalism. Also suggested that Hominids were walking 3.6mya. Explain the importance of the Laetoli Trackway. Back

22 Anything is game for 100 Give an example of mimicry and camouflage.
Praying mantis resembles the petals of an orchid flower. Walking stick in a pile of debris in a forest. Back

23 Anything is game for 200 What is gene flow?
Movement of genes from one population to another. Back

24 Anything is game for 300 Describe how speciation can occur ?
populations that live in different environments may be exposed to different selection pressures. Back

25 Anything is game for 400 What causes variation in a genotype?
Recombination of genes as a result of sexual selection. Back

26 Anything is game for 500 A farmer constantly is spraying to rid his crops of harmful insects. However, each year the same species are present the following year. Explain how this is possible. Some species of insects have adapted an immunity to the insecticide. These individuals survive and reproduce offspring that are also immune. Back

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