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Processes and Practices for Postsecondary Transition Planning

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1 Processes and Practices for Postsecondary Transition Planning
A Focus on Age-Appropriate Transition Assessment Amy Szymanski, M.Ed. Consultant February/March 2011 Presentation

2 Intended Outcomes Participants will:
Identify the required components within a compliant Individualized Education Program (IEP) Transition Plan Age Appropriate Transition Assessment (AATA) Identify sources of AATA Give examples of methods for gathering AATA data Identify features to be in included within the summary of AATA in Section 4 of the IEP Summarize information gathered from AATA and describe the relevance to a student’s postschool goals

3 The Purpose of IDEA “To ensure that all children with disabilities have available to them a free appropriate public education that emphasizes special education and related services designed to meet their unique needs and prepare them for further education, employment, and independent living…” Important to see this from the perspective of the emphasis in the federal law. The whole focus of IDEIA is on successful outcomes for students with disabilities. We spend a great deal of money and resources on a disabled child over the years of pre-K-12 education – and the question is “so what” – what did it get us in terms of results?

4 State Performance Plan Links
Increased Graduation Rates for Students with Disabilities (I-1) Reduction of Dropouts (I-2) Increased Quality and Effectiveness of the Transition Component (I-13) Increased Postsecondary Success for Students with Disabilities (I-14) All states are now held accountable for the outcomes of students with disabilities through the State Performance Plan and in these particular indicators (read slide) are all related to the quality of life and productivity of students with disabilities as adults The better your transition planning and IEP delivery process works – the better your graduation rates and post-school success rates should be. The goal is not just graduation from high school – it is graduation with a purpose – graduation to do what? – a vision for adult life that is achievable 4 4

5 Ed Resources Ohio Ohio Operating Standards
Procedures and Guidance IEP Annotation Secondary Transition Tab Slides min

6 Problem solve with the student and family:
Transition Planning Problem solve with the student and family: “What does the student plan to do after graduation?” Future Planning Age 14 Statement Measureable Post School Goals “In relation to these goals, where is the student now?” AATA “What does the student need to do this year and in subsequent years to be “transition ready” by graduation?” Annual Goals and Services Course of Study Transition Services Linkages to Adult Services Transition Planning is necessary in order to complete the IEP Transition Plan. These (those items on this slide) are the basic steps involved with Transition Planning aligned with components of the IEP Process

7 This student wanted to be a bank teller, just like her mom
Start Young with Career Development to prepare students to participate in Future Planning This student wanted to be a bank teller, just like her mom

8 Future Planning Future planning is the opportunity each and every year to have meaningful discussions with the student and family about the student’s future Inviting the student to the IEP is one tangible way to promote and facilitate active student participation. How do you obtain information for the future planning statement? How do you involve students in IEP? Student involvement in the IEP Process IEP development is an annual process and each IEP meeting provides to opportunity to document in Step 1 the results of discussions about what the student’s future might be like when he/she is an adult It is never too early to begin thinking about the student’s future When Future Planning has resulted in a meaningful discussion each and every year, it provides a solid starting place for more formal transition planning that is required by age 14

9 Changes through the Years
The Vision/Future Plan should change through the years from a school- focused, adult (family) influenced view To an adult world picture that is primarily directed by the student with support from the IEP team and family The Future Planning statement can and will change gradually over the years to direct the course of the student's future life. Important: School/parent guidance and direction gradually decrease and student focus and guidance increases School focus to adult world focus

10 Future Planning Development Tool: “How Are We Doing?”
To help guide the development of the future planning and vision To encourage families and students to participate in the process To assure that Future Planning which guides the development of the transition plan are student/family driven 10 minutes to cover future planning slides up to this point and then 10 total minutes with the samples and tool. Give 2 minutes to review/reflect on tool. Spend 3 minutes leading through the samples of Miguel and Jeffrey. Now 2 minutes to look over own future planning and then report out to larger group. Total for Future Planning part is Here is a tool that may assist you in developing an effective future planning statement Refer to Future planning development tool (a handout) Can be used as self-review to determine if future planning statement communicates information useful to transition planning and is on target

11 Miguel’s Future Planning Statement
Miguel is 16 and plans to attend college and obtain a degree in history or meteorology. He would like to be a college professor in history or a meteorologist (and study global warming). Miguel enjoys perfecting his golf game and communicates with friends via social networking sites. He lives with his mother now, but would like to live in a dorm at college in a private room. Lets see what that look like as a future planning statement. Group Discussion/Table talk From just this statement, what priorities might you expect to be planned into other components of the IEP?

12 Jeffrey’s Future Plans
Jeffrey will live with his parents after high school. His family may consider a supervised living situation in the community for him, eventually. His family sees him being employed in the community doing tasks that make use of his skill with using his hands and his interests in tools, computers and plumbing. He also likes attending sporting events in the community. Jeff would benefit from ongoing adult education in the areas such as daily living skills and sexuality. READ SLIDE What are Jeffrey’s PINS (answers are often interchangeable AND/OR both an interest and a need, for example Preferences – working with this hands Interests – tools, computer, plumbing Needs – daily living, sex ed Strengths – using tools What questions or red flags does just this little bit of info raise? Where does Jeff want to live? Be employed? What are his specific needs for daily living skills? Sexuality? What methods would you use to address some of these questions? Interview student Interview parents and student, interview past teachers, observation

13 Age 14 Requirements “For each child with a disability beginning at age 14 (or younger if determined appropriate by IEP team), the IEP shall include a statement, updated annually, of transition service needs of the child under the applicable components of the child’s IEP that focuses on courses of study (such as participating in advanced placement courses or a vocational education program).” Ohio Operating Standards From the Operating Standards. Read and review. What does this mean? Continue to next slide for further clarification . We will discuss “course of study” more completely in module 5 and focus more on transiton services in Module 4. But as we discuss PS Goals, it is important to reflect on the “Big Picture” and how all elements fit together.

14 IEP Part 4: Age 14 Statement
Based on information from Section 1, Future Planning, and Section 3, Profile, and, as appropriate, data and information from Section 6, Present Levels of Academic Achievement and Functional Performance and/or the results of age-appropriate transition assessments (Section 4) IEP Annotation

15 IEP Part 4: Age 14 Statement
Describe in this section the child’s needs related to transition to and through the first years of high school and the course of study. IEP Annotation

16 IEP Part 4: Age 14 Statement Questions for the IEP Team to Consider
-What classes will the child need to prepare for the intended job/career? --Does the child intend to go to college? - Is this child planning to enroll in a career/tech program during high school? -What classes will provide the child with skills needed in order to achieve the child’s post-school goals? -Does the child need accommodations and/or services to support achievement and progress in the child’s course of study? -How do the child’s plans for the future match up with the child’s preferences, interests, needs, and skills? -Are accommodations and services the child currently receives providing opportunities for the child to attain the level of independence needed as an adult? -Does the child know how to: ) describe to others how his or her disability affects his or her learning, working, and living and 2) advocate for appropriate accommodations?

