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Russia and the end of the War

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1 Russia and the end of the War

2 QUIZ Russia and the end of the War What was the Nazi Soviet Pact?
Why did Stalin sign the agreement? Two reasons Hitler wanted to invade Russia. 4. Complete the battle name – O _ _ _ A _ _ O _ B _ _ B _ _ _ _ _ _ 5. What were some of the early German successes? 6. Name two reasons that Russia eventually won. 7. What did the Russians prepare at Stalingrad? 8. Who won at Stalingrad? 9. Why? 10. What is so significant about this?

3 QUIZ 1. What was the Nazi Soviet Pact? Agreement of non aggression
2. Why did Stalin sign the agreement? Protect himself against Hitler, rejection from the rest of Europe 3. Two reasons Hitler wanted to invade Russia. Defeat communism, more living space, Soviets as slaves and the resources Russia had 4. Complete the battle name – O _ _ _ A _ _ O _ B _ _ B _ _ _ _ _ _ OPERATION BARBOROSSA 5. What were some of the early German successes? Surprised, many casualties 6. Name two reasons that Russia eventually won. Hitler’s racism, geography, the Russian people, Stalin’s leadership 7. What did the Russians prepare at Stalingrad? Underground passages, fortress 8. Who won at Stalingrad? Russia 9. Why? Hitler did not change tactics, they got surrounded, supplies were difficult to get to the German front line, weather 10. What is so significant about this? Turning point of the war on the Eastern Front

4 Russia and the end of the War

5 Reasons for overall Russian success
By the end of 1941, German advance had been halted because… Stalin initially told soldiers to retreat in order to save them for the defence of Moscow and Petrograd.

6 Reasons for overall Russian success
By the end of 1941, German advance had been halted because… Scorched Earth policy – burning everything behind them meant there was nothing for the Germans and their supply lines became longer.

7 Reasons for overall Russian success
By the end of 1941, German advance had been halted because… I’M NEW Changed the leaders of the army.

8 Reasons for overall Russian success
By the end of 1941, German advance had been halted because… Propaganda motivating Soviet resistance

9 Reasons for overall Russian success
By the end of 1941, German advance had been halted because… Extreme weather conditions – heavy rains in November followed by freezing over and more snow. Petrol froze and many soldiers died because of frost bite.

10 What can these two sources tell us about reasons for the survival of the USSR?

11 What can these two sources tell us about reasons for the survival of the USSR?

12 1942 Stalingrad Reminder – Hitler’s first major European defeat
Great morale booster Ended the German threat of invasion Pushing the German armies back

13 APRIL 1945 Soviet Troops entered Berlin

14 On the worksheet label the positive effects of the war on the Soviet Union and the negative ones

15 Russia after the war Any prediction of what it was like?

16 What does this show us about the attitude in Russia following the victory?
What situation presented itself for Russian people?

17 Remind me what this means?
PURGE Remind me what this means?

18 People Stalin purged after the war (hasn’t he killed enough?!?!)
Purges Any groups that he suspected of co- operating with the Germans e.g deporting entire ethnic groups such as Crimean Tartars Intellectuals People Stalin purged after the war (hasn’t he killed enough?!?!)

19 EXAMPLE: Georgi Malenkov
Being groomed as Stalin’s successor Therefore, Stalin promoted younger members to lessen his influence.

20 Marshall Zhukov Removed from his post in the army because his increased popularity during the war

21 Doctors’ Plot 1953 Imaginary plot to murder Stalin which began a purge of the Jews just before Stalin's death.

22 Questions Were the hopes expressed in Source F realised in the years ? Why did Stalin commit these purges?

23 PURGE Position Improvement or change
OVERALL The war bought no in Stalin’s approach. He continued to ruthlessly any groups or individuals he believed might threaten his . PURGE Position Improvement or change

24 Return to your timeline and add these events
1939 Nazi-Soviet Pact 1941 Germany invades Russia 1945 The Russian army enters Berlin. End of the Second World War 1946–49 Purges of the Jews 1949 Russia develops an atomic bomb

25 How significant was the Second World War in catapulting the Russian agenda onto the world stage?

26 Tomorrow and EASTER I am going to give you a mock exam – because we have very little content left to cover!! Easter – your homework is to REVISE!!!!!! Flexi – Wednesday 30th March – if you are annoying I will kick you out. When we return we will be finishing off Russia and then it will be revision revisions revision

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