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The Big Ideas Entrepreneurship The ability to make money through the development of products and situations appropriate to different markets requires.

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Presentation on theme: "The Big Ideas Entrepreneurship The ability to make money through the development of products and situations appropriate to different markets requires."— Presentation transcript:

1 The Big Ideas Entrepreneurship The ability to make money through the development of products and situations appropriate to different markets requires application of certain skills.

2 Topic Learning Goals To consolidate all the skills learnt during Key Stage 3 by creating a remix using a given bass You should be able to:- *Play melodies and rhythms accurately and fluently. *Use sequencing software – Garage Band or Logic - competently. * Know key terms and facts about the topic as well as key musical terms.

3 Key Terms Hint: use the glossaries on the BBC Bitesize pages
WORD BANK Tempo Dynamics Texture Duration Structure Pitch Timbre Perform Compose Sequence Create Re-mix Arrange Variation Layer Loop Cycle Riff Quantize Timing Metronome Pulse Accompaniment Harmony Drone Bass Line Chord Counter-Melody Melody Rhythm Introduction Verse Chorus Bridge Outro Sing Rap Phrase Articulation Intonation Notation Bass Clef Treble Clef Stave Time Signature

4 The Keyboard

5 Garage Band on i-Pad

6 Logic Pro on i-Mac

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