17 Courses of Study: “Ohio Core”
How do students with disabilities participate in the Ohio Core Curriculum? How does this affect course of study? 1st time 9th graders in Course of study must include how student will complete Core Consider implications for graduation and diploma See guidance at keyword search “Core” for specific guidance about options for student participation in Core coursework Begins with this year’s 9th graders

18 Course of Study - CORE For SWD graduating in 2014 & after
CORE must be included in transition plan 3 Options to Meet Graduation Requirements Required CORE coursework Opt-out provision for required CORE coursework Based on IEP goals and objectives

19 Information from Jeffrey’s Age 14 Statement
Modified general curriculum Some in general education classroom Some in resource room (smaller class size) Life Skills class Opportunities for paid work experience, in school and in the community What questions arise that would result in age appropriate transition assessment? Which classes will be modified and in what ways? The amount of work? The expectations for learning? Which classes in resource room and what services will he receive there? Direct instruction? What creates the need for smaller class size? Does the school have a class titled “life skills”? Does the school have an in-school work program? How does a student participate in it? Community work program? What are the requirement? Does a student have to be ready to get a job? What supports are available? 19

20 Information in Miguel’s Age 14 Transition Statement
Miguel will be enrolled in college prep courses, taking the honors level math and science courses. He needs accommodations for taking notes. He needs to continue practicing keyboarding, as a computer might be an appropriate accommodation for him for note taking. His current behavior plan provides "time out" when he gets anxious, but the team is in the process of revising the behavior plan with the idea that he will need ways to cope with his anxiety into adulthood. Time out will not be an appropriate accommodation for college or for future workplaces. Spend 15 total minutes on this part. Allow them to review/reflect on IEP. Obviously he will need to be in college prep work, heavy in math and science in line with his interests and future plans Keep him getting better at keyboarding Until he gets good enough at keyboarding to take notes electronically, he will need some accommodations such as copy of teacher’s notes, strategy for him to outline material ahead of time Then he needs some help with what to do in noisy places – not likely he will always be able to avoid them at college or in life, same for personal space violations so he will need some strategies for what to do when…… Social skills instruction – maybe it’s a partly a language based issue, get the speech involved, maybe a sensory issue, get OT involved, maybe he just needs to be taught and have practice with conventions such as greetings, listening skills, etc. probably need more info – that would be called ________________WHAT? (age appropriate transition assessment) 20

21 Post-Secondary Goals that are:
Age 16 Requirements Post-Secondary Goals that are: Measurable Based on Age Appropriate Transition Assessment Team should gather information before the student’s IEP for age 16 Includes: A goal for Education/Training A goal for Employment A goal for Independent Living (for some students) Need assessment data that indicates a need or no need related to individual student

22 Age 16 Requirements Results in a ‘coordinated set of activities’:
Connected Annual Goal(s) Meaningful steps to progress towards Post School goals Aligned Course of Study Prepares student to engage in post school education/training/employment/independent living Supporting Transition Services Align with the individual student’s post school goal Reflect experiences, skills, knowledge, etc. . Needed for student to be “transition ready”

23 Indicator 13 8 Elements Direct Participants to take out the I-13 Checklist to refer to as the 8 items are briefly reviewed. Explain to the participants that each element will be reviewed in modules to help them understand what is required, implement the requirements and how it applies to individual IEPs. Explain that when districts “check the box” for a student’s IEP in EMIS for I-13 they are indicating they have met compliance for all 8 Elements of I – 13. If even one element is not met , I-13 is not completed. 23 23

24 Indicator 13 Checklist
This checklist can be used to self-review IEPs for complete and compliant I-13 elements Specifically, Sections 4 and 5 in the IEP are involved As well as other components of the IEP, annual goals for example Other student records provide documentation such as invitation to IEP meeting

25 Web-based Examples and Nonexamples Indicator 13 Checklist
The document walks through the 8 items of the Indicator 13 Checklist for 14 different students (ages 16 – 21). Students with specific learning disabilities: Allison, Jason, John Student with autism: Alex Student with emotional behavioral disorder: Jamarreo Students with intellectual disabilities: Jeremy, Jodi, Lissette, Paulo, Stephanie Students with severe, complex disabilities: David, Kevin, Lilly, Rolanda Take them here. Anyone use this site?

26 Steps to “The Document”
Click on Indicator 13 Click on Training Materials Click on “the document”, anywhere in blue

27 The Processes and Practices Transition Planning Tool
This tool expands on each element in the Indicator 13 Checklist Allow them to hold this and review the first element with them. Total of 10 minutes for slides covering the age 16 requirements through the tool. One hour completed in training so far.

28 Indicator 13 Element 1: Measureable Post-School Goals Element 2: PS Goals Updated Annually
28 28

29 Compliance Requirements Indicator 13 Checklist
ST 1. Is there an appropriate measurable postsecondary goal or goals in each area? (note: ST = Secondary Transition)

30 Postsecondary Goals “generally understood to refer to those goals that a child hopes to achieve after leaving secondary school (i.e., high school)” (IDEA 2004 Part B Regulations, § (b), discussion of Final Rule p. 46,668) Post School Goals are NOT the process of pursuing or moving toward the desired outcome. Postsecondary goal as defined by IDEA means 30

31 Indicator 13 - Element 1 Measurable Postsecondary Goals
Based on student’s preferences, interests, needs and strengths (PINS) Informed by and based on data/results of age-appropriate transition assessment Increases in detail and becomes explicit as student nears graduation Specific to a type of adult outcome May or may not change from year to year Measurable post school goals are written in a way that includes these features and characteristics: (read bullets above) AFTER student’s graduate or age out of high school, not a process or activity that would be completed on the way to an “adult destination” What are examples of some adult destinations, or types of outcomes? (a job, attending college, earning a degree or certificate, living in an apartment with friends) Not a process of getting there (applying for a job or college, job shadowing, participating in a school work program, filling out an application, improving skills in math) Looking for outcomes that are a suitable match with information known about the student (student wants to work outdoors, post school goal says office work, not a match) Use the information and data available from AATA to confirm or refute the outcome, to work through conflicts– use facts to work with student and family when everyone isn’t on the same page – if more info is needed, make a plan to get it. There is power in information – student wants to be a…….(ask for an example of “unrealistic” goal a student might have, such as professional athlete) Use AATA to gather additional information about the potential for that student to realize that outcome (web sites about available jobs, data about student’s skills compared to those needed, facts about student’s current skill levels or activities, etc.) The outcome must be stated specifically, but that doesn’t mean it must name a particular job or career, or name a college, for example. Specific enough that the team is able to identify connected and supporting systematic services and activities Must say “full time employment in the community” or employment in the community with support. Must be reviewed every year, but may not change, or might change

