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8X Objectives: Describe World War II in the American home front.

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Presentation on theme: "8X Objectives: Describe World War II in the American home front."— Presentation transcript:

1 8X Objectives: Describe World War II in the American home front. Agenda: Do Now: Be ready to watch the clips. Get your graphic organizers ready. We’ll be watching the clips and filling out the graphic organizer from yesterday. Homework: Please copy main ideas and big idea for Ch Copy and define key terms and people.

2 The Home Front War Economy Women African Americans Mexican Americans
Japanese American War helped the economy – started production Industry focus: war machine More jobs Government had almost total control of the economy War economy similar to Communism – rationing, after war – free healthcare, education, and jobs for all through expansion of government. At the end of the war, we created World Bank to help rebuild Europe. The US dollar became the most used in world trade  US became the leading financial power in the world. GI Bill of Rights – provided war veterans with education and mortgage loans. MA Can help as nurses in the military. TB Picked up men’s jobs in factories while men were drafted to war. TS: Did things normally considered as unladylike – men’s jobs, gardening and piloting planes EC: had a lot more opportunities (p 811) NEW IMAGE FOR WOMEN – the muscle and the jumpsuit DH about 1 mill AF AM joined military Tuskegee Airmen – famous group of fighter plane pilots in Europe – lots of succesful missions and highly decorated. But faced discrimination. DR: Tuskegee airmen national heroes in the airforce, became very respected. EC: didn’t get all the privileges of whites. At first denied to fight in combat. Assigned only to support positions. AF AM moved to cities and received lower pay. Restricted only to certain jobs. A Philip Randolph began to organize a march on DC for better treatment but cancelled it when FDR conceded and passed an anti-discrimination in the work place. Increased immigration through the bracero program – we needed farmers – white farmers were being drafted. We had to import workers from Mexico.- moved them to the West and Midwest. Good deal for Mexicans. Had a positive fantasy of what America would be like. Fed well and clean. When they got here they faced a lot of discrimination. 300,000 Mexican Americans served in the military. American Indians – served in the military as well. Code Talkers – central to war intelligence. 40,000 served.

3 Predict What is ideology?
WWII – is a war of ideology – fascism and totalitarianism against democracy. Predict: How did WWII change America? Government is getting bigger. People will protest this. Brought us out of the GD Hitler made people see the power of just one person. More careful of dangerous people. More government dependency and in people’s lives Isolation to world police Became a significant world power. Most powerful in the world. IDEAS: we championed equality and freedom more strongly. We began to see ourselves as a diverse and pluralistic nation that provided for all. FDRs 4 freedoms, free enterprise, and equality.  American Creed




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