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Self-Talk for Happiness, Success, and Excellent Communication

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1 Self-Talk for Happiness, Success, and Excellent Communication
RGB Blue (1B75BB) – 27, 117, 187 RGB Grey (7F8084) – 127, 128, 132


3 Thoughts We have between 16K – 50K thoughts a day
80-90% of those thoughts are ones we had the day before The Tetris Effect

4 Activity – Series of Questions
How do you talk to yourself when you do good work?

5 Activity – Series of Questions
How do you talk to yourself when you make a mistake?

6 Activity – Series of Questions
What thoughts come to mind when you think of your job? Now look at your list of thoughts and answer these questions: Are your thoughts more positive or negative in nature? (Maybe another way to look at this is productive vs. unproductive) How do your thoughts impact your performance? Do they propel you forward or are they obstacles you have to overcome?

7 Strategies to Control Your Self-Talk

8 Classifying Thoughts Temporary Permanent Generalized Positive Thoughts
Local Negative Thoughts People with healthy self-talk keep their negative thoughts specific to that situation and see them as temporary. For example, instead of, “I always screw up at work.” They might say, “I’m not good at this specific task right now.”

9 Be Your Own Therapist How am I feeling about this conversation, new piece of information, work performance, etc. What’s making me feel this way? How would others respond if they heard you saying these things out loud? Some of you might think, “I would never say these things out loud.” Be careful as this can lead to incongruence in life. Incongruency means feeling one way but acting incongruent to that feeling. This can cause significant stress at times. What are other ways I could respond?


11 The Miracle Question Key Points:
We can change our thoughts and we can start immediately. I think I enjoy this question and line of thinking because I had to switch my thoughts immediately after being diagnosed with epilepsy.

12 Happiness “The experience of positive emotions-pleasure combined with deeper feelings of meaning and purpose”

13 Happiness Fuels Success
Recent advances in the field of positive psychology has shown that happiness actually fuels success Happiness causes us to be more: Creative Engaged Energetic Resilient Productive

14 Ways to Boost Happiness
Don't wait - Raise happiness levels in the present Find meaning & purpose at work Connect to the people around you Perceive stress as enhancing Practice happiness hygiene – Find a two minute daily habit Think of 3 things you are grateful for each day Journal about a positive experience Meditate by watching your breath go in and out Write a positive to someone

15 Ways to Boost Happiness (cont.)
Commit Conscious Acts of Kindness – Performing altruistic acts causes people to feel happier and the positive feeling lasts for many days after the act is performed. Exercise a Signature Strength – Pick a signature strength to use in a new way each day Leave stress where it belongs – Don’t take your work stress home with you. If you do, you will never have an opportunity to recharge.

16 What is one thing you will take away from this training?
Final Thought What is one thing you will take away from this training?

17 Thank you! 303-725-3008
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