32 Formula for Writing a Postsecondary Goal*
_________ _____ will_____ ________ (After high school) Student Behavior Where and How (After graduation) (Upon completion of high school) *Taken from the National Secondary Transition Technical Assistance Center (

33 Jeffrey’s Post Secondary Goals
Education/Training Goal: Once Jeffrey has completed high school, he will enroll in adult education classes to further his daily living and independence skills. Employment Goal: After leaving high school, Jeffrey will work in the community with supported or customized employment in a job that makes use of his interests and strengths Independent Living Goal: Jeffrey will live at home with his parents after he finishes high school until he is eventually able to move into a supervised group home. Stated in the affirmative, indicate clearly that this result is expected to take place after the student leaves high school and is not a goal for learning or an activity while in high school, can be “counted” in the future as occurring or not occurring

34 Miguel’s Measurable Postsecondary Goals
Education and Training Goal: Upon graduation from high school, Miguel will enroll in a four year college Employment Goal: After earning a degree or degrees from a university, Miguel will pursue a career as a college level history professor, or as a meteorologist Independent Living Goal: Miguel will live independently in a private dorm room while attending college

35 Post School Goals: Accountability
Are schools held accountable for the achievement of Post Schools goals following high school? NO. Schools are NOT responsible for student attainment of appropriate, measurable post-secondary goals listed in the transition component of the IEP However, districts are responsible for implementation of specific transition services, behavioral interventions, and progress on annual IEP goals that support the student's future planning. As long as the school has provided the course(s) of study, implemented the annual IEP goals, and delivered the transition services and other services identified in the IEP, it has met its obligation

36 Students with Significant Disabilities
Students with Significant Disabilities NSTTAC Training Materials PowerPoint presentation NOTE: Goals are examples NOT compliant exemplars OK Workgroup Examples

37 Compliance Requirements Indicator 13 Checklist
ST 2. Is (are) the postsecondary goal(s) updated annually? (note: ST = Secondary Transition)

38 Indicator 13 - Element 2 Evidence of Annual Update or Review
Element 2 requires evidence that post secondary goals are updated annually Does not mean that they change Possible ways to document update/review: Notices of an IEP meeting during the previous year IEP summary notes that indicate discussion and approval of continuation of PS Goals Updated, more detailed, or revised PS Goals New information in AATA that aligns with PS Goals The IEP must be The IEP must be reviewed and updated periodically, at least annually. This review includes the measurable postsecondary goals, even if there is no change to the postsecondary goals. Evidence that the IEP has been reviewed and updated includes notices of an IEP meeting during the previous year, dates on the IEP within timelines, IEP meeting summary notes

39 Reflect / Review IEP Review and reflect on an IEP that you brought to the training Are the postsecondary goals measureable? Do the goals meet the criteria described in the Indicator 13 checklist? Have participants bring an IEP or IEPs that they wish to use to help apply the process. Assist the participants to understand at while they may develop some excellent ideas and improvements to plans, they will not be able to make any substantial changes to IEP without a team meeting.

40 Indicator 13 Element 3: Age Appropriate Transition Assessment
AATA (short for age appropriate transition assessment is one of the elements of the I-13 Having a transition plan that results in a coordinated set of activities is dependent on having solid transition assessment data and information

41 Compliance Requirements Indicator 13 Checklist
ST 3. Is there evidence that the measurable postsecondary goal(s) were based on age appropriate transition assessment? (Note: ST = Secondary Transition) Have participants refer to I-13 checklist The requirement involves not only having AATA information but evidence that the student’s post secondary goals are supported by AATA This requires a direct and genuine connection between that student’s AATA and his/her post school goals

42 The Age Appropriate Transition Assessment Process…
…..IS…… …..IS NOT……. Selecting assessment tools, settings and methods to get specific info Using the same assessment tool or method with all students Summarizing and interpreting test results in relation to adult outcomes Listing the name of tests and test scores in section 4 of IEP Done once or during a certain time period or grade level Ongoing, dynamic and guided by assessment questions To inform student’s multi-year transition needs in relation to his/her measurable post-school goals Used only to inform student’s achievement of current IEP annual goals These statements compare and contrast what AATA is Read some of the statements across the page to make these points: AATA is customized for each student AATA is not the test results themselves; it is the conclusions the team can draw from the assessment that inform the student’s future intentions AATA is not a point in time assessment event. It is ongoing throughout high school and documented so as to communicate it to others for each IEP cycle Informal information especially that gained directly from the student is valuable to AATA AATA is both existing info, interpreted for adult contexts and new information, gathered to information needed AATA is gathered using both formal and informal tools and methods Including students with disabilities in all whole school career-oriented events and activities Only information gathered by special educators in a separate assessment event Information provided informally by the student, family and others Only valid if generated by formal tools and gathered by educational professionals

43 Adapted from a presentation by Mary Morningstar
Implementing the Age Appropriate Transition Assessment Requirements of IDEA 2004 Let’s see what we have learned about AATA so far We are going to take a pop quiz developed by Dr. Mary Morningstar. You will get a copy of the quiz and answers after the session This website (transition coalition) is a helpful source of info about AATA and tools The next few slides will guide a discussion of what we know to be true about AATA. Some of the answers to this quiz are quite definite , while others answers are less “black and white”. The intent of this section of the training is to generate discussion, consider the intention and outcomes associated with AATA and further the surface knowledge of AATA In slide show mode, the question on the slide comes up first, a mouse click then brings up the answer after participants have a chance to respond For the presentation, if you are providing handouts, remove the quiz from the general handout by hiding the slides. Make available after the training. Mary E. Morningstar, Ph.D. 43 43

44 Test yourself… 1. Transition assessment uses a specific protocol, and it is important to administer it as instructed. TRUE FALSE FALSE Schools often base the entire assessment process on a pre-established protocol designed by the district and based on a commercial product, and not on the needs of the student (Cohen & Spenciner, 1996). In reality, transition assessments should be developed and individualized with each student in mind. Student participation in developing the types and methods of assessment is the best way to go. AATA is NOT a specific assessment. Not a single assessment tool. It is a process that should be individualized for the student based on how the specific student is able to demonstrate abilities or identify interests. The student needs or ways to examine and identify gaps in skill development can also be included. Planning for what to assess and how to gather that information is the first step in the AATA process. 44

45 2. Transition assessment is an ongoing process that takes place throughout and across the secondary school years TRUE FALSE TRUE While transition assessment is often thought of as a once-a-year event completed by one person and occurring over a short period of time to develop the IEP, it is in fact most useful when thought of within a broader context (Cohen and Spenciner, 1996). In order to be effective and meaningful to the student and the school program, the transition assessment process must be ongoing throughout the school year. This is basically a true statement and the important point is that the process is not a single point in time assessment. But instead is an ongoing process that provides a baseline of information and tracks progress. What some might disagree with about this statement is the identification of “secondary” school years. In fact, AATA is most effective when information is gathered beginning early in the student’s career. Historical information about skills and abilities, interests and motivations can only assist in identification of trends or identify long standing interests. Or can even help identify when a student has had a slow rate of skill development. Participants may wish to discuss what types of information are gathered in the elementary years that could be passed on to middle and high school teams that could be helpful in the AATA process. 45

46 Information for the AATA is only information gathered from age 14 and older.
TRUE FALSE FALSE While IDEIA REQUIRES that information be gathered starting at age 14, it is important to document what we already know about the student from previous experiences. Much information can be collected related to the student’s learning style, medical background, preferences and interests well before age 14. Again, we want to reinforce that information for AATA begins with what we know to be true about the student, which means it can be gathered for many years prior to 14 and for many years after age 14. 46

47 4. Transition assessment is primarily for youth with severe disabilities
TRUE FALSE FALSE Many assessment approaches may be created with one disability population in mind, other assessments are appropriate for all youth. What is most important is for you to familiarize yourself with each assessment measure and determine it’s usefulness to the overall transition process. Don’t assume that a certain instrument or method is not appropriate for a particular student because of his or her label or disability category. Oftentimes, accommodations can be made so that a particular assessment can used effectively to meet the ability level of the student. AATA must be completed for all students that have an IEP starting no later than age 14. However, the assessment process will be different and may be evolve more easily for some students than for others. In some cases, based on the student’s post-secondary goals and course of study, AATA may include many of the typical assessments, activities, and experiences that all students must complete. For example, a student on an IEP that is planning to attend college would likely need to complete SAT/PSAT in the same way that any student desiring to attend college. Other typical experiences that might be included as AATA are those that allow students to explore careers. Academic assessments for those desiring to pursue college are also appropriate to consider in the AATA process. For a student with more significant disability, assessments may include tools designed to identify strengths or to identify how a student functions in a variety of settings. 47

48 The purpose of AATA is to provide data that serves as the common thread in the transition process. It is used as the basis for defining measureable post-secondary goals and services aligned with/ or in support of the student’s identified future plans TRUE FALSE TRUE The information obtained from AATA assists to prioritize educational activities and experiences, assists in progress monitoring and will allow teams to identify gaps in important skill development related to the post-secondary goals. The intent of AATA is to provide meaningful, useful and relevant information about the student. The information can then be used to help guide the student’s secondary programming in a way that the student is likely to achieve the desired post-school goals. Ongoing AATA may also cause a student to recognize the need to modify post-school goals if progress and motivation changes during those secondary years. 48

49 6. “Age-Appropriate” means Developmental Age.
TRUE FALSE FALSE Age Appropriate refers to CHRONOLOGICAL Age …… NOT Developmental. AATA should include activities, assessments, content, environments, instruction and/or materials that reflect a student’s chronological age and focus and inform future environments, regardless of the functioning level of the student or the current skill levels In the early years of a child’s life we often focus on “developmentally appropriate”…however as a youth begins to focus on his/her life as an adult, the focus of activities and programming also needs to begin a focus on adult life. The following slides may help explain this concept 49

50 Yvette : 17 year old student PS Goal: To work for a pet groomer
Assessment Info Developmental View Reads on first grade level Cries when she is corrected Enjoys playing with young children / juvenile games Focus on reading first grade materials/primers Ignore her cries (do not reinforce with attention) OR Comfort her with hugs and rocking (as one would do a young child) Play games with her in the classroom such as Candyland Yvette is 17 and has shown an interest and basic skill in pet grooming, It is conceivable that she could assist in a pet grooming business as she exits high school. The assessment information on the left indicates that Yvette is developmentally below her 17 years of age. Let’s compare a developmental view of Yvette with a chronological view. First Developmental: Yvette reads on a first grade level. In a Developmental View we might focus on finding first grade level reading materials to provide her both information and content while in school . Yvette cries when she is corrected. Because of her seemingly young developmental level, one might attempt to just ignore the emotional outburst and work through the tears. Or, some might find themselves wanting to rock and comfort Yvette as one would a young child. Finally, Yvette enjoys juvenile games such as Candyland. One would then be tempted to engage her by playing these games in the classroom or for free time. 50 50

51 Yvette : 17 year old student PS Goal: To work for a pet groomer
Assessment Info Chronological View Reads on first grade level Cries when she is corrected Enjoys playing with young children / juvenile games What information will she need to be able to read and understand related to pet grooming? Pet name? Owner Name? Allergies? What coping skills will she need when her boss corrects her work? When a customer is unhappy with work? Is there are career opportunity that involves both children and pets? Let’s switch now to a chronological view: Reads on 1st grade level? In the adult world that she will be entering, we might fast forward our thinking to ask how we can teach her the important information that she will need to know, such as the pet’s name and the owner’s name? Or allergies that the animal might have. If this is not 1st grade level skill, then one needs to either target teaching specific information or possibly discover ways to modify the reading requirements (say by adding pictures or technology) so that she will be successful in the literacy aspects of her chosen career. Cries when corrected? This may not be as easy for a customer or employer to overlook as a teacher or parent. So, now the chronological view allows us to think about what skills she needs to learn in order that she does not break down every time she is given a correction while working with the groomer. Or this may also tell us that her minimal coping skills will require a low demand job (although we do not want to under-estimate her abilities) Finally, if we know that Yvette enjoys and is motivated by children’s games , perhaps we can expand her career options and potential success if we explore careers that offer the opportunity to play with children as well as have some responsibility with animals. A day care that also has pets perhaps? These examples show that the information gained from AATA needs to be placed in the context of the next environment in order for it to inform the vision, the goals and the direction of the educational program. This example also demonstrates how AATA can be used to confirm that a student is on a viable post school path or if other options might need to be considered that are a better match with a student’s preferences, interests, needs and strengths 51 51

52 7. AATA include only standardized instruments that will render a valid and reliable score
TRUE FALSE FALSE AATA includes formal and informal assessments. Observation, checklists, interviews are very appropriate and often necessary to gain meaningful information. This is especially true for students with low incidence disabilities that may not respond well to formal, standardized instruments. Types of Non-Standardized or Informal Assessments that might be used include: Interviews and Surveys, Behavior Observation Forms, Rating Scales, Situational Assessments, Curriculum Based Assessments, Environmental or Ecological Assessments, Medical Information Person-Centered Planning Procedures We now know that this is not true. AATA uses formal and informal assessments such as the examples list on this slide. However, “Valid and reliable” ARE terms that can be applied to AATA, ……just not in reference to a “score”….but instead in reference to information about the student’s interests, strengths, needs, motivations and aptitude. This information should provide a “reliable” picture of the student as he/she moves more closely to adult life. 52

53 Quick Talk Current Practices
What does transition assessment look like in your district/setting? Is one person in charge? How does the team plan assessment activities? What kind of assessment activities have typically been used? What happens to the results? What type of information do you include in the summary of the AATA data on the IEP? How do you go about parent consent? So…let’s take a look at the current transition practices in your district or building. Use the questions below to spark discussion. How does the team PLAN assessment activities? Are strategies and methods chosen for the purpose of gathering specific information? Is the planning process guided by questions that describe what information needs to be known? Is the assessment process unique to each student? Differing tools, strategies, methods, environments depending on what info is needed? Does the team meet to analyze the results and consider what impact the new information has on current post-school plans? Are the results used to determine and/or revise planned services? Take 5 minutes to discuss this among your colleagues or to jot done your thoughts. If the answers do not reflect a systematic, individualized process, this is an area that you and others in your district may wish to target in order to improve the development of AATA and Use of AATA information. 53

54 Element 3: What is the Function of AATA
Dependent on “Future Planning” statement to set a direction early as place to start Can include many of the same sources and methods as any student assessment, but context for interpreting the data is different Select assessment methods, settings and tools to answer specific questions about individual students Good data is dependent on having at least a direction to begin – set by the student’s future planning statement that represent meaningful and “meaty” discussions with families Still want to look at all the typical existing sources for data about student abilities and performance (class work grades, state assessments, observation, progress data, observation, etc.) But when that information is used as AATA the measuring stick is different – not school context, but instead, adult living, working, learning contexts Specific methods, settings and tools to gather targeted information for each student may also be needed, depending on what data and info we need to “check out” For example, if a student is interested in working full time after graduating, we may need to know about his or her ability to follow verbal directions or we might want to work with the student to figure out what kind of setting they prefer to work in, or what kind of aptitudes and needs they have for working in a job that requires interaction with customers. That’s a little about AATA, lets look at what it means to you 54

55 What is the Purpose of AATA?
NOT to Direct NOT to Limit options Process to use data and facts to confirm or refute that student’s post school intentions are a good “fit” Keep your eye on where you are going! Remember, AATA is used to inform the development of the transition plan as well as to help monitor progress . It helps us know where we are and how we need to proceed to reach post-school goals. It should not be used to limit a student’s options. It may help focus a student , but should not be used to dash dreams . AATA is the glue that holds together the other components of the IEP. So, let’s pull all this together with as case study …..remember (Jeffrey or Miguel)? 55 55

56 But… What if the student’s goals are “unrealistic”?
What if the student hasn’t determined any goals?

57 Comprehensive AATA designed to inform each student’s post school plans includes consideration of gathering info from any of these areas While AATA is planned individually for each student, districts need to do this planning within a system – just like IEP development School personnel need a consistent planning process, a bank of resources and time with colleagues in and outside of the school and with the student to discuss what the results mean for the student’s post school goals, what additional info needs to be developed in the continuous loop of asking and answering AATA questions

58 How To Gather Information
Often….we tend to link the three areas of adult outcomes with specific kinds of courses of study 58 58 58

59 How To Gather Information
And in planning for assessment related to post school goals in these areas tend to confine our thinking about possible assessment tools and sources of information only to those most closely aligned to each area For example, use academic assessments to learn more about academic skills and aptitudes, use vocational and career assessments for employment, use assessment that provide data and information about functional skills for independent living This is a good place to start organizing and planning for assessment, but keep in mind that……….(next slide) 59 59 59

60 Concerning the domain of Independent Living, what determines when it is appropriate to develop a post-school goal in this area? “When appropriate” means when data and information indicates there is a need Are goals in the Independent Living area appropriate only for students with significant disabilities? NO The area of Independent Living includes all the skills it takes to manage living in the world as an adult Includes performance and cognitive skills such as problem solving, decision making, communicating needs and wants, requesting assistance in addition to daily living and self care skills Includes self-advocacy and self-determination skills The team may not know without some assessment what needs there may be for independent living Then based on data and information gathered through AATA the team can decide if the student has need which require ongoing support into adult life and therefore a post-school goal in this area

61 Types of Transition Assessments
Facilitators Notes: “There are two types of transition assessment, formal and informal.” Formal and Informal 61 61

62 Formal Transition Assessment
To learn about a wide variety of skill levels in various areas (e.g., vocational, academic, social) Published tests: scores that compare students to others A starting point Facilitators Notes: “Formal assessments are used for learning about a wide variety of skill levels in various areas (e.g., vocational, academic, social).” “They include published assessments that compare student scores to those of others.” “This is a starting place for assessment because typically students have undergone an evaluation (e.g., three-year reevaluation) that includes various formal assessments.” 62 62

63 Types of Formal Assessments
Learning style inventories Academic achievement tests (Woodcock Johnson) Adaptive behavior scales (Vineland) Aptitude tests (Differential Aptitude Test) Interest inventories (Self-Directed Search [Forms E, R, and Explorer] Facilitators Notes: “Examples of formal assessments are: Learning style inventories Academic achievement tests (Woodcock Johnson) Adaptive behavior scales (Vineland) Aptitude tests (Differential Aptitude Test) Interest inventories (Self-Directed Search [Forms E, R, and Explorer]” 63 63

64 Informal Transition Assessments
Observing the student in various academic and work experiences Talking with the student about likes and dislikes Setting up experiences to allow the student to try something that that may be of interest Often teacher-made Often does not result in a score Facilitators Notes: “Informal assessments involve systematically observing students in various academic, work, and social situations to determine what skills they currently have to be successful in that environment as well as skills that need development.” “Informal assessment involves talking to students, families, and other stakeholders about a students likes and dislikes.” “It also involves setting up experiences for students to allow them an opportunity to experience something that may be of interest.” “Informal assessments are often teacher-made.” “It is anecdotal information as opposed to a number score.” 64 64

65 Types of Informal Assessments
Observation: watching or listening to an individual’s behavior and recording relevant information Interviews/ Questionnaires: structured or unstructured conversations through question-and- answer format Environmental Analysis: carefully examining the environment in which an activity normally occurs Curriculum based assessments: task-analysis, portfolio assessments, work sample analysis, criterion-referenced tests (Test, Aspel, & Everson, Transition Methods for Youth with Disabilities) Facilitators Notes: “Informal assessments could include Observation: watching or listening to an individual’s behavior and recording relevant information Interviews/ Questionnaires: structured or unstructured conversations through question-and-answer format Environmental Analysis: carefully examining the environment in which an activity normally occurs Curriculum based assessments: task-analysis, portfolio assessments, work sample analysis, criterion-referenced tests” 65 65

66 In Summary Continuous and dynamic, not an event
Age Appropriate Transition Assessment is: Continuous and dynamic, not an event Planned uniquely for each student Guided by questions that describe what needs to be known about the student Defines any gap between current skills and demands of future endeavors Specific to the context of the student’s future intentions and environments 66

67 What does AATA on the IEP look like? (Section 4)
Name the assessment or type of assessment method List the date(s) or refer to time period in which it was conducted Summarize results relevant to postsecondary goals Synthesize information across assessment results Link the results to postsecondary environments document on the IEP is the “headlines” of the each assessment conducted Name the assessment (Becker Reading-Free Interest Inventory) or type of assessment (interview with student) List the date or dates when the assessment was conducted (career assessment at Buckeyes Rule Career Center week of April 5, 2010) and the time period in which it was conducted (observed student over several weeks in math class fall term 2009) so people reading the IEP (who may be agency people) know how current the info is) Summarize (briefly) the results of each assessment that are most germane to informing post-school goals. For example, if the student who participated in the career assessment at the career center, may have experienced a number of different types of jobs and job tasks over several days and the school likely received an extensive report about the student's performance there. For AATA in the IEP, summarize only pertinent information such as aptitude or performance on tasks related to what the student is interested in doing after graduating, such as summarizing results of tasks requiring manual dexterity for a student whose post-school goal is to work as a welder. Then looking across these individual assessment summaries, synthesize the information to help confirm or refute the student’s post-school path, forming conclusions, making inferences. The assessment info and data should be congruent with what the student plans to do – it should indicate the student is on the way to gaining the skills and experiences he or she needs as well as indicate what the “next steps” are 67

68 Age Appropriate Transition Assessment Information
According to the WAIS-R administered on 09/10/09, Jamarreo’s performance IQ is in the high average range while his Verbal IQ is in the low average range. He also performed in the high average range on the Differential Aptitude Test –Mechanical Comprehension and Spatial Reasoning subtests. These results suggest Jamarreo has potential of meeting his postsecondary goals of being a self-employed welder.

69 Age Appropriate Transition Assessment Information
Jamarreo reported to his special education case manager on 3/22/06 during an informal interview that he has worked part time in his uncle’s metal shop for the past year and is interested in welding as a career. Career Planning Survey completed in 2005 and then the Work Adjustment Inventory completed March, 2009 suggest Jamarreo has strengths in the area of mechanical work and will likely be a “serious, dedicated employee.”

70 Postsecondary Goal: Employment
Upon graduation from high school, Jamarreo will work part-time as a shop helper in his uncle’s shop to gain experience in the automotive repair industry.

71 Age Appropriate Transition Assessment Information
According to the Woodcock Johnson, administered 9/15/05, his academic achievement in reading and written language is below average. His psychological report and placement paperwork has identified Jamarreo has having an emotional and behavioral disorder as well as a specific learning disability in written expression, oral language processing, and reading. With the provision of the testing accommodations identified in Jamarreo’s IEP (extended time and separate testing location), he demonstrated proficiency on all end of course exams required for 10th and 11th grade. These findings suggest that Jamarreo may need time limited supports after graduation from high school as he transitions into a postsecondary educational setting and employment.

72 Postsecondary Goal: Education and Training
Upon graduation from high school, Jamarreo will attend Central Piedmont Community College and participate in the welding industry certificate program meeting the requirements to attain an Entry Level Welding Certificate.

73 Postsecondary Goal: Education & Employment
After graduation from Central Piedmont Community College, Jamarreo will obtain a small business license and contract out his services as a welder in his uncle’s shop.

74 Age Appropriate Transition Assessment Information
In an informal interview with his family in preparation for the IEP meeting, mother noted concerns about Jamarreo’s lack of concern for legal consequences of his behavior. His uncle and mother are pleased that Jamarreo intends on furthering his education and are proud of the skills he has developed thus far.

75 Age Appropriate Transition Assessment Information
An audiological report was completed as part of the three year reevaluation. A note from his pediatrician dated 8/15/09 states he continues to require use of a hearing aid and will need assistance with proper maintenance and care.

76 Postsecondary Goal: Independent Living
(1) After graduation, Jamarreo will follow the laws of his community, demonstrating an understanding of the need for laws to ensure his and others’ safety. (2)After graduation, Jamarreo will maintain his hearing equipment by attending annual check ups with audiologist.

77 Resources for AATA Development
NSTTAC AATA Tool Kit “Quick Book” from the Transition Services Liaison Project in SD 77

78 Resources for AATA Development
Career Direction Formula Taken from: How to find Work that Works for People with Asperger Syndrome by Gail Hawkins

79 Career Direction Formula How to find Work that Works for People with Asperger Syndrome - Gail Hawkins Sample Interest List Brain Stretching Chart Job Viability Checklist Slide Adapted from Chris Filler, OCALI

80 Interest List String Animals Videos and Cartoons Music Eating Cars
Let’s take a look at one more. A different person. And a different skill and interest list. (Read it through) So…let’s choose “string” Eating Cars Pacing 80

81 Brain Stretching String Untangling yarn in fabric store
Detailing team for cars Department Store Removing string from new clothing, rugs, blankets, etc. Packaging Company Gift Wrapping Stock Area Crafts Store Cleaning Artist Getting creative opens up some ideas 81

82 Viability What Type of Social Skills?
Specific Social Understanding and Knowledge? Types and Quality of Communication Skills? Steps in the Task/Job? Ability to Request Help? Type and Level of Fine Motor Skills? ….and more….. Ask the questions again. Specific to the next environment., And then teach to those skills. Honoring the student interest and build on that interest. What may become more of a target for skill development are the social competencies and communication skills. 82

83 Reflect / Review IEP Review and reflect on an IEP you brought to the training Does the AATA information: provide a summary of the student’s preferences, interests, needs and strengths? Do assessment tools/methods gather specific info? Are results summarized/interpreted in relation to adult outcomes? Are the questions ongoing and/or dynamic? Can you determine a multi-year focus on transition needs? Is information provided informally by the student, family and others? Can you identify other needed information? How would you gather that additional information? Review the IEP you brought with you using slide 41 “What does AATA look like on the IEP?” and Slide 42 “case study” Using these two slides to review your IEP lets you view the AATA summary in Section 4 through two different lens: Slide 41 describes features the summary of the information ought to include so that it communicates effectively to others about the student’s movement toward post school goals And Slide 42 describes the quality and comprehensiveness of the information gathered

84 Indicator 13 Element 4: Transition Services Aligned to Outcomes

85 Compliance Requirements Indicator 13 Checklist
ST 4. Are there transition services in the IEP that will reasonably enable the student to meet his or her postsecondary goal(s)? (Note: ST=Secondary Transition) The compliance requirement is that the transition services are connected to the postsecondary goals so that they provide the student with skills, opportunities, supports, connections or services to move closer to achieving post school goals.

86 What are Transition Services?
The term transition services is defined as a coordinated set of activities for a student with a disability designed: To be within a results-oriented process To improve the academic and functional achievement of the student with a disability To facilitate movement from school to post-school activities including: postsecondary education vocational education integrated employment (including supported employment) continuing and adult education adult services independent living or community participation Transition services defined in federal law Within a plan developed to produce a result, an adult outcome That plan built on looking at both academic (what student knows) and functional (what student is able to do and think) skills To provide opportunities for student to gain skills and make the progress required to fulfill post school intentions Broadly, those post school environments could be further education or training for a specific career, a job (independently or with planned support), further education or training in an environment other than a 2 or 4 year college, services from a provider that serves adults – DD, RSC, SSA, an adult place to live, ways to be a citizen and have enjoyable leisure time Individually designed based on info and data about the student gained through AATA 86

87 What are Transition Services? Multiple Types
Transition services are based on the individual child’s needs, taking into account their strengths, preferences, and interests Transition Services can include, but are not limited to: Instruction Related service Community experience Development of employment and other post-school adult living objectives, including acquisition of daily living skills (when appropriate) Functional vocational evaluation Not required that each student receive each type of service   The services are to be connected to the specific student’s needs, based on data and information gained through AATA Not intended that a student have a transition service in each category Services include instructional services – something the student needs to learn about or how to do, or increase in skills/aptitude, or decrease (such as a behavior that would interfere with success in a postsecondary education environment or on a job) It might be a related services – defined the same way as related services we are accustomed to that are connected to annual goals An experience, related to employment, mobility, daily living skills in the community Or anything else in any environment that would provide the student with needed learning or experience Or a more formal career assessment, such as that provided by a career center or agency The categories serve to spark discussion and consideration of the broad array of types of services 87

88 Transition Services Transition Services are designed to help make a connection or a link Not a single isolated activity Viewed as part of a larger plan to move successfully towards adult outcomes NOT a Single Service…part of a Multi-Year Plan In summary, transition services are developed for an individual student – not all students need all services Services have direct and geniuine connectino to one or more of the student’s post school goals Part of a multi-year transition plan – services to be provided beyond the current school year can be listed

89 At Least One Service per Goal
Each Post School Goal must have at least one identified and associated transition service The same service can be identified for more than one post school goal For each post school goal, there must be at least one associated service Some services may serve more than one post school goal However the connection of that service to the post school goal needs to be direct and genuine For example, providing the student with the opportunity to search the Ohio Career Information System website for information about various careers could be genuinely connected to both an employed and education/training goal Or providing the student instruction in developing more independent hygiene and grooming skills might be connected to independent living as well as employment

90 Who is the Person or Agency Responsible?
School district must assure needed services are available May be provided by other agencies Student or parent can not be listed as person responsible If an agency fails to provide or pay for a planned service, the school must reconvene the IEP meeting and determine another source for or way to provide the needed transition service On the IEP, in Section 5 where transition services are documented you must also identify the person or agency responsible for providing the service List the title of the person or agency responsible for each service/activity. Please note that the only titles entered in this section are either public school employees or the public or private agency responsible for the listed service/activity. The names of the child’s parents or the title “parent” as well as the child’s name or the title “child” or “student” should not be entered in this section. The IEP documents the educational needs of a child and records the special education and related services that will be provided to the child by the public school district, including public and private agencies the district may be working with, to provide support and services. The school district is responsible for ensuring that the student receives all services determined by the IEP team to be necessary for FAPE. When an agency fails to provide or pay for a planned service, the school must reconvene the IEP meeting and determine another source for or way to provide for the student’s need as indicated in the IEP. For example, if an agency planned to provide a summer work program and funding for it was not received as anticipated, the IEP team would reconvene and find another way for the student to gain work experience during the summer, perhaps through another agency or funding source.

91 Possible Transition Services for Jamarreo
Work-based instruction with a local welder Instruction related to workplace social behavior Referral to Medicaid for augmentative communication device coverage (i.e., hearing aid) What else??

92 This is what should be accomplished by the time he leaves high school
Miguel's Backwards Planning Chart Steps to close the gap Upon graduation from high school Miguel will enroll in a four year college After earning a degree from a university, Miguel will pursue a career as a college level history professor, or as a meteorologist. Miguel will live independently in a private dorm room while attending college. Transition Area 16 17 18 Instruction Verbal prompt to use counting back strategy Fade verbal prompt use iPod picture cue Competent, consistent use of coping strategies Community Experiences Research colleges that provide compatible academic program and dorm facilities Narrow college choices Conduct college visits, including disability services offices Application to college has been submitted Employment Objectives Job shadowing in careers of interest (history professor, meteorologist) Summer intern job related to career of interest Gather enough information to make an informed decision between history and math as a major in for bachelor degree Adult Living Objectives Review AATA results with Miguel, with emphasis on him understanding his sensory needs Work with Miguel on having him identify strategies to accommodate his needs Advocate for his needs in college and community Linkages with Adult Services Invite mental health counselor to IEP Assist Miguel in making referral to adult mental health provider Complete intake/eligibility with adult system mental health provider Related Services Speech Path to work on turn taking in conversation Assistive Tech for note taking he can use in college Social skill competence Course of Study College prep with honors courses in math and science Be academically prepared to pursue advanced degrees An example of a plan developed using backwards planning Walk through a couple examples Services to close the gap between current skills and needed skills by graduation

93 Jeffrey’s Backward Planning Chart
After leaving high school, Jeffrey will work in the community with supported or customized employment in a job that makes use of his interests and strengths Once Jeffrey has completed high school, he will enroll in adult education classes to further his daily living and independence skills Jeffrey will live at home with his parents after he finishes high school until his is eventually able to move into a supervised group home. Transition Area 16 17 18 19 20 21 Instruction Functional Behavior Assessment, BIP Observation of transition in various environments in and out of school Implement cues, prompts, supports interventions with work supervisors Continue Transition without incident from one activity to another Community Experiences Observational Assessment of skills related to community ex: safety, shopping, etc. Access community setting to practice social and safety skills Explore potential adult education classes Community Travel assessment Participate in adult service class of choice Enroll in selected adult service classes Employment Objectives Interest Inventories, i.e. Choicemaker Becker Reading Free Job Shadow in areas matching preference and strengths Supervised in school work experiences Job Coach for community job Part-time supported employment in the community Adult Living ELSA Daily grooming checklist with video game reward Instruct in grooming skills specific to work place Daily hygiene routines following gym class Use Video Modeling re: appearances in various community environments Independent, consistent with hygiene and personal appearance Linkages with Adult Services Invite SSA to IEP meeting Explore waivers Make referral to RSC Application to SSI Continue RSC and DD meetings and updates Meet with Potential adult service providers Waiting list for group home Job coach Related Services Choose a communication device or system Speech/AT eval How to use device in structured social environments (SLP/AT Specialist) Instruct in use of device in specific work situations (SLP) Expand instruction use of device in additional work environments Travel Training Communicate with peers and adults at work and home Backwards planning – determine when (at what age) student will graduate – Jeff’s team is planning for him to stay in school until age 21. For an area of concern, work in the column representing the age at graduation For example, Jeff’s team expects that by age 21 he will have a part-time job in the community, using supported employment, probably with a job coach Once the team is clear what “it needs to look like” at graduation, they can now more easily determine what needs to happen right now (this school year) and map out what will need to happen in subsequent school years to achieve the outcome stated by graduation Also helps team determine how much progress must be made each year and at what pace to stay on track For Jeff, the team decided they first needed more information about Jeff’s career preference, interests and strengths. (AATA) They chose a couple instruments that would be age appropriate for Jeff, the Choicemaker curriculum which is a longer, more in depth way to work with youth in determining preferences, interests and strengths. Also will use the Becker Reading Free Interest Inventory. Even though Jeff is a reader, the team knows he will engage more in pictures than in text During sophomore year, plan for job shadowing, knowing that Jeff doesn’t transition well from one activity to another, what to try him out in a number of different situations that match his interests and preferences to see how the environments effect his behavior and what supports he would need in various environments (AATA). Also give the team a chance to extend the Behavior Intervention plan to environments that put different demands on Jeff Junior year, plan is to get him some work experience, part day at an in-school job. The team will use info gathered from job shadows to find a match with his interests at a job where he can be closely supervised and where Jeff can build additional worker skills, identified as needs in ELSA and observations of job shadows By senior year, plan for a job coach and part time community job 93

94 Transition Service and/or AATA Resource Examples
Ohio Career Information System Career One Stop O*Net OnLine Drive of Your Life

95 Reflect / Review IEP Review and reflect on an IEP that you brought to the training Do these services link to the Post School goals in the Transition Plan? Are there other services that would be more appropriate or additional services that might need to be added? Have participants bring an IEP or IEPs that they wish to use to help apply the process. Assist the participants to understand at while they may develop some excellent ideas and improvements to plans, they will not be able to make any substantial changes to IEP without a team meeting.

96 Indicator 13 Element 5: Course of Study Alignment

97 Compliance Requirements Indicator 13 Checklist
ST 5. Do the transition services include courses of study that will reasonably enable the student to meet his or her postsecondary goal(s)? (note: ST = Secondary Transition) Already discussed course of study as in Ohio, it is an age 14 requirement. It also is an item in the I-13 checklist.

98 Courses of Study: “Ohio Core”
How do students with disabilities participate in the Ohio Core Curriculum? How does this affect course of study? 1st time 9th graders in Course of study must include how student will complete Core Consider implications for graduation and diploma See guidance at keyword search “Core” for specific guidance about options for student participation in Core coursework Begins with this year’s 9th graders

99 Courses of Study: “What is It?”
Multi-Year Focus Descriptions of how the student will be involved in the general curriculum Examples: Advanced academics = 4-year college preparation Regular academics = 2-year college or employment preparation Career and technical = technical school or employment preparation Applied academics = employment or independent living preparation Community-based training = preparation for specific environments What are the typical options for course of study in your school? Is it all preplanned in set courses? Are there particular requirements relevant to the student’s future plans? Key word here is “multi- year” These are typical options that might exist in a school – your district may call them something else The team should make an intentional decision about the course of study and any specific classes that a student might need 99

100 Courses of Study “What is Included?”
What supports will the student require in order to enroll and participate in the appropriate course(s) of study? Prerequisite courses? Career assessments? Accommodations? Safety issues that need addressed? Hybrid: Individualized Courses of Study? College Prep with Consumer Education College Prep with Life Skills Instruction Applied Academics and Community Based Experiences Explain and discuss the issue of hybrid and individualized. For a student on an IEP, it may be necessary to select and customize a unique course of study that meets the student’s unique needs to enable the student to reasonably meet his or her postsecondary goals 100

101 Course of Study: “How to Decide”
Discuss the following: What classes will the student need to prepare for his/her intended job or career? Does the student intend to go to college? Is the student planning to enroll in a career/tech program while in high school? Will the student require direct experience and instruction in life skills? Does the student need authentic experiences in order to learn? What classes will provide the student with skills needed to achieve post school goals? Facilitated discussions and answers to the following questions (and other similar types of questions) may help the team decide on a course of study related to the student’s postsecondary intentions

102 Course of Study: “How to Decide”
Does the student need accommodations or services to support achievement and progress in the general curriculum? Are accommodations and services the student receives now providing the skills the student will need for independence as an adult? Does the student know how to describe to others how his/his disability affects learning, living and working? Can the student self-advocate for appropriate adult accommodations? Facilitated discussions and answers to the following questions (and other similar types of questions) may help the team decide on a course of study related to the student’s postsecondary intentions

103 Course of Study: Important Considerations
Future Planning and Age 14 Statement should provide helpful information related to the transition service needs that are addressed in the course of study Courses of Study will reflect multiple years and be multi-focus Course of Study for each post school goal may be different

104 Reflect / Review IEP Review and reflect on an IEP that you brought to the training Does the course of study in your IEP meet the requirements of Indicator 13 Checklist Element 5? Would you suggest any changes or additions? Have participants bring an IEP or IEPs that they wish to use to help apply the process. Assist the participants to understand at while they may develop some excellent ideas and improvements to plans, they will not be able to make any substantial changes to IEP without a team meeting.

105 Indicator 13: Element 6 Annual Goals Aligned to Post School Outcomes

106 Compliance Requirements Indicator 13 Checklist
ST 6. Is (are) there annual IEP goal(s) related to the student’s transition services needs? (note: ST = Secondary Transition) Indicator 13 checklist Item 6

107 Linking Annual IEP Goal(s) to Postsecondary Goals
Each postsecondary goal must have an associated annual goal(s) At least one Designed to assist student to make progress towards the stated postsecondary goal(s) Does the student have annual IEP goals that will enable the student to meet the postsecondary goal in Item #1. Refer to slide 107 107

108 Indicator 13 Element 7: Student Invited to IEP
Evidenced Based Practices 108 108

109 Compliance Requirements Indicator 13 Checklist
ST 7: Is there evidence that the student was invited to the IEP Team meeting where transition services were discussed?

110 Examples of Evidence Students of any age are required to be invited to IEP meetings where transition is discussed PR-02 addressed to student Student signature as attendee on IEP If student does not attend: District required to take other steps to ensure student’s interests and preferences are considered For example: AATA information that includes student’s PINS Can you think of other examples of how a district can ensure that the student’s interests and preferences are considered? How would you document that

111 Indicator 13 Element 8: Agencies Invited to IEP Meetings

112 Compliance Requirements Indicator 13 Checklist
ST 8. If appropriate, is there evidence that a representative of any participating agency was invited to the IEP Team meeting with the prior consent of the parent or student who has reached the age of majority? (Note: ST = Secondary Transition)

113 Reflect / Review IEP Use the information provided in this presentation related to agency services and eligibility as you review and reflect on an IEP that you brought to the training Have agency referrals been made or considered? Have representatives been invited to the IEP transition meetings Has prior consent been obtained from the parent or student who has reached the age of majority? Should other agencies be considered? Have participants bring an IEP or IEPs that they wish to use to help apply the process. Assist the participants to understand at while they may develop some excellent ideas and improvements to plans, they will not be able to make any substantial changes to IEP without a team meeting.

114 State Support Team Region 1 Postsecondary Transition Resources
Amy Szymanski, Consultant ext Transition Training Materials

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